Why do people act like Backwards compatibility should be standard for consoles?

Why do people act like Backwards compatibility should be standard for consoles?

>Wii U
>Xbox 360
>Xbox One

These are the only backwards compatible consoles.
None of you own Wii U's or Xbox One's, so why do you act like every console has to be backwards compatible just because Wii and 360 were?

Because if it isn't backwards compatible they just sell the games again.

>forgetting the ps3
Lawdy. Or did you just get the shit one?

Windows has compatibility mode. Why not consoles?

I don't see anyone complaining about all these Switch remasters

Because it's a pro-consumer practice.

PS3 is backwards compatible to PS1, and PS2 if you had a launch model.

You're also forgetting the GBA, the DS, and the 3DS all are backwards compatible.

Backwards Compatibility is an amazing feature.

Wouldn't that make OP's argument stronger since PS3 wasn't profitable until the cheaper models that didn't have BC

You haven't seen much Switch discussion, have you?

They had models with ps2 software instead of hardware.

People defend it whenever someone complains about the ports.

Nintendorks are so starved for games that they'll gladly take anything that they can get.

except every single PS3 has BC

PS1 BC that is


Because people don't understand how backwards compatability works. They think you just hit a switch or someshit, or the only reason is to sell it twice. In reality there is either the extremely costly hardware backcomp of basically building the old console into it.or emulation which can have huge problems sometimes.
Personally i don't get the big deal. If you have ps3 games you probably already have a ps3. Etc. Switch ports are full ports to a system with no optical drive and bring utility in the form of portability so I'm all for them.
The one thing that does piss me off however, is ps4 emulation of ps2 games. Ps3 let me play psx off the disc, but ps4, which has an optical drive, won't let me emulate ps2 games off disc, you have to buy it again. That is bullshit. If they couldn't emulate off disc let me image that shit.

>tfw people think it's gone when you can actually put original PS1 discs in your PS3 super slim and start playing


I don't know. I personally just sell everything after I finish it. people who collect stuff are strange.

There is no conceivable way switch could be BC with Wii U dumbass.

>b-but nintendo!! DX

Who give a fuck lmao, enjoy pay for psnow!

I don't care.

Then why complain?

Because if people are going to bitch about "m-muh no backwards compatible" for other companies then Nintendo shouldn't get a free pass

"it's okay when nintendo does it" is more than just a meme

You forgot

>Gameboy color
>Gameboy advance
>Gameboy advance sp

So you admit there is nothing Nintendo could do to make it backwards compatible but people should complain anyway? Consolewars posters truly are retarded. I don't think ps4-PS3 back compat was bullshit. However making people rebuy ps2 games that run in an emulation environment is bullshit.

>So you admit there is nothing Nintendo could do to make it backwards compatible but people should complain anyway?
Yes. They're screwing over Wii U owners

You just said it yourself retard
This means there are complainers, this means it's not accepted and invalidates your original argument.

>ps vita

>Don't think ps4-ps3 backcomp was bullshit.
Mwant don't think it was feasible.
>inb4 by letting more people enjoy games!

you mean non-owners

>want to skip the wii u
>your only option to play the 3 wii u games you remotely care about is emulation

There is no fucking reason the new Pokken characters couldn't have also been in the Wii U version
They basically did paid beta testing for the Switch, and they get nothing out of it

could the vita play PSP umds? i have a pstv which only plays digital psp games

Xbox marketeers. Select xbox360 titles isn't full BC by the way. But who cares about such details?

I'd love to play the PS2 jrpgs again but I know why it is not happening.

Ofc no, Vita can play only PSP digital games

Actually most games are not sold again but just disappear forever.

They were developed after the fact to sell the port. This is a n absurd complaint to me. I bought Jurrasic park, now the blu ray is out with SPECIAL FEATURES!? i clearly got fucked over as a beta tester.
Wii U owners, myself included knew what they were """"buying""" and nothing of the product they purchased changed. A new shinier one came out years later that's it. The 2018 ford fusion is probably improved on the 2017 as well. Car owners btfo.

>Select xbox360 games
300+ fucking games and counting, updating every month

Pcsx2, or just buy a ps2.
Also select titles because it's emulation not hardware back compat.

no, vita uses carts and there'd be no point in cluttering the thing with a disc drive just for the sake of BC -- I'd sooner take no BC over adding addition readers, especially on a handheld.

Thankfully most psp games were made available digital due to PSPgo dropping UMD. Still a few that are kinda lost forever outside piracy or a real PSP though.

because we are at the point where we have a standard disc format and it makes no sense that the latest model of the system can't play the older one's games and it makes even less sense now that digital is a standard..

Oops meant i bought Jurrasic park on vhs.

>They were developed after the fact to sell the port
No they fucking weren't. The arcade version got them almost a year ago. No reason they couldn't have been on Wii U.

You forgot PS3, witch had backwards compatibility at launch.

That's two generations of consoles, oh fucking wow why would anyone think it would be the standard after over ten years of everyone having it just fucking wow OP fucking kill yourself and your mom you stupid piece of acne and misery.

>Wii U owners, myself included knew what they were """"buying""" and nothing of the product they purchased changed.
You're just a cuck. You could be getting new games but you're happy to just pay full price again for shit you already own. Pathetic

All you have to do to play the titles that matter is subscribe to PS Now!

How convenient you forget the GBA and 3/DS

I mean if they really wanted to they could of introduced them as dlc years after release of a dead game on a dead platform but why? Street fighter has done this very thing over a million times. Besides people would complain just qs much, like retards do about BOTW coming to Wii U.

>That's two generations of consoles
Wrong, only PS2 had it during 6th gen

Only the truly stupid views things like this in a purely zero sum nature. Of course i expect nothing less from a cuckposter.

That's why emulation and console piracy are so important.

Go fuck yourself dude, the original Pokken only came out 1 year + 3 months ago. The DLC was a few months after. They could've been paid DLC on Wii U and included in the port on Switch

Imagine being an xbox fan for a moment... what are you gonna presume to others?


They are so desperate that they will use anything to deny the truth. They chose wrong.

Nintendo is the only company who kept doing backwards compatibility right. You can just pop a previous gen game in there and it will work 100% of the time on GBC, GBA, DS, 3DS, Wii and Wii U but now they've kinda lost me with Switch. Not only does it lack compatibility it's not really a step up in performance compared to the Wii U. I mean it generally very slightly pulls ahead but in some tasks is slower.

Not him but they could at least fucking give WiiU owner's who bought the games previously, on an abandoned platform, with a shrinking userbase for its games a fucking discount if they own the game. Nintendo instead chooses to say.

>"Hey you bought this game, but if you want it on a new platform where everyones moving PAY FULL PRICE AGAIN HAHA A FEW TINY and UNIMPORTANT EXTRAS JUSTIFIES ANOTHER $60 PRICETAG!"

This is the exact fucking reason I will pirate everything on switch. I haven't pirated anything in years but this time I actually have a valid and functional reason to fucking do it. When switch gets cracked I'm fucking stealing every game I can get my mitts on, I'm also buying it secondhand so nintendo technically gets nothing. I'll also also wait for the online to get a way to spoof being a paying customer so its free.

Tired of their jew bullshit, tired of their fanbase, tired of their gimmicks. Fuck Nintendo.

That's because none of us played the wiiu so we want the games now

Wrong, GBA exist

People still would have complained. Besides as I said, game was pretty dead 3 months in.

Literally "its okay when Nintendo does it."

Why the hell do you think they would've complained about it

>1 year + 3 months
It's so much easier to just say 15 months.

Just don't buy it then lol, you already own it. You aren't entitled to a fucking discount just cause your feelings got hurt.
I'm going to pirate most my games like i did on wii U and every other console. But at least I'm not going to lie to myself with some bullshit justification so I can feel like the good guy. I'm doing it for my own benefit to the detriment of nintendo a company that has never harmed me in anyway, simply cause i want to save $60. And so are you, this level of reaching is fucking pathetic.

Because I don't want ports of games I already own.

>fucking DLC 3 months in!?!? Should of come with the game!
>no new content in the switch port!? SWITCH HAS NO GAMES.

Then play the games on the platform you bought them for lol

So fucking let people complain then. Better than screwing over your paying customers.

Agreed. That's why nintendo made the port the way it did for it's paying switch customers.

>Company makes mistake
>underpowers, undersells, poorly markets console
>fails and abandons adopters and everything they bought
>rereleases games on new platform because fuck you

I want fair treatment as a long time customer, and so should anyone else who was a buyfag for them. This is far from making excuses, it's calling out corporate greed which Nintendo has been a fucking huge proponent of for far too long. Buyfags pay their fucking paychecks with their purchases, they should feel entitled to fair treatment if a corporation makes the large mistakes that they continue to make.

The double standards on this site really are a sight to behold, people screeched endlessly when Sony ported TLOU one year after the original but this is fine?

Still not disk based emulation of every xbox 360 game. Which is what emulation is imo: pop in disk and play.

You ask to speak to the manager a lot don't you? Like at restaurants amd retailers? You strike me as the most entitled cunt I've met. If a nintendo product is worth the money pay for it. If not don't. That simple. They didn't "treat you at all" you bought a product with X library of games. You played it, you complained after. I bought a wii u and am perfectly happy. If you bought it day one and expected it to be like some super popular console it's your fault your an idiot.
Sup Forums is one person. I'm glad sony ported tlou, it runs much better and looks nicer on ps4. The fuck is there to be mad about?

a lot of people really didn't play the games cause they never got the Wii u, not that it's good to do it

I owned all those consoles except the Xbone. Also, Nintendo handhelds have BC too. Also, you can play Master System games on Genesis with a simple adapter.
Say whatever you want, cry in all languages you need, find the most silly justifications you can. I like BC, I want my consoles to have BC and I will forever complain if a console doesn't have BC (and I might even not buy it for that reason).

Literally "it's okay when Nintendo does it."

I mean that's fine. There are genuine physical problems that can make it impossible sometimes but that's not your problem, and someone seems to be able to everygen so whatever. But may I inquire into why? I mean the only time I can think of caring about BC was xbox 360 since i never owned an og xbox amd there was 2-3 games i wanted to play. But like I'd take $5 off the ps3 in exchange for back compat since I already own a ps2.

Yeah I expect the PS5 to be BC with PS4.

People who bitch that the PS4 doesn't have Rule of rose available as a PS2 classics don't know how this industry works.

Because different consoles have drastically different architectures... emulating the cell isn't exactly easy.
Probably will be since it will likely be x86 as well, probably even another amd APU.

Not that guy, but what if someone doesn't own a PS2 or it broke or shit happened to it? It's a nice insurance that my old PS3 can play PS2 and PS1 games if I really wanted to.