Thoughts on Marvel's Spider-Man?
Thoughts on Marvel's Spider-Man?
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Looks good. I just hope they tone down the qtes.
Legit criticism only. Please no shitposting. I know it's a PlayStation exclusive but have some self control.
Looks decent enough. I'm not expecting anything great, but might be worth buying when it's on sale.
Everything looks really good except for the amount of QTEs and the transition between swinging and running up a wall. Hopefully they fix those things before release though
Where the fug are all these qtes people keep complaining about
Same. It's so weird seeing Insomniac doing qtes. They're one of the rare Sony affiliated companies that focus on game play rather than short movies.
Can't tell if that webm is supposed to make the game look good or bad.
Was wallrunning always a thing? I miss the normal crawling.
I'm sure you can wall crawl as well, but wall running has been a staple for a while now.
It's been a thing since Spider-Man 2. Also I'm assuming you'll be able to wall climb without running by moving slower. They're obviously not going to show that off since it's pretty boring to watch.
That looks pretty bad. Short qtes are fine but I don't play video games to watch long cutscenes that punish me for not paying attention.
Neither, it's supposed to show the game to see people's opinions. Not everyone on Sup Forums is a "shill"
Bamham combat and webs that just kind of weakly floop out instead of a strong THWIP.
I've been waiting for a good spidey game since ultimate, this isn't it.
If that was really the case it'd do a better job at that if it didn't have so many cuts, continued gameplay footage is a superior way to judge a game.
did that guy kill the guy spider-man was fighting
WoS had better web swinging tricks.
It looks like ASM2 with better animations. It worries me a bit. I actually thought that game was okay unlike some people, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it's good.
what the FUCK did they do to uncle ben?
>Bamham combat
You mean Spider-Man combat?
Looks like it. Unless he's got some magical web waiting for the thug to fall on, that dudes dead. Spider-Manslaughter
You want the 'THWIP' sound effect then? I don't know how I'd feel bout that auditory sound effect. It may have worked for previous Spider-Man games, but I'm sure you won't miss it too much.
they killed him, obviously.
>press x to superhero
Looks like less of a game than Heavy Rain. Sony does it again.
might be fun
Kill yourself if you actually believe this. Spider-Man's thwips are an integral part of his character. I'm hoping they have the thwip sound come from the controller speakers.
They didn't waste screen time showing him getting shot again but here is a picture of him you can see in the movie.
Is that seriously it
The way user has been freaking out these last few weeks you'd think it was nothing but constant qte fuck's sake
>Jason Alexander will never play Uncle Ben in the new Spider-Man movies for a good Seinfeld reference
Just kill me.
That is constant qtes though. That's a 23 second sequence in which the player does nothing but watch the movie and then do the qte once every three or four seconds. The entire E3 demo was the same.
Modded batman game wkth extra qte
But does it swing like Spider-Man 2?
>17 second Webm is everything in the gameplay that wasn't QTEs
Press X to Spider-Man shouldn't even be a big deal. They had to figure out someway to pull off these larger than life feats. But what there was a qte I do oppose which was in the game play demo of Spider-Man intervening to save a guy's life. There was no need for qte at 1:53.
Then again previous Spider-Man games have had these sorts of qte sections, so I shouldn't really complain all too much.
>marvel anything
I'm shocked. Flabbergasted even.
Devs claim there is not moon swing
So the swinging, the combat, the web shooting, that's all qte as well
No it wasn't, the QTE is obviously for the cinematic parts of the game there was a lot of gameplay during the fights before going up the rooftop.
If anything the game feels like an Arkham game with even more cinematics and QTEs.
>getting shot from 2 metres away
>literally no damage dealt
>press x to cool
normiecore confirmed, 9/10 in IGN "really makes you feel like a superhero"
Dont tell me that chase sequence dont looks scripted as fuck too
>still hundreds of bricks and rubble falling that could easily take someone out
>"saves" the day by stopping the crane
Sony is attached so prepare to hear mouseketeers whine and bitch that it isn't real Marvel. Spider-Man: Homecoming in general was mostly a Sony effort with a little help by Disney.
Scripted =/= QTE
nothing will beat this
Spidey doesn't look anywhere near as mobile or fast as he should be. It's like the substituted actual mobility for LOOK HOW MANY FLIP ANIMATIONS HE CAN DO.
Web of Shadows did.
I didn't like the Noir levels. Stealth gameplay is boring. 2099 levels were pure hype though.
>Arkham combat again which seriously limits Spider-Man's potential to exploit his agility do to the magnetic "free-flow" locking to bad guys the combat style employs
>slow-mo between almsot every single combat action to make it look more "epic" will result in fights feeling very tedious and extremely drawn out
>stealth sections and animations ripped from previous games begs the question, why bring in new devs if they're just going to re-use everything?
>Peter has his own Oracle despite working solo, guess they're really trying to grab the Arkham crowd with this one
>QTE's when even God of War has dropped them due to being universally disliked and stale as fuck, devs are out of touch
>Miles is confirmed to have a large role so he might potentially "Raiden" us. Miles being the worst Spider ever created means this is nothing but a bad thing and considering this was the last thing we were shown at E3 highlights that the devs priorities are fucked
I don't want to play ASM 1.5 featuring Miles from the diversity quota.
i hope you're not sarcastic because this game is pure fun.
Friendly reminder that Spider-Man: Homecoming CGI looks shit compared to the Amazing Spider-Man 2. Say what you want about the Amazing Spider-Man films, but that wasn't a conjoined effort with Disney. You'd think with all that money the mouse has, they could have thrown a little cheese over at Sony.
Now look at this.
Friendly reminder to go back to your board
If spiderman donated blood would the person who receives it become spiderman 2?
It's fine. Recent news has shown that Homecoming is failing and slipping far too rapidly down the charts for a film that just came out. It'll be dead and forgotten soon enough but that shit belongs on Sup Forums or Sup Forums at any rate.
Spider-Man 2 looks better than Homecoming. It's fucking pathetic.
Its damage control, do you think he can stop every brick?
That cut from the CGI spiderman swinging around to the real footage of paul giamatti in the truck is so harsh it gave me whiplash.
If we go by the comics, they will die of cancer cause every fluid in spiderman body is radioactive
Looks like The Amazing Spider-Man 2 but with better graphics
Which is fine because I liked that game.
>they will die of cancer cause every fluid in spiderman body is radioactive
RIP all his girlfriends
I do not like how the combat looks like arkham, it seems lazy and kills basically all hype I had for the game.
>le Sony excuse
Ok shill
Mechanically, it was sound. What was shit was that news broadcast every time you did something and the while hero/menace system was retarded.
Go back now.
Actually yes an story line he mentions he killed mj of cancer
That's just not true because Peter had kids until modern Marvel decided that a family orientated Peter was sick and wrong.
Go back to Sup Forums Reddit
I'm thirsty for a new Spiderman game and I have faith in Insomniac, pretty hyped
Its comic by the next autor they will claim he can lay eggs, so dont oay hid to little details like continuity
Is that a fookin spiderloli
all the slow-mo during the fighting adds nothing and makes combat look boring and drawn out
>this post
Did you just have a stroke dude?
Yes it is.
Its comics, byt the time a new writter takes in, they will change the continuity and claim that spiderman now can lay eggs or some shit
Right so nothing is ever really set in stone, like having radioactive jizz that kills which I'm glad isn't a thing now or else we wouldn't have based Mayday.
Wat? Where is this shown?
It's currently struggling to compete with the new planet of the apes flick.
While I agree about the news broadcasts I liked the hero/menace system because it was accurate to how Marvel's people really treat Spidey.
I remember seeing a lot of critics saying that there should have been advantages to being a menace but the game should punish you for being a shit hero
Google. Or just go to Sup Forums they can't stop talking about it. Which is a shame since the movie is pretty good. A lot better than thay garbage ass GotG 2.
>Which is a shame since the movie is pretty good
I used to believe they would have some rules to ablid going full retard or something
Then Superman Prime got published
>tfw my favorite comic book property will never actually get a real adaptation
>tfw it will never get taken for a shitty ride ever again because it's dead
What was wrong with it? It was a coming of age teenager comedy movie with superhero stuff in the mix. The only thing I didn't like was the MJ thing.
Swinging looks like shit still.
Was the mask movie not good enough for you?
Still too video-gamey for my taste. Needs to be more cinematic, they should take a cue from Sony's other all star developer Naughty Dog. Though it looks better than any other Spiderman game.
It's a good movie, but it's not The Mask.
yes didn't you see the lunch tray scene in the movie
Are you shitting on the jim carry movie??
We could have had GTA spiderman
Instead we got BanHam: Spider city
Its a sony exclusive so it will get undue amounts of hate
That scene would be awesome on a movie.
There definitely needs to be stricter rules regarding characters, and if you want to expand then make a new character instead or something. Some comics are a real clusterfuck now because of this lack of guidelines like Hulk having his own Hulk transformation (Kluh if you want to google it)
Personally I grew up with Spidey, he's my favorite of all the superheroes and one of the appeals of him is his well established lore. Which Disney and Sony shat all over. If it could be changed, they changed it and if it couldn't they altered it heavily. Vulture is probably the only good thing about that film and according to the news a lot of people must feel the same as I do.
So I'm happy it's bombing.
the fuck i actually unironically liked the new spiderman movie a lot
Its a sony exclusive so it will get undue amounts of praise
Im still waiting for a Leader hand crafter yellow hulk that will eventually lead to all sort of hulk corps for each color mimicking the lantern corps
I really hate how lazy devs have gotten with their combat systems. I mean I liked Arkham Asylum/City but it sure as shit wasn't for the combat.
If stuck to the lore people would've bitched that it's the same shit all over again like they did for ASM1.
no, it will be hyped by people receiving the exclusives, and shat on by sour grape cucks
the same way you praise botw endlessly, when its really mediocre trash
>"it wasn't that bad"
>Hulk style Lanterns
ASM1 wasn't all that lore friendly either, but it was a lot more faithful and I thought it was an alright film. Got Spider-Man's jokes and intelligence across beautifully.
>Forgetting picking an asshole up, taking him to the top of the Empire State Building and actually piledriving him all the way down.
Such a fun game to fuck around in.
Spotted the Sonybro.