what's the most brutal vidya?
What's the most brutal vidya?
we need to go back to feudal law
Anything more brutal than her death?
shit way to die.
Tomb Raider 2013
Is this that Japanese girl who got tortured before getting killed? Some shit like having her clit burnt with a lighter and then cut off with scissors
is this the cement girl
Junko Furuta
Japs really are subhuman.
Yep. And the killers got like 10 years because Japan is just so honorobu
delet this
doesn't Japan have the death penalty though?
where can I watch this
Delete this
Come on, that Japs have done way worse shit than that.
google it you dumb fucks, this is older then my dick.
Lol no. They're too beta for that shit. Meriga is like the only democratic superpower that does.
tortures and serial killers around the world are subhuman
the morbid curiosity and sometimes devotion that surrounds them somehow seems even worse to me
like, they may have something fucked up in their brains that causes them to not process things correctly but what the hell is the excuse for people who idolize them?
It's even in the title.
After fapping to the doujin based on this case I know I'm going to hell. Thanks japan
>this is older then my dick
>implying a Sup Forumsirgin wouldn't do the same thing to some roastie if he was set off enough
this. if it were some ugly guy no one would give a fuck. the only reason you even know of it is that stupid manga. miyazaki did far worse things.
Link or pics
unwad your panties
*COUGH* Rape of Nanking, glad we nuked them.
China lost more people than the Soviet Union did, absolutely ridiculous.
I would like to think not.
Even if the cognitive defects required for thinking that torture and brutal murder would somehow solve some sort of domestic dispute, Sup Forumsirgins are confirmed spineless
relax, i'm just taking the piss m8
Bitch those are light to what Chinamen did themselves. Mao, laughed at the Japanese attempt and showed them how its done.
and sad