Until Dawn


>favorite death
>favorite character
>who died in your first playthrough
>what you want in a sequel

Other urls found in this thread:


Whenever Emily dies

Nathan “Mike” Drake

Everyone except Sam, Ashley and Matt

For it to not be a VR spinoff

is it worth the dl?
saw it was one of the free ps+ games of the month

>Ashley and Jessica but I wanted everyone alive and closed the game quickly when that happened

Sequel probably isn't too likely, at least by the same devs. The studio's said they wanna make multiplats in the future and Until Dawn is a Sony IP.

The ending pretty much confirms a second part or a sequel, right?

Funny thing is they announed 3 Sony exclusive games at e3

Shooting Emily in the eye
Nobody, even Josh. Got the Wendigo ending
More of the same. It's how the format works. Don't try to dick around with it

>favorite death
Flamethrower guy is the only one who died and that was a really fucking stupid death.
>favorite character
Sam's butt
>who died in your first playthrough
No one
>what you want in a sequel
Not sure I want one. Game wasn't that great.

Emily getting her brains blown out

Chris or Sam

Emily (shot), Ashley (head ripped off), Mike (blown up) and Josh (became wendigo).

Save transfer, longer, more outcomes.