This series was chosen to be included in a game alongside better, more well known japanese fightan characters

>this series was chosen to be included in a game alongside better, more well known japanese fightan characters

>more well known

>slashing with a rapier

Is any part of this fucking series not a joke?

I guarantee 80% of the people who saw the trailer don't even know what UNI is.

wtf is UNIEL anyway i have hear about the others but i am really lost with this one

Post the rooftop running WebM, kills me every time I cant believe people watch this garbage

There is obviously a cutting edge on it if she's using it to cut.

Under Night In-Birth
Don't fucking ask me why it's abbreviated as Uniel.

Same team that make Melty Blood, even leas relevant due to being full OC

i am the only one loving this threads, the salt is really amazing

No one knows what Uniel is, while RWBY has its own manga, light novel, and Jap dub.

So there ya go.

That scene was really bad, but there are much better ones

At least it has better animation than Berserk.

1.5 million people watched the latest RWBY episode

Stands for Under Night In-Birth: exe late


The show has a staff that can transform into a nunchuck/shotgun hybrid and your still expecting some realism in this cesspool of weab?

its like...deviantart discovering poser.



Me too, it's not like BB itself isn't fucking ridiculous
Let the japs themselves choose what they want to put on their fighters, can't really make it worse

I used to work retail and had an autistic dude come in and try to talk to me about this show non-stop. I didn't think anything of it until I started coming here and seeing you nerds nut on this fag shit. As a rough headcount, how many of you faggos are autistic?

The voice actresses are fucking insufferable

>there are people who are going to play this just because of RWBY

Under Night In Birth- UNI or UNIB
Under Night In Birth EXE Late- UNIEL
Under Night In Birth EXE Latest- UNIST

everyone posting on Sup Forums has autism, including you

Most people here hate it, who are you talking about

Capcom must be so happy that their terrible showing is being completely over shadowed by faux outrage over some shitty weeb show.

Apparently you, cause no-one is nutting over it here

It's your duty to beat them to the ground with your waifu then

>completely overshadowed by faux outrage


>rwbyfags think this is good animation
am fukken laffin

you do know that you can slash with a rapier, right?

there are going to be people that get if just for persona so

Well, I finally know.
This shit is almost as bad as Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code. Fucking French Bread.

>implying waifufag can play Rachel

lmao whats with these garbage animations? This trash has a fanbase?


I'm contemplating getting this. Game play looks hype, but everything looks like weeb bait.

What are the chances we get Rachel instead of Noel? I wanna use Ragna and Rachel to stomp the RWBYshitters

Rachel players are all waifu fags but not all waifu fags play Rachel

That's because frenchbread makes it

I know my dude. I'm watching this shit thinking like, what? nigga WHAT?! lmao shaking my damn head at this.

Why not best boy?

Rachel is almost certainly in though

>weeb bait
Is it really? The marketing so far has been nearly non-existent. Be more specific

whats the point of this thread

remove snek

What's the point of ur life?


You know, eventually this thread is going to devolve into bitching about RWBY and little else, with people complaining that RWBY is blocking real discussion of the game while bitching about it.
When other threads are up that want to talk about RWBY specifically.

Ragna, Jin, Noel and Rachel are basically lock ins for BB

Just like how Yu, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko are guaranteed

And for UNIB it'd probably be Hyde, Linne, Waldstein and Vatista.

Fuck if I know enough about RWBY to guess which characters that will get.

They will admit its shit. Seasons 1-2 had the budget of a McDonald's kid's meal. Still funny to watch though. Show the one with Sun. It's my favourite.

Put snek in armor

>Can't escape RWBY posting
>Even on Sup Forums

From RWBY the four main girls are all shoe-ins.

You need one snek and you'd have a good prediction list for BB

holy shit whats her power?

Given the only thing we have about BlazCross is 2:00 mins of footage and 4 jpgs, thats the only outcome can happen.

anyone have the webm of that RWBY rooftop running scene?

Fuck, I honestly don't get what is appealing about this series...then again it's pure waifubait for some people.

This shit even got Miwa Shirow to do a manga adaptation, christ.

how the fuck does this continue to be a thing

People are more hung-up on RWBY being included rather than discussing the game.
Just to mindlessly bitch about it.

>olaf summer song here

Can someone please tell me how this shit is popular? I really want to know

We all know Japan has better taste in media and Japan loves this show therefor every single one of you haters are on the wrong side of history.

>>And for UNIB it'd probably be Hyde, Linne, Waldstein and Vatista.
>No Orie
You are a dummy

but it's not meant to be used as mainly a slashing weapon. You can use a any kind of melee weapon in any way but they won't be as effective. Slashing with a rapier is not terrible but doing that as your main fighting style with it is just gimping yourself on a retarded level. You might as well just get a normal sword. It's like using shuriken for melee combat.. you can do a lot of damage with it, but why the fuck do it that way?


Try and stop me.

I mean the character design and artstyle, I know it may seem pretty autistic, but I try to avoid any game that has an anime vibe to it, BB is to blame for that.

>trying to hype season 5 with some sort of shitty Weiss training session


What lvl?

>I honestly don't get what is appealing about this serie
The world is the most interesting thing about it, everything else is mediocre at best.


I don't think Linne and Orie are necessary in terms of gameplay. We need a more varied cast selections.

It's OK, we've got Cat now to cut snek no matter what he gets put into now
I honestly still see Nine being too good though and Jubei chances are going to be worse then Cliff was.

they're superhuman, might as well use a bladed stick

>Muh gameplay
It's a fanservice crossover game. They'll pick whoever's most popular on each thing.

i gotchu senpai

My main


Who /orie/ here?

I know but come on.
Nobody wants to talk about their hype, possible rosters, how assists are gonna work or anything like that. They want to bitch about how a webtoon is gettin' representation in a fighting game.
I'm mostly annoyed that it's dominating conversation topic when it's really a non-issue.

Yang would get fucking destroyed


As much as I understand the feeling, showing off the more interesting combatants might be in their favor since this is the first time UNI gets to be in the spotlight for anything.
Merkman is a good choice to bring more people nightmares.


>fags wondering who the other rwby reps are gonna be

No idea, everything is inconsistent and so far she can summon a big ice-knight.

Orie a shit! SHIT!


I'm curious what Blazblue has done against you
We don't need image spamming Oreo


Lots of dumb teenagers like the designs because they "like anime XD"
I had a friend in highschool who drew shitty designs much like RWBY and knew he would love this shit just based on that.

The entire cast is colorful and lolsoquirky or "No one understands me" quiet. So no wonder autistic fucks latch onto someone to relate with, or waifufags with terrible taste are infatuated with their shitty deviantart girls

No one is actually watching for the fights, and if they tell you they are they're lying, because no one would ever like that dog shit unironically

The only "good" thing RWBY produced, was the blonde bimbos shotgun gauntlets

lurk moar, newfag

Step away from the computer and spamming Oreo, Lex

Ok i agree on that. I really hope mori or whoever is directing can answer the simple question of 'are these 4 series the only ones?' Soon.

I know its stupid but god, pic related is something that must be in this game.

Imo its super-anime, but in a good way.
I love the designs and the music even though I usually wouldn't

I think people that claim to like it do so in order to publicly express that they're gays

is it just me or is the animation on this pretty shit? Looks like it was made in MMD wtf


you sound like a loser

What kind of effort can I expect in terms of alt costumes?