Can my $62 dollar 2008 laptop run The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion?

Can my $62 dollar 2008 laptop run The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion?

Here are the specs:

Processor: Intel(R) TM2 Duo CPU
T8199 @ 2.10GHz 2.10GHz


System type: 32Bit

DirectX Version: 11

Harddrive: 33GB free of 120GB

Graphics: Mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family

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Maybe with low textures and shit resolution

just download oldblivion if it can;t

>Graphics: Mobile Intel (R) 965 Express Chipset Family
Maybe on the lowest settings.

what the fuck is that? oldblivion?

Or you could download Morrowind which is easier to run and also a better game.

I looked into it, and apparently it's an online game? I only want an offline single player game...

its like a bunch of mods and compatibility settings that make the game run on toasters

Surprised it took this long for MW shitposters to show up

It's an offline game
Most of Sup Forums loves it, but I don't
Still worth trying out