Sniper = Cancer

>game developer adds a sniper class because every game must have a sniper right?

NOBODY likes being killed from 500 meters away by a person they could not see and NOBODY likes playing with a sniper who just sits still all game without giving a shit about the objective

>game doesn't have a sniper class
>everyone runs around like a retard on the battlefield with no fear of retaliation

I'm getting a strong deja vu from this post, like I've seen this pasta many times before, but I can't find any threads on the archive.

>people need to randomly die in order for the game to be balanced

>Implying running around the map and headshotting people left and right while they get salty and call you a hacker isn't the most fun
I literally wouldn't even play TF2 if Scout and Sniper weren't in it.

The best game with snipers I've seen is C&C Renegade
>Game has a heavy focus on vehicles for primary damage
>Vehicles are relatively immobile, relying on squishy engineers to repair them
>Vehicles are sitting ducks to anti-armour infantry
>Snipers do fuck-all against medium armoured vehicles and above, but are great at taking out engineers, anti-tank classes, artillery and aircraft
>Low maximum ammo making every shot count before they have to trek back to base to restock



You want to simulate war, then yes.

Sniper is THE only class to constantly keep your head down, because if you don't it pops off.

Thanks mate

Correct, most games with health bars shouldnt have instakill mechanics, especially long range ones without any way to fight back. The worst thing about snipers is that they are allmost allways only countered by other snipers wich makes them a must pick.

Despite the people that gravitate toward that role, having a damn good sniper on your team, in any game, is swell.

The biggest issue surrounding the class is clearly the skill ceiling being too high.
as it should be

>only countered by other snipers
Yes, this.

Sniper counter is sudden movements and positioning. Hear a sniper shoot? Switch corners, rocket jump to safety, sticky jump to safety, get your medic to overheal you?

>sudden movements and positioning

what is lag
what is oh nope, i headshotted and instakilled you anyways

give me a sniper class and i would be able to kill a world class player with a lucky hs in a fraction of the time it would take with any other class.

lucky instakills is such a retarded mechanic

The only games I'm fine with people playing snipers/designated marksmen are mil-sims and lite mil-sims. Of course not all the time and not for every map. Some maps you'll never need one, whereas there are times when you're defending an objective that a marksman can be useful, especially for funneling.

>literally point and click in games with hitscan weapons
>high skill ceiling
You gotta be kidding.

Quake III did snipers right.

It's just a long range gun that does high damage, but can be successfully rushed and tanked by a fucking retard

snipers in this game give away their position with colored markers that show where they are aiming

No fucking excuse you shitter
And stop running in a straight line in an open area

And why for the love of god is forcing people to sit still a good thing? Snipers are horrible because they stop the flow of the game, are only countered by other snipers or other assassins and are unfun to play against.
Not having snipers just increases the skill cap because now people have to learn how to position without it being obvious where they should be.
So snipers counters are something much harder to do then being a sniper, that isnt a counter buddy good snipers will know to just bodyshot you when you are doing that.

you gotta be baiting!

Just harass them with scorch shot
Endless salt guaranteed

Snipers should be able to be countered easily if the game is good. Enemy Territory for instance - unless he got you with a headshot (which was pretty rare, because a scoped rifle was exclusive to a class that was also a sort of spy), you could've gotten ressurrected immediately by a nearby, competent medic.

Not to mention that the speed of movement was near arcade levels and aiming/positioning made it even harder to headshot people unless you were REALLY good.

Why is ET not on Steam, anyway?

>snipers in this game give away their position with colored markers that show where they are aiming
Depends where you're aiming. If the sniper has any brains at all he wont show the laser pointer so you will never be able to see it.

>And stop running in a straight line in an open area
This will only make it harder. The sniper will still kill you from across the map while you wouldnt be able to do a single thing about it.

Honestly, if they add a sniper in a game like TF2 it shouldnt be capable of insta killing. The sniper in tf2 should only deal 100 damage and have way higher fire rate, that makes him a zoner and leaves assasination to the spy, who has to put way more effort into a kill.

You can move from cover to cover instead of running in a straight line
Almost all maps have alternate routes that can take you behind the sniper in no time

Git fucking gud

because every game is your warped version of team fortress two

stop playing snipers and get good at a game for once

>ywn play et qw with your pc bros

Because sniper is a real must pick in the tf2 meta
wew lad
Give me soldiers and demomen any day


Yes buts its still absolute luck were either or not he kills you, you can only reduce the chance but never to zero. Playing against snipers is about getting the odds in your favor, its about luck.

What even is this?
A misquote?

Mid snipe never gets kills nowadays.

Well thats the same against any other class
You are going to get backstabbed from time to time no matter how often you check your back, or a scout is going to drop from who knows where and blasts your ass, thats just the game

Sniper is an OP situational pick that forces the enemy to do the same, especially on attack/defense. Snipers only get better on 6v6 because Spy is worse on 6v6. Most of all they are unfun to play agsinst and dont belong in the game like they are right now because tf2 is normally a game about reaction but with sniper its about positioning

You can't 100% guarantee ANYTHING in TF2, which is the charm of the game.

You're starting to talk out of your ass now.
Using the term luck in place of the players skill/ability to aim is cop out territory.

It'd be no different than say a person not using a sniper rifle landing a headshot across the map on said sniper.

The real problem with snipers is that there's never any limit to them so any game with snipers have like 5-10 snipers when you only need 1 or 2. Any more than that ruins the game.

That isnt true at all because you get the chance to fight back against the spy and scout because they get in your effective range, if you have teammates that makes more of you to kill the threat, meanwhile the only way to kill a sniper that is protected by his team is an other sniper.

3 spies 4 snipers is the way to play in Stockholm servers

>Stockholm servers
>most of the players are yuri.arpolov.2010

Seems about right.

You cant fight back because you were looking elsewhere
Exactly the same as sniper where you get killed when you dont use the covers to get around

So. Anyone got the link to "that" comic?

Scout cant insta kill you so if you are good enough or if your team pays attention you might be saved, spy can insta kill you but chances are that if he does he will be killed as well. Meanwhile a sniper can instakill you from the comfort of his own base where his team is there to safe him.

Sniping in BF4 was almost perfect if they didn't include bipod, range finder and 40X scope plus the ability to be prone.
Bullets in that game are projectiles and slow. And all sniper rifles require 2 shots on body to kill someone (unless if you're in close range)

>playing in low level shit tier games
>Complaining about balance

You have no right to speak unless you're at least semi professional and play with people who are ACTUALLY GOOD on a regular basis.

Your opinion means fucking nothing you little pub shitter so be quiet and learn your place, get back to playing with those random shitters who have 30 hours played.

*penetrates you*

Then... what is a spy? Valve servers are designed for alternative routes, and a spy can go invisible. What does an enemy team have to do once you're invisible, you come from where you're least expected and you're behind that snipers back?

No. The problem is giving sniper hitscan weapon.

>so be quiet and learn your place
Ow the edge
Snipers are cancers because forcing the enemy to pick one to counter them in unforgivable. The only other class that counters sniper besides sniper is spy but spy has to put way more effort into a kill and is at way more risk then sniper is. Making a class that is only countered by an objectively worse class is horrible game design. And dont give me shit like rocketjumping to get in range to kill a sniper because first of all, its way harder then actually being the sniper so the problem repeats and second of all its not viable because a sniper is usually protected wich means that if you get in and kill him you are basicly guaranteed to die wich also repeats the same problem spy has.

Snipers are objectively bad game design unless you are playing a milisim

How is he 'baiting'?
You point and click with minimal use of WASD
How is that difficult? Especially in a game with severe damage fall off on most weapons.
It's not exactly high skill required


*body shots you*
fixed it for you

Even though sniper is unbalanced cancer, it sure is satisfying to go on a streak with him.

>No chance to react
>Sniper is at no risk
Might as well be random, moving around the battlefield with a sniper on it is not about the skill of both players its about the skill of the sniper. Unforgivable game design.

>just sits still all game without giving a shit about objective
half-true. they call "gigus snibers" (maybe you know who the gibus is), but theres some snipers that CARE about obj. and knows what to do.

ITT: Kids who can't git gud

Except it's not at random, it's directly correlated to how exposed yo make yourself. Sure it's cancer to see a game where 80% of the team are just hanging back for easy kills rather than going for the objective but a sniper can be a valuable support role in a team.

Yes but he is horrible in terms of design, he is only countered by and other sniper. Shit like that should be in the game, imagine if engie was only countered by other engies, imagine how fucking shit that would be. Its the same with snipers, a good team will just protect him because he brings the team such a huge advantage.
On some maps you have to expose your self in order to get on the objective, this means that on those maps sniper is such a good pick that you are practically forced to pick him.

>Shit like that should be in the game
Ment to type shouldnt

>each team has atleast 3 snipers
>their only purpose is to kill other snipers

If snipers were so OP then why doesn't everyone just pick sniper
Oh wait

The real problem on 2fort is engies, the good old days of building sentries in the enemy intel room where the shit. That and the map being objectively shit.

What a retarded fucking argument, ever heard of diminishing returns? A single sniper is so fucking powerfull that he can only be countered by an other sniper and will force the enemy team to play differently, multiple snipers on the other hand wont force the enemy team to play differently any more meaning that half of their power is gone. Also snipers dont go on objectives so you need something else to do that for them.

Have fun getting flanked OP


Only scrubs who severely overestimate their own skills and importance complain about snipers in ANY game.

Snipers exist for PRECISION area denial. That same thing all you Soldier and Demo scrubs do, only you have to have splash damage on your side to get any kills.

Don't like that sniper? Then find a different area to approach him from.

I'll never understand how you kids can consider snipers OP when every FPS made after CoD features a plethora of autorifles that have perfect accuracy and practically no recoil.

It's pathetic.

your right, engies were the problem. my issue with snipers on it were more that they were fucking useless and just took up space for no reason, mains and people who only care about k/d ratios in objective based shooters are the fucking worst

a little butthurt are we?

>crit chance set to 100%
>half of the teams are always body aiming snipers
>they slowly unlearn to proper headshot

>Forcing the enemy to use every tool in their kit is unfair! I should be allowed to move ANYWHERE I want on the map with impunity!

If it wasn't snipers then you'd be whining about shotguns, or pistols that hit too hard, or explosives being to weak or what the fuck ever else you died to in a round.

Git gud, faggot.

Renegade is still my all-time favorite FPS.

Also when it came to snipers in that game you had the regular snipers and the Hero units with the big sniper rifles which was a nice dichotomy. You couldn't see where regular snipers shot from, but the big snipers shot tracer rounds which is interesting balance idea you don't see much of today.

Works for Titanfall. People move so fast that unless you have God tier reactions you're not sniping shit. The game is factually better off because of this.

>Don't like that sniper? Then find a different area to approach him from
Are you saying that there are no maps without choke points?
Look in the thread, snipers are objectively bad because they are counterend only by other snipers while other classes cant really do anything about him. If the maps has a choke then sniper is so retaredly good that he is a must pick wich is unforgivable design

>Dude I should be able to free fire standing still with a LMG with no consequences!!!!

But he can shoot me from anywhere how do I counter him
It's not like he's so fucked at close combat that him using melee is more dangerous in cc than his sniper rifle
It's not like I can rocket jump from somewhere and at least force him out of position if not kill him outright

>Not shooting medics and fucking the heavy push
>Not shooting Soldiers out of mid air
>Not stopping Scouts from swarming the battlements
>Not picking off Pyro's trying to cross the bridge

The biggest problem with 2fort is that whiny ass children want it to be a CoD map with a million open flank routes and zero effective cover.

>Snipers can't shoot moving targets

>Point and clicking isn't high skill ceiling
There's a pretty big leap between somebody that can barely hit body shots and somebody running around the map and getting consistent headshots left and right, even on rocketjumping soldiers, while getting called an aimbotter. If you think raw aim doesn't require skill then why do you even play shooters?

don't remind me :'(

>The hyperbole
You shouldnt be able to move everywhere on the maps because a better combatant should stop you from doing so. Snipers lower the skill caps of the game because people wont need to learn where they can and cant be without being insta killed, if you ever play a game without a sniper and you get caught out of position it is effectively the same as being caught by a sniper but instead you actually have a chance to fight back.
A lack of snipers forces smarter and more clutch/enjoyable play.

If your team is having trouble with just a sniper in a chokepoint in tf2 then your team is fucking shit.

>Can't counter with Spy
>Can't counter with an uber
>Can't counter with rocket jumping, or pipe jumping
>Can't counter with an invuln Scout
>Can't counter with a flare gun Pyro
>Can't counter with a DH soldier
>Can't counter with a Crossbow Medic

You're just shit at Team Fortress. Snipers are NOT challenging to deal with in any game made after Bad Company 2.

Ah, so you're a 'muh TTK' scrub.

Why do I have the feeling you play demoknight as well?


hello food

*bing bing*


>Rocket Jumping is too difficult and too risky!

Good thing they made this objectively overpowered piece of shit just for scrubs like you.

>When you play as Sniper and you're the only one claiming the point and defending it

no you don't want to simulate war,battlefield one for example would be sitting still in a trench for four years(verdun did this and look what a piece of shit that is)

Verdun was actually a lot of fun before the devs decided that the Central Powers are the only side allowed to win anything.

>>Can't counter with Spy
Spy's will often die in the progress
>>Cant counter with an uber
Forced to sit still waiting for it to happen, wow fun gameplay
>>Cant counter with rocket jumping of pipe jumping
Snipers should be protected so even if you are succesfull you will often still die
>>Cant counter with invuln scout
Snipers are protected look above
>>Cant counter with a flare fun
What? also those can acutally be dodged and a medic can heal off the burn.
>>Can't be counter with a DH soldier
Can be dodged no as reliable as having an other sniper take him down
>>Can't be counte with a crossbow medic
Having your medic reveal him self is a quick way to lose uber progress.
What an argument. If you must know my favourite calls is stock demo, he is objectively well designed with the only instakill mechanic that isnt retared (stickytraps cant be instantly set down and can be removed by pyro's or just a plain old shotgun).
The point is that snipers the easiest way to kill a sniper is an other sniper. Its the safest way to do it without getting attacked by the rest of the enemy team.

>Complains about Snipers being overpowered
>Is perfectly ok with this fucking abomination

Neo-Sup Forums is such a fucking joke.

I just think that Sniper classes should be locked behind intense-difficulty missions you have to complete before you're allowed to play them, that way you have to either git gud or never touch the class

The shitter ratio is off the charts with classes like this, everyone wants to play it because they think they're good enough to even approach touching the high skill ceiling

They're not

And lord knows i aint either, but i prefer to clean up with heavy classes anyway so it works out

>rocket jumping is harder than sniping
please leave
>stock demo
please leave

>play RUST
>guy on top his base pops a bolt rifle shot off at me
>move erratically, looking for where he is
>find him, single shot AK at him
>kill him in 4 hits
>build up and grab his bolt

Even if he headshots you it isn't an instant kill, and as long as you can deal with the bullet drop it's easy to destroy them. RUST does sniping right.

You can toss smokes from behind cover and some games have a supression mechanic. You can comunicate with your team and once you know when snipers are hiding ypu know what places to avoid, they almost never move.

>Favorite class is stock Demo
>The class that takes the absolute least amount of skill to play effectively

And you just completely invalidated every fucking opinion you have about Teamfortress.

You want to be able to spam your shit with impunity, and not be punished in any way for it.

You're the very definition of unadaptable.

Doesnt matter.

This kid will pick sniper every time either way. If you play sniper this is literally you

>Making bolt rifles completely useless is good game design
>Making retard proof assault rifles laser like and recoilless is also good game design

Good job outing yourself as someone with zero aiming skill.

I like snipers. They force people to learn the maps.