Hey Sup Forums, recommend me good game to play
Hey Sup Forums, recommend me good game to play
>good games
Here have two.
Pikmin for a good short game with tons of atmosphere.
Bloodborne for a good midlength - long length game with tons of atmosphere and challenge.
Hollow knight
deus ex
super metroid
new vegas
Those are 7/10 games, not 10/10.
Mass Effect: Andromeda
The Specialists
get out
thats a loaded question
because you arent really looking for a "Game" you want a single player narrative driven experience, aka movie games, youre just bored and want to be full of drama from some b grade writing some skinner box can provide
youre best bet if thats what you are, a complete fucking pleb, is to get a new hobby and just watch movies instead
t. Sup Forums
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
Witcher 3
Gothic 2
Here you go.
Hotline Miami
super mario 64
Aw shit someone mentioned it. Looks like it's time to install Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines again.
>tfw can't think of single game I liked that Sup Forums recommended
Dwarf fort maybe? Minecraft?
At least in last 7 years.
Alundra if you like thought riddles
Hollow Knight if you like metroidvania
Little Nightmares if you like tim burton kinda atmosphere and can get it below 20$
What remains of edith finch if you like good walkingsims/story/narrative games.
mario brothers
noone on Sup Forums plays games retard
Half-Life 2.
Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Metro 2033
Pillars of Eternity
New Vegas
Yakuza 0
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland