Honest thoughts on the Halo games?

Honest thoughts on the Halo games?

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1-3 are genuinely great games. 2 is a bit overrated here though. Reach and four are garbage.

-Halo was just ok
-Halo 2 is the only non-overrated one, shit was pretty fucking amazing
-Halo 3 was a disappointing sequel but not a bad game

Never bothered with anything after 3 as it all reeked of souless cashgrab

when is microsoft going to realize this franchise isn't their magnum opus anymore.

What this guy said, & ODST, & Wars 1,2 are decent. Halo 3 is my favorite, & the bungie games need to be re-released on PC.

1-3 are excellent, 1 has the best campaign out of the 3. 3 is the single greatest competitive online multiplayer game in human history.

5 was good but not worthy of the originals
Reach and ODST were meh, 4 was bad

I will not buy 6 at release price, but I have cautious optimism about the series

Would be happy to see Halo 3 backwards compat or a PC port for less than $25

Halo has surprisingly extremely good and extensive lore

Reach was almost as good as 2 and ODST is comfy as fuck. Also I agree 100% on your opinions of the first three.

If they properly create a mod kit with forge compatibility, id buy it for 30 bucks desu

>3 is the single greatest competitive online multiplayer game

3 is my favorite game of all time but this is complete bogus. Quake and UT are far better. 3 is just all around one of the finest FPS games out there. But competitively those two blow it out of the water.

I think most people can agree that Halo 3 had the absolute best online experience for a console game

1-3 are great, with the first being the best.
ODST wasn't bad but I was disappointed with it, it shouldn't have played like a Halo game.
Reach I thought was good but not great
I never finished 4 but I didn't like what I played of it.
I haven't played 5.
Halo Wars was good too and I hope that the second one is, as well.
Also, holy shit, this

1 is a masterpiece that somehow made it through development hell
2 is good, multiplayer completely changed the face of gaming
3 Is good, Forge mode is still the only map editor on console and its evolutions up to 5 have been phenominal
ODST is a masterpiece, atmosphere and music wise, and is a fun story to play through
Reach was good, the last completely good halo game
Halo 4 had a good campaign (imho, it grew on me over the years, fight me), but the multiplayer suffered greatly. Unfortunately most people didn't like the campaign either, so ymmv.
the MCC was a disaster, but if you just wanna play the campaign on your xbone its fine (for me my halo 3 disk got scratched and the campaign is unplayable, so its welcome)
Halo 5 was pretty much a disaster. The mechanics of the game were solid. But thats just about the only thing that works about it. The campaign is a complete asspull, the advertising for it lead us to believe it would be something completely different. the Maps all sucked ass, and on top of all this they gave us the game in an incomplete state, missing theater and forge mode (idk if it ever got theater) and a ton of maps. Oh and most of the maps kinda suck, the only ones that work are midship and its counterpart map and a couple others that are decently balanced. Not to mention the retarded lens flare/glare that shouldn't even happen because the spartans helmets adjust to the sunlight, and even if they didn't have helmets their eyes would also adjust just as quick. So yea you can tell I hate halo 5

I got to play through that campaign for free when it was on the free play weekend. Glad I did too saved me from wasting money on that garbage

What would happen in a war between the flood and Orcs?

Halo 5 is the best Halo multiplayer since Halo 2.

I'm not saying competitive to denote hardcore or esports. I'm a pretty casual gamer overall. Maybe "versus" would have been a better word for it.

Those 2 games were great in their own right though.

I like all the Halo games from 1-5 yes, even 4[\spoiler]ODST was the only game that I didn't enjoy when I first played it but after awhile it won me over with its story and firefight

Halo to me is like that one girl you had a crush on in school. Even though she's all grown up now and isn't even the same person she was back then just seeing her face makes you remember all the feelings you had for her and even makes you want to get to know her now

halo 1 had fun multiplayer. I haven't played the rest because fuck xboxes

unironically this.

This, I'm honestly really excited that Halo 3 is coming to Xbone with all DLC included
>playing Halo 4 a few years back
>"this fucking sucks"
>decide to see if Halo 3 is still active
>consult a friend who's wise on the matter, he says it's all squeakers, all Valhalla, ALL THE TIME
>don't believe him, pick up a copy at FUCKING GAMESTOP for 5$
>it's all squeakers, all Valhalla etc etc
It'll be nice getting back to Guardian and High Ground

pretty good series, except for 34shit

I'm glad I didn't fall for the MCC but I'm definitely stupid for getting an Xbone.

Red vs Blue was and still is a good web series


I'm almost tempted to get a couple months of live to play this shit online again since my 360 died a long ass time ago.

halo 3 customs wouldve been source level

Arby n' the Chief >>>>>> RvB

1=2=3>ODST>reach>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the rest

343 butchered it for casuals

Remember Reach

This commercial was so good: youtube.com/watch?v=2bZjbKnGcSo

also it's 9 years old ;_;


No, every machinima took up the let's get serious thing after RvB got serious. Arby n The Chief was alright up until it started getting all serious and it seems like the whole machinma scene died with Halo 3. The only thing keeping that shit afloat is the TBF and clickbait joutnslism. I honestly feel fucking retarded for ever liking Rooster Teeth but now I just want it to end.

Michael had great commentary when he was by himself on his solo channel.

halo 5 has some of the best gameplay since halo 2, its just the maps suck for the most part.

yeah. kinda sucked for seasons 7-10 though, and I come from just finishing rewatching the first 11 and finishing through 13 today. I haven't seen 14 or 15 but I'm hoping at least 14 has mainly machinima

what 343 did to the elite design should be punished with a firing squad

All Bungie halo's are good. PC when?


oh right halo 3 had probably the best ad campaign ever.

>1 best campaign
I would agree, but towards the end they just copy paste the same area over and over, honestly 2 or 3 have a better campaign.

>reach > 5
Hello Bungie fag.


I want 343 to fuck off, they haven't released a single good Halo game

How long do you think 3's multiplayer will stay around for after this becomes backwards compatible? Anyone think they're going to pull some Halo2 shit and kill it after awhile? Will they bring back Halo 2 multiplayer after it inevitably becomes backwards compatible?

Halo 5 did what Reach and H4 tried to do but actually pulled it off.
H3 MP is just shitty H2 style MP.
CE, H2, H5 is the Halo MP trinity.

4 was the nail in the coffin for multiplayerfags and 5 was the nail for campaignfags. 343 is gonna have to pull a fucking miracle to both reignite series interest overall and regain the trust of basically almost an entire fanbase they lost if they want 6 to succeed.

As a campaignfag 5 was so fucking depressing. Sure the multiplayer was a good amount of fun and Forge is fucking insanely fun but 5's story was just so lackluster I really can't care about the rest of the game that much. What the fuck happened?

I love this franchise and the Xbox brand to death so seeing it crumble is sad to me. Say what you will about the older games but they had clear heart and passion put in them. The graphics, the story, the lore, the multiplayer and dear god the music. It seems like all of them have been stripped away for this very corporate feeling husk of a franchise and I hate it. Just have 6 be good, I beg 343 I really don't want this franchise to die. At the very least thanks for making 3 Backwards Compatible and its DLC free, that'll bring back a lot of good memories.

Also I unironically think that even with a good lack of the old Halo team there anymore, Destiny still definitely feels the closest to the feeling of the older titles for me and I'm very excited for 2.

It was good until they tried to make it a super dark drama.

I have very fond memories playing Halo 3 and Reach with friends after highschool. Times were simpler back then.

ODST has the best soundtrack though.

>it's this same motherfucker shilling for Halo 5 for the past couple of years

Halo multiplayer suffered after Reach released because some reason it just wasn't as good for customs and that's where Halo started to shine after 2 was shut down.

>Destiny still definitely feels the closest to the feeling of the older titles for me and I'm very excited for 2.
Several Bungie old guard are gone after the development clusterfuck of the first one. I really want to know what happened.

I refuse to give them shit after Destiny 1.

>you will never again have the feels of playing the Reach campaign for the first time
>you will never again waste countless nights with your best buds in Reach multiplayer

What do we know about what happened to Bungie between Halo and Destiny?

>yfw Halo 2 servers go back up when og Xbox BC goes up

A fuckton of content was cut from Destiny and it underwent extensive rewrites. There was also some unknown behind the scenes drama which resulted in several firings including the guy who did the Halo music who sued them and won.

Why the fuck are they working on BC when the MCC isn't even completely fixed

Yep, the bungie that made the halos do not exist anymore.

Marty was a treasure and they treated him like complete garbage. His music is some of the best ever written for video games.

>school friends sold their Xboxes after Reach
>lose contact with them except one
>used to play together or talk to each other every day
>never hear from him now and he barely games
>I'm sitting here waxing nostalgic with bunch of faggots on Sup Forums

We're going to have to play together just once.

>what Reach and H4 tried to do

What, completely ruin and kill the series? Because yes, then it did accomplish that.

>based Marty sued Bungie and won
Good for fucking him, no wonder the Destiny BGM sucked

>slap together an emulated version that you know will work the same as it did
>fix all the bugs in a port which is notoriously buggy since launch

Destiny's development seemed to being going a-ok until higher ups at Activision weren't pleased with what they saw (Almost assuredly because Staten's version of the original story involved infinitely less nickel and diming than what (((Kotick))) wanted). They basically scrapped years of work and had to write a new higher-up friendly version of the story. This also heavily effected the other parts of the game and Bungie people got pretty mad and left. And SOMETHING happened between Martin O'Donnel and Activision but no one really knows what.

>yfw they kill Halo 3, Reach, and ODST multiplayer period like they did 2 because it's too costly after awhile

They all run on Live, taking them down means taking down all online for all Xbox games.


>killing 3 and odst after they just announced bc
i think 3 is still one of the most popular xbl games.

Wonder why they didn't release Halo 2 for Xbox 360 after they shut it down. Achievements, 720p, more features, etc

Objectively false, but it might be again once BC goes live. Black Ops 2 is still on the most popular list after it went BC.

Somewhere out there is a timeline where Microsoft/343 scoops Joe Staten and Marty O'Donnel on their exit from Bungie and have them right the ship that is Halo, and I hate that this timeline isn't it.

>Black Ops 2 is still on the most popular list after it went BC.
Most popular on xbl overall or xbone only?

>being this delusional

Reach would be the best one if it had more content and no armor lock and Sprint. Should have had armor abilities be more creative.

What's stopping them from absorbing into Microsoft?

I don't understand why the hell anyone actually wanted every 360 CoD backwards compatible. I enjoyed them up until Blops1 but that was my breaking point. It's not like tue multiplayer for CoD 2, 3, and WaW had a big boon. I would rather play fucking WaW but hackers fucked that game hard and literally who hacks in a console game?

Ah now I remember. Fuck Activision, Destiny sold how it did because of Bungie alone. You would have made your shekels and more if you weren't such greedy fucks. At least Salvatori keeps on doing great. His music just keeps getting more and more O'Donnel tier, God bless him.

Think about the thought that went into this. A futuristic Normandy landing. It's just incredible. I don't think we'll see anything like this for a long, long time.


So if it had been Halo 5? I agree.

>using the same map data for campaign, multiplayer and firefight

What were they thinking?

>I don't understand why the hell anyone actually wanted every 360 CoD backwards compatible.
Because the new ones are awful and riddled with microtransactions.

>At least Salvatori keeps on doing great. His music just keeps getting more and more O'Donnel tier, God bless him.

Post some tracks

To be honest, a lot of them were good maps. They just needed more.

Nothing actually. Staten actually wrote the story for ReCore (A bone/PC exclusive I'd highly recommend) and he probably wouldn't mind coming back. O'Donnel would be harder to get back. But I'd consider it a win if we got either back honestly.

I don't think there is even a publicly available list of most played games any more. The closest thing is a list of the highest selling xbone games which tells nothing about online play.

Still love that trailer to this day.

Honest thoughts on Brian Reed, and the 343i writers?

I played CE and 2 and enjoyed them a lot and still replay them fairly often, never got a 360 though so no 3.
Like the last time this thread was up.

Only faggots used armor lock just to delay the inevitable or wait for team mates. Invasion was a fucking great game mode for damn sure because it just progressively got more weapons, vehicles, and diverse tactics. EA Battlefront tried the whole cinematic approach with the Death Star shit and what they're doing with EAFront 2 but invasion in Reach felt more cinematic through progressively unlocking different vehicles and yadda yadda.

8:15 in Destiny 2's menu music is pure sex.

>Bought an Xbone just to play the new Halo and Gears as well as replay the old ones through backwards compatibility
>Most fun I've e had in months

The design of the Xbox controller, the mechanics and the lore/story for both of these franchises all compliment each other so well, only time in recent memeory have games that have been branded as "system sellers" actually lived up to that title

Even though I hate racing sims I'm almost tempted to give the Forza franchise a go because of how good Halo and Gears are



What are some realistic things that Halo 6 will have. They said Halo 5's multiplayer was really great since Halo 3 (or Halo 2 I forgot) so from that statement alone, it's safe to assume that Halo 6 will be a lot more to Halo 5's play style. Man I could really use a leak from Halo 6 right about now.

This is a comfy Halo bread. By experience this will turn to shit very very soon.

There's been surprisingly little info about the game, other than the confirmation of split-screen and a Chief-centric campaign.

Knowing 343 they have potential of ruining everything by changing everything

If Cortona doesnt have the logic plauge the story needs to be retconned back to the end of 3

How long did it take 343i to produce Halo 4 and Halo 5?


[/spoiler]ive played one match of halo 3 at a friend's house, how close am I?

replace 3 with 2, remove wars and wars2 entirely and add odst there

Halo Wars 2 gave me hope. There's also the fact that they fired the writer of Halo 5. And there's been very little info on the game so maybe they're taking it serious?

I know they have the master chief collection but why not have the Halo games BC on Xbox One?

They all will be. Along with all DLC for each being free now.