Geese announced as first Tekken guest DLC character

How dissapointing

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Are you a faggot?

You're like 5 hours late, nigger. The hype thread was already created, discussed and buried.

>How dissapointing

Just like the rest of Tekken 7 then.

Shao Kahn is next.

Seems like Tekken is the new refugee camp for shitty fighting games. Hugely dissapointing

Spotted the mad storyfag.
The MP it's better than it's ever been, faggot.

I love that the only defence you FGCfags have for that complaint is story like it even matters. The game is missing a whole bucket load of content compared to even Tekken 2. SFV did the same thing and got absolutly shit canned but Tekken 7 gets the free pass.

Because Tekken 7 is actually a good game

It actually isn't. You've basically paid full price for an updated Tekken Revolution that couldn't have even half the content the PS1 games had and as I said other games get fucking bombed on Sup Forums for doing shit like this but Tekken 7 has it's own defence force and I suspect it's because it's the first time Tekken has been on PC.

>Still no Lei, Amour King, Anna etc..
Haranda is shooting himself in the foot atm.

Seems he's gone off the deep end and it's all guest characters and content now. Next DLC character will probably be from Virtual Fighter.

harada said he won't sell old characters as dlc
that implies that if they come back
they are free

>half the content the PS1 games had

This content being game modes nobody ever fucking touched?
The ONLY thing i wish T7 had taken from the older games is character endings that didn't suck dick, and that's a very minor problem.

>I didn't play them so no one did

I didn't play Mercs in RE so I guess that it's ok to remove that too right? oh wait they did do that and RE7 sold like shit compared to previous titles and the funny thing is Tekken 7 has already gone on sale, right now in fact. We've had threads about ME:A going on sale so early because of how badly it failed.

What about Tekken user?

>wanting Armor and Anna when they are the inferior version of King and Nina

>OP is shitting on games
>Op shitting on Howard Geese because it's cooler than him


Saw this coming from a distance. Harada likes this guy, and that's also how Akuma got in.

Would have preferred K desu

Yeah, i bet tons of people miss things like playing beach volleyball with their favorite Tekken character, or they want that god-awful and mechanically broken Tekken 6 campaign mode back


>it clearly says DLC2 on the trailer
you fucked up OP

devil powers are cringy enough, i don't want a pirokinetic fuck thrown in there too

You're avoiding my question. ME:A has been shit on for weeks for going on sale so quickly in an attempt to recoup funds, now Tekken is doing it how do you feel user?


so fucking glad Harada learned not to listen to you fucks after tt2 or else we'd be playing T5:DR forever

first GUEST DLC character.
The other DLC character is an original character.

where's the GG character

I think it's ridiculously cool that the whole reason Akuma and Geese are in Tekken is to challenge Heihachi while he's chilling in his dojo

DLC 1 is Tekken Bowl

>This shit taste
Discard yourself.

Anna and Armor are literally Nina and King with different hair and has an armor

More customization would be nice.

>hands and feet are not their own slots
>hair decals are limited to certain hairs

Get out shitter.

Campaign mode was fun as fuck and being fun can only be a good thing in video games. Also bowling better be free.

Because it has the best gameplay in the series imo, and at the very least all the pros agree it is THE most balanced Tekken has been.

Also SFV's biggest problem is it's input lag compared to past versions is huge and input lag is more important in SF than in Tekken.


I feel great, thank you.
You on the other hand seem a bit upset that Sup Forums trashed your games.

Well all that's left to say is enjoy the ME:A of fighting games anons.

Kunimitsu when?

I genuinely didn't even know Tekken was on sale.
Also why should that matter? Your argument is that ME:A was mocked because it went on sale quickly and therefore Tekken should have been too.

However that's not a concrete analogy. It's as bad as pointless food analogies. You can't compare one facet of the games; it going on sale, and make an apples to apples comparison. Fuck Neir:A went on sale just a few weeks ago and that's a pretty quick time (IIRC Witcher3 didn't go on Sale in the same time frame, or it was smaller cause I do kinda remember thinking that I should have waited), and despite all the "shit flinging" it's pretty clearly well loved.

>Raven gets canned
>they could have given Kuni his moveset and brought her back
>instead we get literal Raven with tits popping into the setting out of fucking nowhere

I feel 10 years from now i'll still be mad

Even worse:

>people already made multiple threads about the goose being loose on tekken
>everyone happy and enjoying the news Geese x Akuma on a Tekken game?best timeline
>OP being slowpoke as fuck try to make a contrarian thread to feel sepcial

Enjoy your (you)s OP...

Stay down, fa--maggot!

>tfw meme magic goes too far

Have not played a tekken game since T3. After seeing his reveal, will pick up tekken 7 when it hits 35 ish or gamefly sale.

Kiryu from Yakuza when?

>Motherfucking Geese
Gimme Hyabusa or Tengu and I am fucking buying it tomorrow.

Well, at least Harada is still trying to keep the genre alive, user.

>non-existent eyebrows
>underwhelming as FUCK rising storm

A great reveal nonetheless.

I hope Kiryu's next.


Literally who?

They need more characters that are terrible fathers.

Please see 1:33 in link related.

go away before we get k9999 to make you cry again faggot kyo clone

Heihachi needs to clack mugs with Geese, both of said mugs having "world's greatest dad" on them.

Where's Dante, Chun, Aquaman, and Wonder Women?


>Not being hype for the coolest fightan game villain of all time



Aw man. I really wanted an Urban Reign rep. Nice to see Fatal Fury getting some love though and find it funny they didn't go with Terry Bogard.

Maybe Urban Reign will get some love later on down the line.

Harada said he wanted Geese from like Day 1.
He should have gotten in first instead of Memekuma getting in at all.

Predictions for the second guest?

I fucking wish. He'd be a perfect counter for Eliza.

the best Tekken ever

Tekken 7 will be forever placed as one of my top fighting games ever if they announce Slayer as the second guest character after Geese.

Kiryu was the second most popular vote after geese?

Doesn't change the fact that the game is already dead online. On PS4 at least. I have a shorter wait finding opponents on SFV.

It's a shame too because I love tekken.



Im actually really excited for the potential for it to be Kiryu from Yakuza