Why the hell does anyone use overpowered weapons?

Why the hell does anyone use overpowered weapons?
>because they can
>you can use it too
is not an argument

You're not having as much fun using something that just wipes the server with one click and you're ruining everyone elses experience.

You could just stop playing terrible games, too.

I played a little bit of mw3 yesterday and 99% of the lobby was using the fucking acr...fuck

Get out kiddy

You're lucky you missed the old days of dual FMG-9
If everyone else is using it, and you're not, you're gimping yourself. Dying all the time because your gun has double the TTK isn't exactly fun

>you're not having fun the right way
Fuck off kiddo. Get good.

You can stop playing shit games.

Because they want to win.

Then every single other gun is straight up out of the game? Why use anything else if everything else is shit compared to it?

>models 1887 pre patch, ump, noobtubes, acr, aa12, spas 12
>black ops
>acr, mp7, striker

People will use weapons that outclass other weapons that is a fact

You'll always have fun as long as someone tries to kill you back, it doesn't matter how stacked things are in your favor, as long as the other people try, you'll feel good about your victory.

Mw2s guns were pretty all OP let's be honest, Balanced things out in a way

i don't care about op guns, it's the faggot the gets a cheeky kill on me from 10kms away with a ucav that makes me upset.

Why would you not use the best tools in the game to wipe the floor with all the scrubs?

I don't know about you but I love shitting on everyone with everything available to me. I don't need to use underpowered weapons to feel good about my skill level, because I can dumpster everyone with them too, using the strongest weapons just means I 120% dumpster everyone.

Feels good shitting on casual kiddies who will use excuses for their lack of skill like "I was using an underpowered weapon!" "I'm not a tryhard" "I play to have fun, not to win!"

Get good and quit crying.

>is not an argument
Followed immediately by
>You're not having as much fun

Either master bait or immeasurably stupid.


It's weird since the remaster It seems to be the case but I remember the MP5 being super meta when the base game was active.

Some people can't win without taking advantage of OP stuff and since that population will almost always be using meta lots of other people do the same thing to counter it. In every CoD game I've had to maintain at least one sooper cereal loadout just in case people wanted to play like bitches, it's not ideal but sometimes it's necessary.

because the game is bad if you can objectively say something is "overpowered"
it's either too simplistic with no innate balancing mechanisms or it's REALLY obviously overpowered and much better than the other weapons.

In either case, why would I not do the optimum strategy is what you're supposed to do in games? It's not my fault if the game is bad. If it is bad it's fun to make a mockery of it anyways, what better way than to exploit the most irritating strategies it has to offer?

>I've had to maintain at least one sooper cereal loadout just in case people wanted to play like bitches, it's not ideal but sometimes it's necessary.
Pretty much this. I'll run with whatever I want until I run into something like a stacked team all using whatever the game's particular broken meta-of-the-month is, then I'll have to switch to a No Fun Allowed setup to counter it, because having twice the TTK isn't gonna help me against these kindsa players.

Not really. It's way more fun to wreck the entire server with a pistol and then piss on them.

>hurr I'd rather use shit weapon because it's more skillful

Why don't you just use knife all the time if that's your mentality, you fucking idiot?

Because they are winning, whats confusing about that?

Because I don't have scrub mentality.

>mw2 kids now calling out other people for being kids

fuck im old

I would If I was that good.
also knife in mw2 is pretty easy.

>cod past 2
>not terrible
You're the kid

>You're not having as much fun

lmao you are mad salty
face it: getting kills is fun. doesnt matter whether the kill is some kind of mlg highskill 360 quickscope headshot from a bolt-action sniper rifle, or just a random tube grenade that you shoot across the map and happen to hit someone through sheer luck.

a kill is a kill, and it's satisfying no matter how cheap it was.

No, there is a set of viable guns that can compete with the top tier and a set of joke guns that are purposely used to challenge yourself/humiliate others.

Think about how many people you see buy the Negev above silver in cs go, for example

To be fair, there's a difference between either of your two examples compared to something like

>Devs fuck up balancing weapons
>One gun has something ridiculous about it like a shotgun with infinite range, SMG with no spread, sniper rifle with no inaccuracy etc.

It's fun at first to goof around with something so broken and laugh about how stupid it is, but - at least for me - the lack of challenge overrides that pretty quickly and I'll go back to using normal things.

MP5 wasn't even the best SMG, that was the AK74u

Nigger I always go out of my way to pick the least popular weapons

I used the F2000 extensively in MW2 and I didn't use the UMP because I didn't have fun using it, yet I had a great time using the Uzi, the F2000 and the WA2000 or the EVE and was consistently kill or point leader in each match.

OP says it shouldn't matter that other people are using it but here's the thing

what's fun about MP games for me is competing on an even playing field, people trying to trick each other or outsmart one-another, make unusual plays, or random saves, whatever. The enjoyment comes from the meta-game being played by people who know the game. If there are 3 weapons, and one of them is guaranteed to beat the other two 9 times out of 10, you're no longer playing to outsmart people on a level playing field, when you pick the shit weapons you're playing with the intent of trying to compensate for your shit weapons. It's not the same game, and it's not fun.

Pick what works so you can play the real game, that's 100% it.

Picking shit that doesn't work and getting mad at people who don't is complete lunacy.

EBR* gonna kill myself now for posting from mobile.

>black ops
Everything works there, the FAMAS is nothing special

acr wasn't even that great in 3.

It was a laser beam, easily the best weapon to run suppressed.

Every weapon is nothing special in every CoD. They all do roughly the same thing.

>plays shitty game
>blames players

ok bud

I guess you're right desu. I played a shitton of 3, but mostly dropzone and i don't remember what people used on other core gamemodes.

would you climb mount gun, Sup Forums?