Runescape coming to iOS and Android


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That OS is in the wrong place for me to care.

what about osrs?

You bet

that's fucking retarded, who wants to play runescape on a 5-6 inch screen?

me cuz no pc

Real talk Sup Forums. Does this have the potential to become the next fad like pokemon GO? It'll bring back the trendy fags for nostalgia and all of the bandwagoners.

Its both games but OSRS is coming out earlier.

>who would want to play one of tbe grindiest, most addictive, passive game on their phone while away from their computer

Literally considering buying a nice power bank and a decent tablet just for this. This is hype as fuck.

I dont think so, but it would be amazing if it did. Either way this is super healthy for the game. OSRS doesn't look that dated compared to other phone games on the market and its insanely addictive. Its perfect for mobile.

I just wonder how it'll handle right-clicking and getting a phone call in the middle of something semidangerous.

Real talk Sup Forums. Does this have the potential to become the next fad like pokemon GO? It'll bring back the trendy fags for nostalgia and all of the bandwagoners.

>tfw 4,500 hours playtime on OSRS
>rinsing slayer and barrows with trance music playing

Can't even listen to half my playlists anymore without yearning for runescape.

Won't go back though.
Can't go back.
That dark place.

how does oldschool work?
do you just login as normal and carry on from where you left off?

You can use your same account but you start from fresh.

that might be a good thing actually
I'd pretty much done with the game when I was still playing it, all the best stuff and all the quests done
doing it again after over a decade could be fun

It has the potential. For a while now people have been trying to make workarounds to play Rs on mobile, and now an official release is finally on its way. I can't justify wasting time sitting on my computer to play this game anymore, but being able to do it in public, on the go and discretely seals the fucking deal

OSRS will obviously be much more familiar and coming sooner according to the article, but has anyone here that's played a lot of whatever you call modern runescape give some insight to how it's like compared to OSRS?

Yeah I played on release, only quit a few months back. Will never forget release day, hundreds of level 3s doing Waterfall Quest at the same time, crowded fire giants and selling rune scimmys for 100k each.

Make sure to use OSBuddy client, it has a lot of helpful features.

Fuck I want to play again now.

No. RS doesn't have near the same cultural presence that Pokemon does.

Its a lot more afkable, combat is akin to every other hotkey mmo out there, graphics changed for better and for worse (environments look incredible but armor is unrecognizable and tacky - classic sets like barrows come to mind), filled to the brim with microtransactions and double xp weekends. For example, a famous rs YouTube got maxed out on rs3 with a total playtime of two days by using microtransactions.

The integrity of the game is completely gone. The only thing they have in common at this point is the name and the lore.

Pretty tempted to start playing again but the fucking rebuild.

I'm looking forward to this, for both OSRS and RS3.

Fair enough, I'd probably stick with OSRS when it comes out then, I remember I tried logging in like a year ago and it was so jarring.

RS3 is still switchscape. So that's there too.

I am going to restart when it hits tablets.

Nothing more comfy than doing runescape quests while in bed

Wait so is it cross compatible with the PC version? Can I play my main OSRS account while taking a shit?



>Next fad
No. Runescape died years ago. They're just scraping by at this point.

You can sign up to the beta here.

Well now I am actually excited
I was worried I was going to need to make a new account.

Imagine being this wrong.

That's a pretty stupid thing to assume user.

No 2007 runescape, no buy.

So instead of presenting any sort of argument to prove otherwise, you just respond with shitty memes. Good job kid.

launcher is broken
kills my pc
I'm going to bed

All of RS3's high level PvM revolves around switches, weapon switches per tick if you want to be optimal, but at the very least you need to ring switch, situational weapon switch for specs, armour switch/off-hand switch for particular ability perks (via invention), and so on.

So whilst EoC is fundamentally a different way of playing, the gameplay is a lot like old PvP where you were per-tick switching, and manually casting.

runescape died exactly 10 years ago

Not him but he doesn't really need to.

If you had any insight, you'd already know this.

No. PGo was backed by unprecedented brand recognition, clever marketing, and a really simple game that created public visibility

Runescape is a top heavy game that peaked 11 years ago

>tfw you played Runescape for nearly 10 years off and on.
>tfw you never got any of your skills to 99
>Not even fire making, fishing, fletching, or woodcutting.
I feel horrible man.

Jagex is breaks their personal historical record annual profits last year

Active player base is growing quickly over time

You're wrong you fucking tool lmao

Reminder to cheat the economy while you can, use your brain and realize what items are going to peak thanks to the ability to get bot level speeds from clicking a phone screen.

How would you even type in this game? The game frequently needs you to type in numbers. This need to be done seamlessly, not with the laggy iOS keyboards.

99s are for fags

source: i have got 6 in 5 years

>Record historical profits
And how much did they spend revamping the game into the abomination it is now? They're scraping by, trust me.

I'll only play if i can tab out of it and it gives me push notifications when I stop cutting a tree

So are the stats gonna be separate from the PC OSRS?

Not him, but they give $10,000 out in prize money for coming in first in that PvP tournament. 4 times per year.

Do you understand what profits are you fucking ape? Did you even read the first line of the first article? This is just fucking embarassing now.

They made 75million pounds. They profited almost 30 million pounds after taxes. 30 million profit. More than any year, ever. You do realize that they have an old school version of runescape now right?

Typical uninformed mongoloid spewing shitty opinions as fact.

No it's the same game.