Why aren't you playing fighting games RIGHT NOW?!

why aren't you playing fighting games RIGHT NOW?!

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Because I'm not autistic.

Because im at work

theyre dead on pc because no one plays them and i wont play them until other people play them to make them not dead

Those are hard as fuck. I'm pretty sure you need to play that shit your whole life just to be decent at.

i'm not playing a fighter with internet latency and i sure ain't going outside

Because sfv either forces me to play with subpar connection or wait 5 minutes between games to find a new playable connection

Dead genre

On the shitter

>SFV is the whole genre of fighting games
Play a better game then

i just got done watching all the evo i wanted to watch playing KoF98 all night when I get home

>Juri fanart
>it stops at the knees
But why?

>SFV Juri
What's the point

I don't have the reflexes for it.

I'm not playing fighting games right now because I got enough of practicing and I feel mentally alert enough to play matches only for a very short time in a day, usually. My default mood is just that lethargic.

>Those are hard as fuck.

If you compare them to single player games where your opponents are CPUs designed to be just challenging enough that you feel like you accomplished something but you'll probably win. Player vs. player zero-sum games, where your opponent is another human who wants to win, obviously can't work like that.

>I'm pretty sure you need to play that shit your whole life just to be decent at.

I find these kind of statements strange. Why do people set the standard for "decent" so high when it comes to fighting games? Is it because of e-sports? Or are they again comparing them to single player game where are decent player "wins" like 90% of the time?

I want to ram Ram's ram

I don't have the DLC

its too stressful and I stopped improving years ago

Should I get Rev 2? I don't have anyone to play with and I don't wanna bother with Discord, but Answer seems fun and it's cheap.

>don't wanna bother with Discord
No you really need that to find players of your skill or just people to play with in general

I'm not good at them

Well fuck. Alright then, thanks user.

Any beginners up for Rev 2 PC?

-Big playerbase with good matchmaking
-Any ability can be performed with 1-2 buttons
-Invincibility frames when being stunlocked in corner

No these wont play

I just uninstalled SFV because I don't have the space. Downloaded Bloodborne again; gonna pick up the DLC tomorrow, and gonna buy D3 to check out the Necro. Tho I'm at least going to try that new character when it launches.
I also blew the dust off my SSBM console last night while I set up some glow lights and a makeshift door. Surprsing amount of different in how comfy it is down here now.
I missed Melee.

I'm in line for jury duty

Currently at work, daily 2hr practise after that.

Fighting games are easy, but you need to do research beforehand.
BB is fun, and not that hard.

I played melee for 7 years and burnt out. 2D games much more fun

I'm currently moping like a bitch ass nigga.

>t. Punk

I'm at work.
But I recently got into Guilty Gear and Blazblue and I'm loving it. The barrier for a beginner isn't as bad as I'd heard, but I've still got a lot to learn

What's funny is I'm sure Guilty Gear has far less players than SFV but the way the lobby system works you will get into matches much faster, you only need to find one person after all.

I played roughly 30 games against this one guy the other day and it was great, I wouldn't of had half the amount of games in that time on SFV.

Is Blazblue really worth it if you're already into Guilty Gear? GG is newer and from what I can tell plays better so until a new Blazblue game comes out is it worth playing both currently?

I'm taking a break from ARMS right this second though.

At work until 2pm

I entered that ARMS open tournament for Saturday this week. I'm just a Rank 9 shitter but hopefully this'll be good practice.

>Why do people set the standard for "decent" so high when it comes to fighting games?
Most of the playerbase dies off pretty soon, leaving behind good experienced players. Being 'decent' would mean being able to match up against those people.

this, fpbp as usual

It's really easy to find GG lobbies. Just don't expect games in Ranked, because nobody plays that for some reason

I like it, but it's not for everyone. Seems more combo-based and faster paced than GG, and there's a really good roster to choose from

BB is unique, each character has their own "drive"

I like the variety

I will play some Guilty Gear in a little bit, I promise.

We're not talking about party games, user

Both games have small playerbases. People should just play whichever one they prefer.

>Arena Fighters don't count

tell me a game that plays nicely with DS4 and i'll try

All modern fighting games do

I almost bought Tekken7 for the PC, but I was scared it will die since no crossplay with ps4 so I didn't bother with it. It's a shame because it looks so fun.

I've got an appointment in 30 minutes.

But I am.

Because I tried for like a month straight to learn a character and I still couldn't consistently do moves or chain combos

what game?


I like Juri but am not good at playing her or anyone else in SFV. I also have no real life friends so the game is just no fun all around

i dont know what to play
would play botw but for some reason mocha isnt running on my wii u

>boot up SFIV
>handicap self half health
>vs hard Juri com
>hold out as long as possible

Any other ways I can get bullied by Juri?

Oh boi I do enjoy fighting in an X and Y plane with no Z involved along with slow movement and retarded idle animations.

several reasons:

>im old and have crap reaction time
>fighting games takes weeks at minimum just to understand the fundamentals
>it takes months of daily practice just to consistently pull off basic bnb combos vs a practice dummy
>it's required to learn match ups and frame data to put up a reasonable fight
>you need to be willing to lose alot vs humans to learn how to improve
>no real satisfying single player mode

the quick rundown version is that fighting games take too long and are too hard to git gud at

>SFV is the only fighting game

You fell for the meme, its gonna be alive for quite a while on PC, maybe even longer than PS4. Especially after the strong performance at Evo

>3d fighters

Is there any other 3d fighters besides Tekken nowadays?

no because Tekken perfected it and is now taking 2D fighter characters and making them even better to play in 3D. 2D fighters days are coming to an end.

>Is there any other 3d fighters besides Tekken nowadays?

What you should be asking is are there any good fighting games at all lately

Because I don't have a arcade stick

Because I suck and have no discipline/will to get better.

sims are better

I have to get up for an MRI and I haven't slept in 2 weeks so I haven't even been able to land my bnbs half the time this whole week. my body is just running on empty

food review?

>Tekken perfected 3d fighters

I play Tekken because it's the only 3D fighter alive at the moment and I do like the characters and find the moves cool etc. but there's so much retarded needlessly convoluted garbage in the game. Soul Calibur is a much more sensible in its coreplay, the movement is easy and intuitive (can't think of a good reason why it has to be so stiff in Tekken and require weird shit like Korean backdash to play competently), execution is for the most part very easy, no need for tedious hours in practice room grinding the juggles and you can instead git gud by just playing the game which is infinitely more fun. The characters are also more contrasting in range, speed of movement, speed of atttack, different weapons which makes it more interesting than Tekken that has comparatively homogeneous rost where almost all characters have heavy emphasis on kicks and punches and there's no drastic difference in range or speed.

>quake 3 is a fighting game

Shouldn't be on Sup Forums at work, you should be working

maybe I'll put on my suit and start pouring energy drinks in wine glasses

Way too depressed.

I'm on my 3pm break.

Also my boss is away to Mexico for the week so I can get away with it.


I hope Killer Instinct gets better art direction in it's next installment. I won't to like, but the graphics are so of putting to me.

how old are you

nigga what? there was a dude at evo with a literal computer keyboard for his controller

>Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear looked really fun during EVO
>Never played a Anime fighter
>Haven't played a 3d fighter either
Help me decide boys. Please.

Because I just logged off SFIV
Wish BB wasnt dead. What does than region unlocker even do? Show lobbies from other regions? Why in the fuck would I want that when my own region are all 0bars?

im in love with street fighter but i FUCKING SUCK

i'd rather be drawing the characters instead of getting really fucking angry about never winning a match

What do you call the kind of get up she's wearing? Including the material covering her cleavage?

a catsuit?

If you are new, Guilty Gear is honestly the best choice. It has a really good set of tutorials for learning the basics, which will translate to other fighting games.

tekken is easier to play, guilty gear is batshit insane. take your pick


how do I git gud at skull girls Sup Forums?

To be fair, it's a repurposed 360 game

How's the player base and match time on ps4? Also how well does it play on pad?
Does it feel natural to move and play on a 3d plane for Tekken as a newbie?

they're shit games for apes

>Does it feel natural to move and play on a 3d plane for Tekken as a newbie?
its fine honestly, T7 was the first tekken i got into and im brawler rank online using pad. you just gotta take your time and try to see which character is for you

Moving around is VERY awkward as a newbie in Tekken

waiting on this

i really REALLY want to get back into fighting games, but after initially spending so much time learning gen on sf4 then finding shotos so fucking unbalanced and overpowered, it killed my desire to play for a long time

i hope sf5 has way better character balance and not some characters you might l ike to play completely fucking worthless in the meta

you're in for a terrible surprise, user

Why is it that every time I boot up Rev 2 I realize more and more that SFV is a massive failure? Even the online lobbies alone shit all over SFV's embarrassing UI.

in a moment of weakness I spent 300$ on a hitbox because I can't for the life of me do IADs off my 9

im trying to convince myself that this wasn't a mistake

Because I like games that don't stress me out and give me anxiety
Ie. Not multiplayer games

man hori do such nicer sticks than this bro

Depends. What do you play?

a bad workmen always blames their tools

>no fighting games
>no machines to play fighting games on
>no sticks or pads
>no money

The more you use it, the more justified it becomes, hell, if anything you got yourself a gimmick now. I was debating one for the novelty alone, and because dash cancels tend to throw me off from time to time.

>ranked always gives me ridiculous amounts of anxiety
I don't know why. This is why I stick to player matches, but even then, I feel like I'm it getting the best.
