What's the plot of 6 gonna be

what's the plot of 6 gonna be

My family. Crazy ads rednecks.

Africa's taken, so's Nepal and Micronesia.
South America would be seen as too close to the Just Cause series

Yugoslavia, maybe?

Evil white men


You're locked in a room with a straight white male and you just shoot him in the head for 30 hours in a row

Playing as a muslim woman trying to kill Trump and the rest of the paytriarchy because they've turned the entire western world into a gender-biased dictatorship where women are forced into slavery making sandwiches in the kitchen.


Far Cry: Achievement_Idle


You get trapped in Ubisoft HQ forced to work on shitty rehashes and have to find a way out

a charles manson expy (minus the helter skelter) gathers up a large enough follower base to take over a remote county in montana

far cry 4 but in montana basically?


I honestly hope this game only takes place over the period of a day because the idea that a cult can take over a small town in the USA with no Government/Military intervention is really hard to believe.

What actually is the central theme of Far Cry as far as the plot goes? They all seem so different.

Far Cry 3 rehashed eternally. Crazy and charismatic antagonists.

How many enemies could there even be?

That's the Scientology cross in the flag, right?
And the leader being a celebrity is an obvious parody of celebrities joining Scientology.
Why is Sup Forums so mad about this game?

Siberia with cartoonish over exaggeration of global warming woven into the plot.

It's /nu-pol/ shitposting

That's actually an interesting theory, but I think it was supposed to be more like a modernized iron cross. Why include the bible and Christianity? Why not just make it scientology and no one would give a fuck except scientologist? Spineless pussies wouldn't do it for Islam or Jews either, guarantee it. Too scared of lawsuits, being excommunicated by (((them))), being accuse of being racist nazies,, or getting Charlie Hebdo'd.

Next one will be set in Chechnya and you will be a gay chechen killing bigoted chechens and burning down gay concentration camps only to find out that you're not actually gay and the few gay people in Chechnya were deported to Canada

Project harder, revisionist neofaggot.

What's the different between 'nu' and 'neo'?

Can you please talk without Sup Forums memes?

that would actually be friggin awesome
best time would be the yugo-wars

my thought is, how are they gonna make the “giant open world“ work in 5 when it takes place in a friggin american town?

I would think of an idea, but's already been done

nice jew ass

They mean the same thing, new, technically. Libtard transplants from Reddit are trying to hijack the term from numale as an insult, since they are creatively bereft as usual. Neo usually refers to the influx of neogaffers that shout pol at Sup Forums oldfags.


I think you're more of a neo-gaf faggot.

nu is bad because it sounds silly. neo is cool because he was the kickass guy in the Matrix who swallowed the black guy's reddick, sorry, redpill.

Can you be less triggered, Reddit?

Terrible games only posted to trigger pol/sjws and get effortless (you)s
-Far Cry 5

Syrian refugee protagonist fighting against evil white men.

Fuck, i was found out!

>Terrible games
hello nu/v/

What game was this?

It's in the middle of american nowhere.

America has some pretty quiet areas. It's a big country

Maybe it'll take place in the past for once, in fascist spain or something

That'd be interesting

>It's a big country
for you

christian redneck vs Sup Forums neckbeard

You don't know a lot about the outside world, huh?