Explain or defend how allowing other players to come into your game and kill you, maybe undoing quite a bit of progress...

explain or defend how allowing other players to come into your game and kill you, maybe undoing quite a bit of progress, is fun or good gameplay

Nah, I'm not going to bother. But it is fun. Also 100% optional

Skip 2 and have a good one.

Greater tension. Same tension you get from "perma-death" modes in games.

Stop being so close-minded.

Who else thinks
DaS3 > BB > DeS > DaS1 > DaS2

Players have far more interesting variety of builds and strategies compared to regular AI opponents.

Close. Switch BB and DS3 and you've got it.

It's fun to be the one coming into other people's games and killing them.

It's good gameplay because it's balance against summoning co-op phantoms.

You never lose a large amount of progress and invaders have the disadvantage in each Souls game except maybe DeS

>players will usually be smarter than an AI and harder to defeat (fucking usually at least)
>you can do the same to other people
>high tension when you're going through a new area and you're invaded
>amazing feeling of relief and success when you defeat them
>also amazing feeling of superiority when you crush someone in their world

the actual PVP mechanics are shit at times and things like honorabru durrs and fight clubs can be cancer, but pure invasions are amazing because you can play it so many ways.

I think you're actually retarded. Thanks for sharing.

>invaders have the disadvantage in each Souls game except maybe DeS
Lolno. Invaders can be twinked to all fuck, except in DS2 and 3 (and maybe BB?). And in DS3 it's possible for an invader to have more estus than the host in early areas.
And unless the host pops a giant seed (in the games that have them), the host has to contend with mobs as well as an invader.

Kill the invader and take their souls and shit
The average invader isn't very good

>huge disadvantage
>can team up with every enemy in the level

And the host has two sunbros. What's your point?

1) It's avoidable by not being embered.
2) While being on the receiving end can be bad or good depending on skill and circumstance, It's always fun to be on the giving end.

If you have trouble with invaders in 3, you just plain suck and should uninstall the game.

I think this is bait.

Summons >>>>>> shitty mob enemies that can be easily avoided.

My luck must be bad, because I've never gotten invaded while I had summons. Only been invaded when I was by myself.

Black Knight >>>>>> any summon human or AI

>Not being Darkmoon Covenant and playing COPS theme while you smackdown dirty redbabies
>Not wanting to BTFO the dime a dozen redbabies that think you'll be easy prey when they invade
>Not wanting the satisfaction and praise you get from the people you save.

Why would you reverse hollow/ember if you aren't going to summon?

>Getting summoned

Shit that never happened.

>reverse hollow
Embers are a dime a dozen and the health boost is nice.

>Humanoid enemies
>Not completely trivialized by summons or knowing how to parry/backstab

I like fartmoons because they are always twink builds that get oneshotted by the gundyr's halberd charge. They are essentially vending machines with estus

Jump off a cliff and you can't get invaded again
>the health boost is nice
Get a load of this shitter that takes damage fucking lmao

Seriously the health boost doesn't matter.

The only time its a serious problem is someone using the scraping spear to destroy all of a new players shit in demons.

I like to hide when I get invaded and count how many Dorkmoons die to a single red, they're always fucking terrible.

Only time I've ever seen a blue he died just before I killed the red. He would have been better off just hiding at his spawnpoint, the useless wanker.

It's probably because the way of the blue is the first covenant you get and people instinctually equip it.
Once they get summoned it's essentially a pve only player thrown out into a swimming pool full of sharks

By that logic, bosses are bad gameplay because they kill you a lot and block your progress. Hell, maybe you think enemies of any kind are bad gameplay because they also kill you and potentially cost you progress.
For fucks sake, do you know that you can actually avoid invasions? You don't even have to play offline, you can just not use humanity or the equivalent in the other games. You can just play the game the way it was actually meant to be played and not take part in the literally game breaking coop and never have to worry about being invaded.
I will never understand this mentality.

The Black Knights are only a threat if you seriously suck at these games. Especially when you have help.

Don't underestimate them on higher Ng+'s
The greatsword one can fucking instagib you if you aren't careful with that underhand windup

I think there are a few reasons as to why they're bad
>Usually people running through the game, whereas invaders are almost always prepared
>Can get unlucky with where they spawn
>Edgy kids like the sound of "Blade of The Darkmoon"
>Are usually only experienced in PVP where they can gank
Invaders also just generally get more practice and don't have much choice but to get good to overcome all the disadvantages they have.

I think the original idea was targeted towards how can developers make each playthough of Demon's Souls unique, in stead of just pvp.
Invaders in Demon's Souls had half (or close to half) the health of the host, so the host still has an advantage but they also have to face an intimidating enemy that can be placed at any spot on the map. Demon's Souls also had World tendency that could mix up playthoughs.

Players really grew to like the pvp (not my thing personally) so in the later games devs gave it more thought and made it more equal for both players fighting each other.

Way Of The Blue doesn't summon you as a blue, it summons blues to you.

Thinking of blue sentinels
Not sure why I said way of blue