What are some video games with manly men?

what are some video games with manly men?

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Metal Gear Solid all of them.

Look I understand you'd like to show yourself being ripped to everyone but does this flaming faggot really have to wear pants that makes your dick visible like that?


this guy looks like a fucking dope and I hate having to see his smug shit eating grin in every bara thread



i know but he gets a lot of (You)s

Accept no substitutes.

Resident evil.

They're pretty comfortable to lift weights in.

>manly men


imgur the full image

What are some games with muscle growth besides Fable, San Andreas

>tfw I went running with my thicc friend once and he wore pants like that
I don't find him very attractive but his ass and thighs looked real fucking hot in that and I had to struggle to not get a boner

Why wouldn't you want to show off?

I didn't save the bottom half, because it was bad.

Rule34 it and you should find it there.
>not flaunting what you got
It's just a penis, user.

>roid freak
>manly man

working suck
being a NEET is the best

Nothing wrong with the pants (for working out). Not wearing anything under to wrap things up in a neat package is where he went wrong.

Theyre for comfort you sexist creep


>You'll never be an all-powerful fat smelly demon NEET
Why live

>he doesn't workout commando style.

It's much much more comfortable this way.

You speak as if 98% of the bodies of characters posted in bara threads that aren't twinks don't require roids if not multiples of them such as a cocktail of tren, test, insulin and HGH to achieve in in real life

It's okay I'm already a fat smelly demon NEET de aru.

>Nothing wrong with the pants (for working out)
Lycra paints are literally worn to show off, not because they are more "comfortable" because shorts do the same except they don't completely highlight your glutes, quads and calves and even dick
It's the same with those stringy or cutout tanktops, it's literally to show off
Which I don't really mind but at least admit it

how to get this body please

Ryse: Son of Rome

You mean the mod? VectorPlexus

Anything with orcs in them.

What do young orcs look like
Surely they aren't shat out of the womb already looking like maximum gruff rough tough daddies

People are dumbasses if they complain about beefy people purposefully showing off their body. They didn't spend 9825422 hours in the gym to not show off the results any chance they get, and my dick certainly don't mind.

>no buff yordles

>9825422 hours in the gym
Silly boy you do realize steroids make it piss easy
And usually the guys that actually wear that kind of clothing are maximum roid tier like op


Not only does it give me boners, but it gives me determination to work harder at looking more like them. It's nice.
Go away Alex

What's are some games with lots of potential husbandos?

They don't get like that without steroids.


They're scrawny lil' shits by design. Kled's probably the buffest though.

>muh steroids
Tons of guys practically live at the gym

o-okay ;_;

It's kind of ironic the skinny/fat nerds on Sup Forums are the biggest barafags, and the fit/muscular guys on /fit/ are into twinkies

Oh, look at the time! Back to /fit/

Not everyone uses steroids. Just eat right and lift often and you get beefy.

>you will never look like that
Why live?

if you compare models, Kled's pretty skinny.
Ziggs seems to have the thickest body, Teemo is the chubbiest and Rumble the smallest.

Sup Forums and /fit/ are a match made in heaven
/fit/ would probably bully us because they have a crush on us

Are you gay?

He's skinny but he probably has a bit of muscle under there.
Ziggs is doughy but he'd be a great fuck.

I want to get spitroasted by them

More often than not any game with more than a single male character

Which means literally nothing considering you can look good sure, but nowhere near the tier of guys that actually posted here

>Not everyone uses steroids
Tell that to 100% of the 3DPD and 90% of the 2D that gets posted on these threads

I've always wondered why that is.
Sure I mean having that kind of free time is nice, but fucking hell I have other hobbies and interests for a reason. Like I'll lift twice a week, maybe three times during a bulk when I have more free time than usual.
I literally cannot imagine going to the gym 6 or even 7 days a week.

You do realize the means to look like that are literally available everwhere?
Even poorfags from the ghetto can buy roids
OP's guy wasn't fucking pussy and went for it, now he has you furiously fapping over him

No, He just gets boners from guys for no reason

ziggs would make the best yordle boyfriend, kled's too insane to be a decent boyfriend.
he's probably murder everyone that look badly at you.

Someone from Sup Forums who I became friends with told me that the guys on /fit/ would like my small slender body and blue eyes, but I'm not sure that's true at all..I wish it were though. I am sick of skinnyfat guys and ugly chasers going after me...

>I literally cannot imagine going to the gym 6 or even 7 days a week.
You can't imagine spending an hour at a gym per day?

It's not that hard at all lol.
>Tell that to 100% of the 3DPD and 90% of the 2D that gets posted on these threads
That's because they have shit tastes obviously.

Ziggs and Rumble are a ""happy"" couple.

Why are gays so annoying?

I meant to link that last part to but whoopsydaisy.

so are teemo and veigar

Gears of war


And Kled and Heimer!


>tfw no roid daddy to pump my sissy white boy bubble butt full of semen after a long workout session at the gym

>That's because they have shit tastes obviously.
>while posting a 3DPD and then a 2D roider
What did he mean by this

would you say your pic features someone that uses roids
