Fuck Monster Hunter. Such a shitty series full of horrible hit boxes and nothing but farming in the worse way!

Fuck Monster Hunter. Such a shitty series full of horrible hit boxes and nothing but farming in the worse way!
Monster Hunter thread
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite monster
>Favorite game
>Favorite area

exhaust switch axe, excluding generations
royal ludroth
moga village/island

Gamescom can't come soon enough, I want new gameplay damnit.
Also CapCom, I want you to make the collector's edition sculptor thicc plesioth in a french maid outfit, please and thankyou.

What songs would the ultimate shitter carry horn have?
I think Tetsu horn from Gen is a great candidate:
>Defense Up L
>Negate Stun
>Negate Bind
>Negate Wind
>Negate Stamina Consumption


What kind of town are you guys hoping for in World? A multi-level forest town might be cool, like the Frontier Village in Xenoblade.

We've had a regular village, mountaintop village, fisherman village, desert port Japanese spring village, volcano mining settlement, tropical island beach but nothing in a forest.

>Still G Rank 1, so have crap armor
>Fighting a Deviljho in G Rank expedition
>Cut off his tail
>He leaves immediately after
>The tail disappears

Wouldn't mine more fishing areas but I'm a giant sucker for them being from a big fishing place. But if we are going to get something new I would like to see jungle area.

My dream is during the egg carry mission it can hatch into a baby monster which you can keep in the village as it runs around it and you can pet it. It would make them at least rewarding than just unlocking more ingredient for eating. Anyone else?

Apparently World is taking place on a newly discovered continent in the MH world. So you probably shouldn't expect actual cities.
Some freshly set up base camp, or maybe an (air)ship you arrived there on.

>Capcom is clearly trying fucking desperately with World to market it to the west
>I don't see any normies talking about this game anymore since E3
>There's a movie in the works but it's going to be fucking terrible based off the synopsis alone
>Really worried about the future of this franchise