Solid is blonde too, he dyed his hair

Serious question though, why don't Japs understand basic biology?

It's just Kojima.

They never stopped believing in the Aryan dream, that's why they don't have sex these days, they don't want to fuck no dirty chinks

Big Boss has brown hair though

Its fiction you idiot

Is this comic implying blondeness is a recessive gene? I didnt know that

Two words:

Hair Dye.

Liquid's was sun bleached blond from his time in the Middle East.

>Different VA
I can understand the british accent however why BB & Solid have the same voice and Liquid is so different ?

They both have blonde hair. Someone didn't play the game.

Mom's side, Eva.

Liquid doesn't smoke

>sun bleached hair

This is not a thing


No wonder this guy keeps failing to use metal gear properly; he's fucking TERRIBLE at science!

But he was Blonde as a child in Afica

Eva only had the eggs implanted in her belly. The egg donor was some rando Jap woman which raises even more questions.

Blonde is used for females, blond is the masculine form.

But Solid and Liquid are "twins", he just changed his appearance a little.


>Aryan genes
>not superior

Didn't Eva just served to carry the children?
Because i thought some of the genes were from a random japanese woman.

Badly written fiction.
It is

Kojima fucking sucks
Fukushima is the true creator of metal gear
>b-but muh cinematic experience
Fuck off

It is dominant. Shitskins and other subhumans like to say otherwise because they fear the true Aryan race.

Alright it makes sense.


No just fiction, it doesnt have to adhere to reality you dumbo

Go deny science somewhere else

I thought Liquid has the recessive genes, but those recessive genes is actually beneficial than the dominant counterpart?

it's badly written fiction.

Kojima is the m night shyamalan pic video games.

Pretty much everyone in the world has Aryan ancestors - learn how exponential growth works.

Nah, he has the dominant genes but Solid worked harder
The overarching theme of the series is to not let your life be determined by anything but your own choices and actions, even your genes don't matter compared to hard work and determination

Your superior genes lost ww2

I believe what they were going for was to say that liquid had the "soldier genes" that were also the basis for the genome army. The dominant/recessive dynamic was either a misunderstanding or mistranslation.

Honestly, I would expect BB's soldier genes to be recessive anyway. If all the genetic markers that make one a natural at soldiering were dominant, there would be a lot more Big Bosses out there.

aka every anime ever

twins do not automatically sound the same.
Only if there is nothing at all that affects the development of the vocal chords during childhood through adulthood will they have the same voice, but stuff like pneumonia can already change that, even more so them living in different climates.

not videojuegos

It's just a question of nature vs nurture. Liquid was stronger but thought he was weaker, Snake was weaker but thought he was stronger. In the end Snake wins because of the mental edge, not because of his genetics. It should be worth noting, however, that despite all of the Snake couldn't actually kill Liquid and it was only Foxdie that saved Snake.

Liquid was told he had the recessive genes, but actually had the dominant genes. You find out at the end, which calls into question the notion of the value of Big Boss' genes in the first place.

Or it would, but liquid kicks ass. If it wasn't for the inferiority complex leading him to make a series of terrible decisions, he would have won easily. Even then, he STILL would have won if Foxdie didn't save Solid.

No actually.

>The egg donor was some rando Jap woman which raises even more questions.
The eggs were also scooped out and injected with BBs cells, leaving them only asian mitochondrial DNA, which is almost nothing percentually.

>Snake was weaker but thought he was stronger.

He literally doesn't know anything about this stuff until the very last battle.

Most anime claim to be about that but still have the hero be 'special' or 'chosen' in some way
But yes, basically


Does the S stand for Sonic?


>You find out at the end, which calls into question the notion of the value of Big Boss' genes in the first place.

No, it calls into question the judgement of what are his best qualities made by the scientists involved, since all the snakes are superior to pretty much every human soldier bar none, regardless of what genes were selected, or wholecloth, in solidus' case.


It stands for Straight.





Where's the one where one of his characters is hitting on Chris?
>"Well, don't get any ideas"

Chris is literally the only person who adds the S.

This guy is great. Also his girls are surprisingly qt


I'll post that page after this.

I'd dump all of Issue 11 if I had the time, but I don't. I still can't believe Chris ever finished it after eight goddamn years.

Here's hoping Issue 12 doesn't take that long.

>Most anime claim to be about that but still have the hero be 'special' or 'chosen' in some way
Gee, and cartoons not from japan are usually about some random schmuck who has no special traits to speak of, right?
Lets face it, almost every STORY out there is about someone special.
It is actually hard to find a protagonist who is not blessed at least through narration.

If the audience can't reasonably be expected to suspend disbelief it's poor writing



because vapour does not sound as cool as solidus, and does not fit as well into what was previously thought a dichotomy.

Is that right? I always just thought it was like grey vs gray

FMA and BNHA do it pretty well in my opinion.



It's far more common for Western stories to have the hero become something over through the call to adventure or develop over the course of the story
I'm not saying one it worse than the other, that's just the common conventions
Stop being a butthurt weeb


>dominant genes
>literally a nazi

do these people even know how to science and history right?

It's a guy dumping a comic, what do you fucking expect

Wow, did you figure that one out yourself?


You caught me red-handed. There hasn't actually been a different person posting each Sonichu page consecutively. It's been me all along!



>Big Boss is said to be the best soldier ever with the ultimate "solider genes"
>literally cloned so these genes would not go to waste
>"Anyone can be Sorrid Snaku or Biggu Bossu in the right enviroment, despite them having all these genes that somehow didn't matter." -Kojimbles

I don't get it.


Thanks for the (You)s



Yeah, it's one of the few cases in English where masculine and feminine variants of a word are still in active use. English is actually one of the few European languages to be completely neutral outside of the obvious ones like his/her etc. Nothing like in Greek where you've got masculine/feminine/neutral variants of every single word based on the letter you end the word in.


And a medic is fucking better than him
If their don't explain what that damn medic better, i will be pissed as fuck

Have another one, on the house

>Solid is blonde too, he dyed his hair

A plot point dropped since the first game and never referenced again.

Think of each game as its own little universe and the MGS series works better.

And that's all of Issue 12 Chris has done so far.

Most whites are blonde as children user

Not even remotely true.

Here's that page, since you asked for it.


It's sad because you can read his autistic mind and tell that he wants these magic headphones to be real

Only in the weirdly lighted briefing tapes in MGS1. And all he did was give himself a haircut. Why would the military holding him give time for a dye job to dry? Solid has brown hair in both MSX games, anyway.



He's not blonde, his hair just grew out lighter.

Once they cut it, his roots are cropped hair was still black.

Every time I thought of this I just figured that they arranged it so that Liquid would have blond hair just so that the story would be more believable to him to think he has the recessive genes.

He actually thinks they are real. He subscribed to a YouTube channel that claims they can hypnotize you to do impossible shit by listening to their magical sounds. One of their videos claims it can make you grow a vagina.

Around the same time Chris listened to this video, his taint piercing had turned into a disgusting open wound. Chris saw this new hole where his junk should be and decided the video worked and he really did grow a vagina.

It's a classic Kojima trick. Only those who watch the briefing will know that solid has natural blonde hair like liquid does. If you just jump right into the game, you will be tricked.