>ugh, sorry, you can't use this default iconic outfit for a character on our tv broadcast! please change that immediately!
Ugh, sorry...
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leotards are fucking retarded anyway, she looks so much better in casual clothes
that's fucking nasty
That's what they get for airing on fucking Disney Channel
Is it true that Mika was banned for this reason?
How did SFM using this model not take off more than it did?
God bless the staff responsible for SFV girls.
I want her to sit on my face.
Cammy and Mika can't use their default costumes during espn matches this is well known
What if you refuse to change it? They can't dq you, right?
>not wanting R.Mika to sit on your face
You ought to get your priorities straight.
popular games = more porn. compare the amount of players sf has with LoL, Overwatch, WoW , it's ridiculously smaller, we get some porn tho
Disney owns ESPN.
Not banned, they asked him to use a different costume. No one has challenged it and said no when asked. But yes 100% confirmed he was asked to use Mika's other costume last year
I think lighting in SFV is a bit tricky. Models look much worse without proper lighting. Not Xrd tier worse but still not nearly as good.
They can and they will
Money is more important than the integrity of the entire event
Smash was on Disney. SFV was on ESPN2.
Disney corporation owns both.
I'm not even joking but ESPN won't show women's volleyball anymore because the shorts are so short.
Why is she dressed like a slut for no apparent reason ? Her alternate outfit is > anyway
What a bunch of fucking cucks
I would, if i was a non-american player lol. Kazunoko had to use the Cammy cpt costume i bet that even her story mode costume was banned because of the panty shots
What? Women's volleyball is some tame shit these days.
Regulation sports shorts are tight and make their asses look supple. They also create the little dip that accentuates thigh curves. Plus they're tight enough that you can sometimes get full camel toe.
Some teams are going full leotard and others have gone form fitting spats.
>Why is she dressed like a slut
how long till gymnastics get banned from the us
The giant hands and feet look fucked up outside gameplay.
Also lighting i guess.
Cammy is about as tramp as you get brother.
Well the US is literally muslim tier when it comes to cutting their dicks so i am expecting for them to start forcing their women to wear trashbags like mudslimes do.
Meanwhile the Olympics airs women with their asses out and pussy practically visible, not to mention that practically half of all the events do the same, on day time broadcast tv.
This is how far shit has fallen.
Olympics:Disney not involved
EVO: Disney involved
There's your difference.
Not all events were created equal. I get what you are getting at and personally I could care less about any of the outfits. The reality is all that there is... why be so triggered by it now that it has past.
>over 50% have cut dicks
Is disney a muslim company?
She's a fucking fighter and a spy.
Her cover is being a gymnast :^)
Check mate faggot.
Disney is run by jews.
>tfw not cut
feels good
>not liking leotards
Shit taste if i ever saw it
Walt Disney is an anti-semite
EVO is a fucking joke.
>fighting style around superhuman acrobatic stunts, powerfull kicks and lots of grabs and chokes
Leotard is the only answer for a character like Cammy
agreed, high leg leotard thongs are the best
and now it's run by jews. Literally.
Why wouldn't they say something at the start though. They couldn't have been surprised by it.
muh realism in video-games
This is why gamergate was and still is needed.
Judging by the image you posted you having a dick in any state will never be relevant anyway.
You realize actual female fighters wear even less than Cammy, right?
Exactly. Here's hoping 2Bs popularity creates a resurgence of this god tier clothing
LOL usa
do you have the source on this pic? i'm curious if there's any comment from the artist
Here's hoping esports can go fuck itself so we can get back to catering to what fans want and not goddamn networks
t.a salty muslim/jew with a cut dick
What's more, while it might get a small movement behind it, it ultimately won't go anywhere because no amount of REEEEing can make up that money.
I found it in a comments section on Oneangrygamer when I googled Evo 2017 Cammy to look for info.
I don't know who drew it
Mila's outfit is ugly though .
There's also Celine from hyper universe, blonde, nice ass, braids, bare legs, korea knows what's up.
>tfw you can dry fap
No he wasn't you gullible idiot.
>tfw you can smuggle snacks into movie theaters
and he was also frozen xD
The only benefit you can possibly have is having your smegma covered foreskin abused by a smug loli.
Which is pretty good. Good job.
I have a cut dick and can fap dry just fine??
>that fat af judge
Why is there almost no sfm porn of sf5 models ?
what are they waiting for ?
Wow, they actually did """ASK""" him to change the outfit. Imagine if Kazunoko refused to change the outfit.
Vidya is a toy.
Toys are considered mostly a thing for kiddos.
Advertisers and shit dont give a fuck as long as they make money with as little blow back as possible.
So vidya being a toy that is considered mostly for children is the subject towards this type of thing since adults and chads just don't understanding shit they know nothing about yet are trying to get as much money as possible out of.
Blame puritan values and capitalism more so than ignorance or anything else really.
>ignoring erectile dysfunction is 4 times more prevalent in cutfags
>ignoring women and men both report increased pleasure with uncut penises during sex
>b-but muh 33% reduction in HIV transmission!
literally surgically cucked at birth
Not that I don't believe you user but how does that work exactly?
I have a metric shitton of pre.
they're pretty numb, he probably moves his hand over it with little movement from the skin itself.
video games are toys.
The olympics are not toys.
See the difference? or are you really such a rearward or just blatantly ignoring reality or some shit?
I ain't fucking dudes and women don't know what's good for em, unless theyre bullying loli-doms.
Now you're making me think you have some sort of ultra specific way of going about wanking.
I get it's their network and they have the right to show what they want but this shouldn't be someone to spring on someone at the last second. It's surprising and confusing and honestly makes me feel like there's foul play at work.
I move my hand
up and down
my cock
>implying I was talking about dudes getting fucked and not the fuckees
interestingly homosexuals seem to prefer circumcised penises, I haven't seen actual studies on that though because that's a really obscure and mostly useless question to answer.
are you fucking retarded or something?
normalcocks move the skin up and down, it's like a built in onahole.
it's hard to imagine not having it.
you know how you can rub your palms together and they slide fluently? just like that
I think your foreskin is making it hard for you to think.
based west side
boner killed
I guess I could get it removed and become more enlightened.
Well, anal can be a bit tricky if you are uncut, assuming the anus in question is tight.
It can be a tad uncomfortable to apply the right pressure to the prostate region and still thrust properly, since on a given thrust, the foreskin can be yanked back to where it gets painful, meaning you are unlikely to get the same frenzied anal thrashing from someone with foreskin. You are either going to get a slower pace, or less pressure at that critical location.
LMAO cutfags cannot comprehend how a normal dick works
Man, fuck the tattoo, Cammy should never have a flabby ass.
>flabby ass
>Cammy cosplay
She can cosplay as Rufus just fine though
Will Disney EksDee kids ever recover their lost innocence ?
This only happens if you go in dry
>ESL are the ones making anti-cut threads
>Disney getting mad at attractive white women
you're a fucking idiot
this is leftwing censorship and you know it
No, because they had to watch Sm4sh. The real question is will all the ESPN normies recover.
Who watches ESPN, who is the primary demographic of this fucking channel
If you really think this is left wing censorship you've gone full retard.
Or maybe it's because no one watches women's volleyball. I don't know why you're making up this "ESPN refuses to show skin" thing when the NFL has cheerleaders ffs, and they show gymnastics.
Yeah, it feels better without though.
so you were circumsized after you'd already masturbated before?
What year are you living in? ESPN doesn't get NFL games anymore, only highlights. FOX, ABC, and NBC get the NFL games that are highlight matches while the rest are on the NFL network.