This is one of the best exclusives of last gen. Say something nice about it.
This is one of the best exclusives of last gen. Say something nice about it
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snake is confirmed gay in this one, so thats cool
I can experience it on youtube.
It has the best controls in the series, even better than V
You mean MGO2?
Say what you will but for the year that it was released this game looked amazing.
this is the worst console MGS
It's fucking terrible. No gameplay worth a shit past Act 2. Story actively ruins the previous games and their characters. Worst MGS in the main series by a very, very, very long shot.
>shooting is awful
>even aiming is still too complicated
>best controls
3 > 1 > V > 2 >>>>> Getting shot in the balls > 4
Except for urban environment textures.
It's actually the best in the series but for the sake of your sanity I'll pretend to agree with you.
4 > 1 > 2 >>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V
Best taste in this thread.
Last gen sure sucked, huh?
I fucking hate act 3, why the fuck do you have to follow the stupid resistance member, that level is very large enough just to sneak in, and the exposition of the story is told very badly, also raging raven fucking sucks
the only one confirmed gay here is you
Also the wedding sucks dick and akiba being a handsome character and snake getting his face burnt is a middle finger to all the fans
>amazing movement and general gameplay (inb4 muh movie)
>reunites the entire* cast for one last epic fight
>epic final boss battle
>epic metal gear battle
>you can have friendly NPCs fightalong side you(disguise or helping them) even MGSV doesnt have this despite having A FUCKING NATION at your disposal
>cool unlockable weapons
>can actually customize snake
>can see your camo index
>good weapon selection
is that shit taste i smell?
who does 1=2=3===4>V? almost all the MGS games follow the same basic formula but are made differently
otacon looking hot in this one
Sunny was pure sex in this one, so that's a plus
This. I want to hug her and then gently fug her.
Pedos get out
old snake is probably my favourite rendition of snake
the fact that hayter's script might have been 90% coughing and groaning is even better
>4 better than V
>4 on the same level as 1 or 3
It's an ok movie
I love you
>interactive movie
>but I'll just leave the "interactive" part aside and watch it
you sound like a smart guy, are you fun at parties?
I honestly believe Demon's Souls was, because the invasion/summoning system was truly innovative.
>that menu theme
>meryls ass
>MGS 1-4 is basically infiltraiting a base(s) looking for the metal gear/bad guy, killing some bosses, long codec talks then the final showdown whilst escorting some whiny bitch at some point
MGS4 is far superior to V as it is more like the traditional MGS and not open world trash with le epic twist ending and you arnt actually playing as snake, dont forget to unlock shit you have to be always online or else %70 of all your shit will be locked
I cared about what was going on unlike V.
So that's something.
Beautiful ending.
it's really no surprise Huey was cucked to death by him
>484993 hours of cutscenes
>AWFUL bosses
>lol nanomachines
Fuck you, it's shit
whats the worst part of 4 and why was it johnny
I love Old Snake. I love the music, I love the mission variety (surprised it took that long for MGS to have a tailing mission), I love the Meryl and Johnny cutscene (straight outta Mr. and Mr. Smith), being able to crouch walk is great, Drebin is great and I couldn't have asked for a better way to end the series. MGSV was just icing on the cake, so I'm not really disappointed by it.
Why is Meryl such a bitch in this game?
tfw she meets snake again and she calls him old snake derisively and his stress meter increases :(
>shooting is awful
>even aiming is still too complicated
How? its the same fucking thing as MGSV. Even better because the bullet don't just disappear after 100m
The only thing V did better is add the running option which made the game very easy
Highlights how barren the PS3 exclusive library really is.
>"Hey, let's take the awesome camo system from 3 and gimp it for casuals. Oh, let's also make it a movie."
Heavy Rain has more gameplay than MGS4 does.
>implying the vamp rematch is bad
>IMFUCKINGPLYING piloting REX was bad
>implying liquid ocelot wasn't the greatest final boss in the series
Crying wolf and Laughing octupus were also excellent, but I'll give you Raven and MAntis being kinda whatever.
Is the multiplayer playable again yet?
It was an okay movie. Kinda long though.
It had my favorite online component of all time. MGO2 was my sweet bachelor days.
>he thinks QTE bosses are good
Jump off a bridge soon
3 is the worst one of the real MGS games
That would be 2. Everything that isn't Tanker and the last 2 hours of the game is awful. Big Shell is tedious to navigate.
You forgot
>Boss battles in general
>Secrets & easter eggs
>MGO2 again
>Real unlockable
>Snake talk
>That sweet ass loading scene with snake smoking
>An ending
>Different playable characters in MGO
>Better AI
I can go on. The only bad thing about is MGS4 is :
It needed one more chapter in the solo and they were a lot of cheaters on MGO specially high-end tournaments. Still manage to won a white beret though
Your pic related is what you should do. MGS 4 defenders don't belong in this world.
>le epic scenes that were nothing but empty pandering xD I cried ;_;
Classic MGS4tard mentality
Good movie
2 has amazing level design, some of the best mechanics and AI in the series and really interesting and innovative diegetic use of mechanics (see: Fat Man chapter)
It was shit and I love Metal Gear to death.
I also forgot
>That sweet ass music that still play here from time to time
>MGS4 PC with mods never ever
>finished MGS4 never ever
i think it needed a more fleshed out VR mode
>phantom cuck defender
>MGS4 hater
Could you imagine how expensive this game would be today if the ps3 never recovered?
>empty pandering
MGS V >>>>>>>>>>>> MGS 4
And I don't even like V. It's a 7/10 at best.
>deosnt like V
Lacks substance or actual meaning. MGS 4 is a fan-fiction written by a 14 year old MGS fanboy to conclude the series disguised as a serious entry in the franchise. It "concludes" it in the worst most meandering and blockheaded possible way.
Even V looks coherent and masterful in its writing when compared with 4.
Can you elaborate though? What didn't you like about the ending?
It's definetly something. Really interesting to see how Kojima hated making this game and how it shows in the game but then he does stupid shit like Meryl and Johnny's engagement scene.
>there will never ba another good MGS game
its been a few years since peacewalker came out, dont you think they'll make another good game?
MGS is dead. The good only good thing Konami can do now is remake MG1, 2 and perhaps mgs1 and remaster the rest of the series for a PC next gen consoles now and then. With perhaps a Reveagance 2. But Survive is not the right path to take.
I elaborated enough
if mgs ended at 3 would you be happier?
I want snatcher with the mgs4 young snake and metal gear Mk 2 models.
Yes, 4 never was supposed to happen and you can tell by playing that game.
>ended at 3
ended at PW*
>MGS is dead
i wish they'd do some more spin-offs with different gameplay and MGS characters, still waiting for my miller going nuclear game
I'm happy with mgs4. The Story was over the top anime bullshit, but its still a very solid game with a lot of replayability.
Heck the game even came with MGO which was fun as fuck and full of content and events.
MGSV is where the real disappointment is.
3 was never supposed to happen. Even 2 was a stretched.
>tfw never got to experience MGO
fuck it sounded fun
2 was supposed to be the final one yes, but since Kojima couldn't leave it behind, he made another or Konami pushed him. But there's a reason why 3 is a sequel and that's because it was supposed to end with 2.
my nigga
It actually sucks though.
>No gameplay worth a shit past Act 2.
That's the bottom line right there. The amount of time they spend on a shit story is laughable.
I do not consider it a true MGS game. Those died with 4. Even Twin Snakes shits on this.
happier? i don't know, i still enjoyed 4 and pw
fine is the right term, after snake eater every mgs game i played felt like a bonus to me
It has real world guns.
I hated PW's bosses and that they cut it into different levels, but it did hype me for what we all thought MGSV was going to be.
I never played V because I was a buttmad hayterfag, but I purchased GZ to give Kiefer a chance
Wish it wasn't forever stuck on the old as fuck PS3 for all eternity.
Great soundtrack.
Forever lost in time thanks to no backwards compatibility.
Rex>ST84>Zeke>Peace Walker>Ray>Shagohod
Raiden>Solid Snake>Venom Snake>Big Boss
Foxhound>Cobra Unit>Dead Cell>B&B Unit>The Skulls
am i missing anything?
Would you rather have had Kojima force out more gimmick human bosses that he had clearly run out of ideas for, fought against with stilted portable controls like in Portable Ops?
>tfw BB can lift this thing off the ground
parasytes son
The best and deepest controls in the series. Also, where is my MGO2 Revival at?
This is the game that killed MGS.
I played Portable Ops once when it was new and I remember enjoying it. Perhaps I was less jaded at that time.
Also, in PW the storyline was what kept me going with BB getting ready to create outer heaven, shit was cool as fuck.
Then I heard about MGSV and said fuck all that.
Time ruins all.
Sup Forums dont be like me, back then in 2017 i thought it was fun to shitpost, if you had been in my place back then i knew you wouldnt have made the same mistakes I have and had a job and started a family.Ever since the day i came to 4chen i knew i was already trapped on Mr.Bones wild ride.
this is a new future, a one for you to live in, not as a dredge on society but a man, dont spend your time shitposting, instead , make a better man of yourself to truly live with the freedom you have been given. (You) are no longer a prisioner of fate, (You) are no longer the seed of anger. it's time for you to see the outside world from your own eyes.
live, and find a new lease on life
Portable Ops was better than PW.
why wasnt PO included in the legacy collection?
It should've ended at 2.
Yes, the coop isnt active though, would like to play it with some people
but 3 was great
It was, but it created a precedent for unnecessary mgs sequels.
The bit about Ocelot trying to kill Snake several times is the only valid critique there for MGS4. The MerylXSnake shipper's tears are still delicious after all these years.