Alright, Sup Forums, I'm curious. When you play an rpg (like persona) and such, do you use your own name...

Alright, Sup Forums, I'm curious. When you play an rpg (like persona) and such, do you use your own name, the character's canon name, or a separate name you came up with?

Names of historical figures

huh, never heard of that one. Any personal favourites, or do you use names in-line with the setting (like a Japanese game with historical jap figures

I put in the name I got years ago when I entered mine in a nip name generator. But if I were to replay p4, I would probably name him Yu.

I didn't use a generator, but I use the name Yuuki Kazuma across all persona games

Usually the character's name. Sometimes, if I replay or just don't give a shit, I'll give a joke name.

Canon or made up name

Either the canon name or the name of another character with a similar background or appearance.

Whose the worst protagonist and why is it FeMc?

you use default names and then self-insert you faggot

canon or made up. I usually make up names by skimming a jap, latin, or french dictionary for words relating to the game's themes and corrupt them a bit until they sound name-ish

For Persona games or jrpgs my choice is either Baka Gaijin or names of Girlchan In Paradise characters

My real name.

I've been randomly naming the protagonists of the games I play when given the opportunity. I named joker after Takeshi's Castle for example


I always make up wacky shit. It's dumb, but I still grin every time I see "Danglus-kun."

>not using your real name to self insert and fuck your waifu

missing out desu

If the character has a canon name I will always use that. For characters that don't I try to pick something that fits the the theme.

The only exception is mmorpgs, where I will use whatever I think is funny at the time

Because we've already had 3 or so genki type girls and it got old for anyone that isn't autistic

It's weird reading Alex-kun though

In order:
>canon name
>any default names
>reference to some character in media I like
>original name
>my name

People using their own name are faggots most of the time, unless your name is something fucking radical like Sandalphion or something.
That said, mine's not bad either. I just can't imagine an anime protagonist being named Ryan. Seems more like a villain name.

Brotag should be with marie as is canon.

Elizabeth is best attendant

canon name

if its an EO/dungeon crawler game I use my friends names

Chie is best gril

Strange spelling of Yukiko. I'll forgive you though.

You mean larry?

I got a handful of made-up names I use for most characters, male and female. rarely I use my own name like P5 since Joker is such a blatant self-insert, and Fallout 4 since the robo butler says it

I despise when a game clearly has a canon name for the MC yet allows me to chose one.

Like I named everyone how I felt in FFVI, then when I wanted to read some guides I was completely fucked because they used canon names.

With that said, I'm Aaa Aaa in Persona 5, because fuck you. But at least when the other characters go "ummm" or "aaammm" or something I feel like they are addressing me.

I use the canon name so that when I jump into a discussion, I won't get confused by people calling the protag something I'm not familiar with.

But if there's no canon name given within the game, I use my own.

I cobble together syllables until it sounds like it fits. But that's usually for fantasy games.

>tfw I went through P5 as Ryan
it was kinda weird I will admit, but I got used to it after a bit

Sometimes I'll just use another main party members name. My favorite was when Chie told Chie that she loved Chie.

In every SMT game I call myself Haruki Murakami

my name-brother, who did you romance?

I use my name when I can but considering it almost never fits I usually just get something that sounds high fantasy-ish anyways,as all of my fellow jonathans can attest to, or should I say Jonath

Canon if there is one. If not, then ALWAYS "Hero"

You know you can mod it so you can replace Protags model with Chie.

it was a tough choice between Tae and Makoto but in the end I followed the booty

For Persona I use JAV stars names. It all started with jokingly naming door-kun "Hitomi Tanaka"

Real name for stuff I'd like to self-insert into (like Persona)
Canon names when they actually have them (most FF games, for example)
Stupid names (like pic related) for pretty much anything else.

i always give bullshit names like poopoo fart and smelly peepee

I am thou, thou art I, ma nigga.

Late-game I also felt some feelings for Haru but I was quite happy with Makoto as well, and Tae was one of my top contenders as well.

Honestly this. Absolutely 100%.

I always use the default, canon name if it's put in. I see no reason why not to, and if it's one of those smarmy fucking things where they say your name all the time and it's text only, it annoys me if it isn't the real one. I try and get immersed when possible, so I don't get any joy out of naming my guy "Asshole" or something.

If it's just a free game and it never gets said, though (Except maybe in letters or whatever), I use a name I made up years ago adjusted from one I got from a Steampunk name generator and the title of one of my favorite songs

You are a cool nigger. I like you very much.

>ruining your immersion by giving mc a joke name.

Why do people do this?

you guys also romanced best girl, what a time to be alive
>tfw not creative so i name my protags Ryan and I play Persona games blind so I don't canon names until after the fact

uploaded wrong pic, i also like ann alot, it was a tough choice

>character has a canon name
>game won't let you input it due to a character limit

I can see the appeal of Haru but she wasn't for me. probably the fivehead
that milf teacher was tempting though

First Ryan with the Chie pic here. As per my chain of command on names, I just took something from media I like. I was watching TTGL at the time, so I named him Kamina, then remembered he doesn't have a last name, so I just picked some random Jap name, which ended up being Fuji. Not too bad, I don't think.

For SMT games I use the canon names, and in Elder Scrolls, I use a name generator except for Khajit, which I name after my cats, or Argonians, which I name after my dead tortoise.

Those are the only RPGs I play.

Same, I generally go with Roman emperors

>I was watching TTGL at the time, so I named him Kamina
nice, not gonna spoil anything if you haven't gotten that far yet but that's pretty fitting for the final boss

>tfw went through all of the final fantasies as fred

Canon name for main playthrough, joke names for any subsequent playthroughs.

>Pairing Joker with robo-seitokaichou
Do you hate him and want him to suffer? Joker is cocky thrill-seeking chad. He'll be bored to death with her.

I either use the canon name or Jojo MC names.

I use my rpg go to name, it's not clever but it's not cringe tasting when you say it. However when I am playin p5 I don't like using my rpg name.

For an rpg that had a first and last name, I use some whimsical name for the first then us my first name and mix them up to make a different name or add letters to it to make a last name.

was she just the easiest to romance? I went with her just because she kept asking me out. Didn't know you could romance them all.

Canon name is the only thing I can do without triggering my tism.

If there's a default name or a canon one I go with that, otherwise I use my own provided it makes sense in the context. If there's a list of recognized names and my name isn't among them, I use a different one. The only game I can think of right now where that could be the case is Dragon's Dogma, but it did have my name.

I habitually always call them Mongo.

I feel the urge to point out that we share the same name.