Why can't Pee-Sea gamers accept the fact that PC is a shit platform for videogames?

Why can't Pee-Sea gamers accept the fact that PC is a shit platform for videogames?
>Native control scheme is shit for anything accept shooters; USB controller support is nonexistent for most games and really shitty in most of the games that do support it.
>No couch multiplayer means you can't play videogames with your friends, only meaningful social contact is autistic hide-and-seek source engine games or minecraft servers.
>PC gamers are known to be socially stunted weeb virgins
>Missing out on countless exclusives for current consoles and can't even reliably emulate older consoles without input lag
>Have to either shell out a hundred dollars for a quality gaming chair or sit hunched over your keyboard like a hunchback freak
>PC hasn't had a non-indieshit exclusive for about a decade
Seriously, why are people still falling for the PC meme?

Other urls found in this thread:


here i'll make your thread last a little longer

not an argument

What an utter blunder of a post.

not an argument

>OP full of non-arguments
>n-not an argument
Here's your (you), (you) piece of (shit)


All of those things are mute facts and it looks like you have a neet loser in your life and think all pc gaymers are like this. exclusives don't mean dick with emulation. you can stick any controller into your pc and most games allow button mapping. I once hooked up several controllers to my pc and stuck into my tv with an emulator loaded with couch games and played them with the lads.

>claims my post doesn't contain any argument
>doesn't post an argument as to why
really makes me think...

allow me present the opposing opinons merely fo the purposes of debate

literally everything you said is objectively wrong

good day

Enjoy your massive input lag you fucking moron.

straight from le tumblr
how to start le video game war on \V\

you tried

Only with the lads otherwise i use a monitor for my own personal use. And honestly the input lag is so little normies like my friends don't give a shit or even notice.

>Accept shooters

Stopped reading there. You're retarded and don't know what an RTS is

>A PC plugged directly into the TV.
What input lag? How is that different than a console? Hell you don't even need to plug directly into the TV. You can pick up a steam link or any other such device and with a 5ghz WiFi network you wouldn't have any noticable lag.

>but what about my dead genre with no recent games!!! OP BTFO
kill yourself

>no noticeable lag
this is what peecucks actually believe

If you were less obvious you'd get more (you)s OP.

not an argument

Dawn of War, Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void, Company of Heroes 2, Civilizations

I know you're trolling but jesus are you even trying?

>newest game of all those is from 1.5 years ago

>Games need to be released annually

This is why sheep like you get milked

>hur dur i have no taste and never happy i need everything that releases now hur
The smart man waits to buy stuff he knows he wants. A half backed turd nugget wants everything new, good or bad.

>popular games are bad because they're popular

>CoD (modern)

Every video game platform has that one game that sells a fuckton but is actually bad. not an arguement

>Missing out on countless exclusives for current consoles
Uhhh... just Bloodborne and Nioh?

Not an argument

those games are good though, that's why people enjoy them.
>Sup Forums says it's bad therefore it's bad

you are telling me All those stagnant games are good? Only reason why WoW thrives as it does is because autists can't let go after spending years on their accounts. CoD is full of 12 year old shit eaters who keep spamming mics and stoners who don't even give a fuck. Candycrush is a freemium game, need i say more?

>not an arguement

>wah, wah, people enjoy videogames! it's not fair that people can have fun while i'm a jaded cunt about everything

not an arguement

Cause it sells videogames?

what did he mean by this?

That's what your mother said when your parents were having a discussion on you being born with possibility of being retarded.

How does plugging a console into a TV produce less lag than a PC plugged into a TV.

what this mean he did?

I was raised by Elk u fucking bent turd

I think he's trying to say it's because of TV's generally higher response time but fuck it because I've played on many TVs and the "lag" is not really an issue

>you just have to get used to it brah!

>Buy an Xbox
>It dies after a week
>Buy a PS
>No games
>Games availeble on console look better and play smoother on PC
>Can't pirate vidya
>Need to pay to play online even though you already pay for internets
Consoles were the biggest blunder of the century

>pirate a game
>plug controller in because game is supposed to have native support
>it detects xbox controller instead of PS4 controller
>the face buttons are flipped so that X does what square should do and triangle does what circle should do
>try to change controls in the options
>you can only change keyboard controls and it doesn't affect the controller equivalent
>uninstall my pc
master race my ass

Much like you "have to get used" to shitty paid online and bad graphics on consoles...

>le red ring meme
are we back in 2008? lmfao

Only poorfags and kiddies complain about paid online. Muh graphics don't matter when all your games are indie pixel shit lol

stop trolling nigger!

Okay, so what you're telling me is if you're playing on PC, you won't have input lag with a monitor, but if you're playing on console you will have input lag regardless since you always play on TV.

I'm not really sure I'm following you here.

There are programs like JoyToKey that lets you set any controller for any game.


>with your friends
If I had friends I probably wouldn't spend most of the day playing video games.

You know not every conversation is an argument, right? And honestly trying to say that your point is inauthentic does discredit it to a certain degree.

>have to install and run a third party program whenever you wanna play with a controller
sure sounds bloated and inconvenient, but i've come to expect that from pc games

lol mad

>he disagrees with the groupthink! he is a le trole!
definition of a non-argument.

>>have to install and run a third party program whenever you wanna play with a controller

Tell me, what do you do when you want to play with mouse and keyboard on a console.

Who would willingly play with KB+M? Objectively worst control scheme except for shooters and the dying RTS genre.

Anyways if you're autistic and hate fun there's this and about a million piece of shit clones put out by misguided gayming merchandising companies.

sure sounds bloated and inconvenient, but i've come to expect that from console games

>literally plug and play
laughing my fucking ass off, nice try pc cuck

>literally one google search and 2mb download
laughing my fucking ass off, nice try consolefag

>janky closed-source third party software that won't work if the game you're trying to play auto-detects controllers and fucks up the config like this guy

That's not what I said. Honestly, I don't even play PC games. Trying to misrepresent someone's argument makes you look silly.

>If you were less obvious you'd get more (you)s OP.

that's exactly what you said though

I love how this post gets ignored.

>you can play PC on couch
>what are you talking about
>wouldn't that mean consoles are forced to have input lag since you play them on tvs and not monitors, whereas with PC you have the option of either
>no response


who was originally a console pleb here?
>can't aim in fps with a mouse because it's either too slow or too fast
>can't easily press whatever key I desire, sometimes I lose my place on the keyboard
>buttons are so far apart sometimes, using pinky for shift and control is pure cancer
>mostly just play one handed games like Civ or gamepad supported games
I fell for the meme, at least having dual monitors is cool

how can (you) be so wrong on every point OP? but in case you're actually this delusional...
>kb+m is great for a number of genres, including shooters, strategy, 4x, mmos, mobas, p&c, etc. but you've probably never heard of most of those genres because console controls don't work well with them. and if you're dying to use a controller, most games support xbox controllers, and ds4w lets you use a dualshock on literally any game. all you have to do is keymap.
>pc has had more couch co op games release this gen than ps4 and xbone combined. just look up "couch co op" and steam and you're set. and mods for games like GTA V let you play couch co ops on titles console players could never even dream of. I play GTA V with up to three friends in my dorm all the time. not to mention programs like dolphin that let me play old co op games in 4k.
>of the top selling games on steam, 0 are weebshit. quality pc gaming typically requires money, which requires social connections and a work ethic or inheritance from a family with those values. also the pc market is aimed particularly at adults who can build and problem solve for their hardware.
>xbone has 1 exclusive, being sunset overdrive, and ps4's exclusives are almost entirely weebshit. bloodborne was the beta for das3. even then, most pc gamers can afford a console if they want one. there just simply aren't enough exclusives on either to warrant my purchase.
>you can walk into any goodwill and buy a desktop chair for less than 10 bucks right now. and if you want to sit on your couch, you can plug your pc into your tv, turn on a controller, and game to your heart's content.
>off the top of my head, civ iv-vi, arma 2-3, dota 2, quake champions, etc

maybe because that guy is objectively wrong about consoles having input lag

>Xbox dies after week
>PS has literally no games

nice lies

also, >Can't pirate vidya

>Waah, waah, I can't steal my games!

Yes, the consoles just magically compensate for the MS of the TV and PCs are incapable of doing it.

Oh, right. I am not that guy though. I was pointing out that if your post was inauthentic (this was the point that other guy tried to make) it would discredit it by showing that you are likely not interested in discussion but rather emotional reaction. It is a fair point. Idk what you're trying to say, but all I'm saying is it could be considered an argument, or maybe not an argument. Maybe a warning that we shouldn't take you seriously as you are not interested in discussion.

>defending MOBA games
stopped reading there.

>paying for your Internet twice
>paying $60+ for a fucking controller
>paying $60 for every new release
>barely any sales
>get hacked every other week and lose credit info
>costs more than a pc for worse graphics

Don't worry bro. In America there's no crime in pissing away money.


consoles are designed for TVs, PCs are designed for monitors

is this a hard concept to grasp?

>being poor
>being poor
>being poor
>being poor
>hasn't happened in years
>being poor

>stopped reading there
because I proved your point wrong? "kb+m is only good for shooters"
"...and like 10 other genres including mobas"
"hah mobas are dumb"

cry more dotafag

>being poor
Or you can use the same money to get more.
>hasn't happened in years

>what's different about them
>th-they just are trust me


All you faggots plugging your pc into a tv. why? Snuggle up beside your gf in front of a monitor.
nice and intimate
also op's a fag so this post is saged

>Hackers stole the information from two popular gaming forums back in 2015, and managed to take details including email addresses, passwords and IP addresses, it has recently been revealed.
>The forums called Xbox360 ISO and PSP ISO let gamers share and download free and pirated copies of games.
Did you even read your own source? Someone hacked a shitty game pirating forum, this is only tangentially related to console gaming.

I literally don't play mmos
I'm just saying, mmos are a genre designed with kb+m in mind. You made an argument that only shooters are designed for that control scheme. Your argument is invalid.

and you're autistic.

>pc gayming

>Hackers stole the information from two popular gaming forums back in 2015, and managed to take details including email addresses, passwords and IP addresses, it has recently been revealed.
>it has recently been revealed
>ramifications are just now coming to light 2 years after the fact

Do you read past the 1st line?

This is irrelevant, the hacks occurred on third party forums not officially tied to either console.

It's like claiming that Steam is vulnerable to cyberattacks because kids on TF2 fan forums keep giving out their passwords.

The point which you are clearly missing is that these fuckers had peoples' info and were using it for years before the companies actually stepped in to do something about it.
Sony and Microsoft just let it ride for years and didn't give a shit.

>It's like claiming that Steam is vulnerable to cyberattacks because kids on TF2 fan forums keep giving out their passwords.
Which would never even happen, because you have to jump through so many hoops if you even attempt to purchase something from a different IP address.
This is the central point you are failing to grasp.

The information wasn't even being used on the consoles, it was being sold on the internet and leaked online. The companies themselves have no power if the people who stole the data,
>didn't even steal it directly from them
>aren't even using the stolen information on the consoles themselves

>The information wasn't even being used on the consoles
Yes, it was. In the UK, they noticed an uptick of unauthorized transactions.

>The companies themselves have no power if the people who stole the data didn't even steal it directly from them
But it was used. I get calls from my credit card and debit card companies if anything looks unusual, and steam blocks a lot of actions if you mysteriously just start using another IP.

You can't stop the guy from stealing $500 from someone, but you sure as shit shouldn't accept that money. It's just sloppy. And it still doesn't excuse the hacks of the past.

>PC gamers are known to be socially stunted weeb virgins

I know PC is getting tons of ports of ancient Vita games, but you're fucking delusional if PC is by any means more of a "weeb" system than the PlayStations. PC doesn't have the weebiest games like Yakuza (muh Japanese crime simulator), Project Diva, or Persona, all of which released this year for PS4.

>In the UK, they noticed an uptick of unauthorized transactions
This is stated nowhere in the article.

There's also no evidence that Microsoft/Sony knew about the leaks.

All the weebshit clogging up steam begs to differ. Also everybody had a PS2 when it came out because it had the GTA games.

All of which are ports of old games, some of them being ports of PS2 games released THIS year. If you're a weeb, you won't be playing on PC, especially when most Jap pubs don't put games on PC until at least a year later.

They wouldn't be porting them if there wasn't a huge demand for ports by pcweebs.

>not duplicating your monitor on your TV
get a load of this retard

of the top 25 games currently being bought on steam, 0 are weeb games
clearly weebs are a niche market that barely effect overall pc sales

>Native control scheme is shit for anything accept shooters
>And RPGs
>And strategy games

Gee, sounds like its actually a great platform for multiple genres.

A wired xbox controller is plug-and-play.

>i don't understand statistics, relative market shares, or supply and demand

read the thread, most pc games have shit controller support anyways

>keyboard goes back to typewriters and is designed purely for text input
>mouse designed in the 60s alongside light pens purely for primitive graphic user interfaces in an attempt to reduce keyboard input
>"d-dude this is the perfect control scheme for video games!"

>Native control scheme is shit for anything accept shooters; USB controller support is nonexistent for most games and really shitty in most of the games that do support it.
If you are too autistic to setup a xbox controller emulator consoles surely are the right choice for you. Also KB+N isn't shitty if you get used to it
>No couch multiplayer means you can't play videogames with your friends, only meaningful social contact is autistic hide-and-seek source engine games or minecraft servers.
There are plenty of co-op games and you can emulate some older console co-ops. And in online you can play games like arma where the online community is much more mature than in any console game
>PC gamers are known to be socially stunted weeb virgins
Not an argument
>Missing out on countless exclusives for current consoles and can't even reliably emulate older consoles without input lag
We have our exclusives too, but this is a valid reason to take in consideration when deciding whereat PC or Console (there are also console exclusives so you aren't of the hook with single console)
>Have to either shell out a hundred dollars for a quality gaming chair or sit hunched over your keyboard like a hunchback freak
Just because office chairs don't have gaming written into them doesn't mean that they cant bee sat on. Also any normal chair will do.
>PC hasn't had a non-indieshit exclusive for about a decade
What is Arma what is X-Com what are most e-sport shits
Just because the genre isn't to your liking doesn't mean it doesn't exist

sage because bait af

The "controllers on PC" argument has been thoroughly debunked in this thread already, I won't be making it again. Also,
>you just have to get used to it bro
>muh "mature" community
you mean no-fun-allowed losers playing under uber-restrictive rules? no thanks
>we have our exclusives too
like what? undertale? lmao
unless you buy a quality chair to sit in you're gonna be suffering from major back pain
>what is arma
>what is xcom
on console
>what are e-sports

Modding, Free Online, and Free games.

Why are KB M always consider objectively worse?
8 movement directions are enough and you can use the mouse to "aim" where you will go.
And the speed you will move is more constant with KB as they are 2 binary inputs instead of 1 analog
And you can have way more inputs with KB but because most games are ports that doesn't really effect AAA games

not gonna read this shit thread.

>native control scheme is-
supports every controller in existence for the same price or less than consoles. basic computer savvy allows you to use any input device on any piece of software. no exceptions.
>no couch multiplayer-
put your computer in your living room and hdmi it into a TV. guessing you're a basement dweller
>PC gamers known to be-
>Missing out on countless exclusives for current consoles
less than 200. less than 40 worthwhile ones. less than that per individual taste.
>can't even reliably emulate older consoles
false. sure, there's not hardware-accurate emulation for a whole lot of consoles, but everything up to ps2/gcn can be played at higher fidelity and/or (usually and) higher framerate than original hardware. there are exceptions.
>without input lag
everything has input lag
the fuck do you sit on while playing a console? get a piece of plywood for your keyboard/mouse if you're a cheap shit, or yeah buy a goddamn chair
>PC hasn't had a non-indieshit exclusive for about a decade
there's enough good indies and indie pc exclusives in the past decade for that not to actually be an argument, but even then, i'll settle for PC having the definitive edition of literally every game that comes to both pc and console

thanks op, feels good to be so much more right than you, hope you enjoy the longform (You). fair trade

hehehhehe look mom i called that guy autistic because he had a point and i said to that guy that whether you can have girlfriend depends on the platform you play

this site is 18+ you know