Want to play vidya

>want to play vidya
>father is using the pc

time to build your own

>habing a father

>want to play online
>someone calls our house

At least you have a father

>want to play vidya
>"friend" comes over
>he sits on my pc and starts playing games
>"user I dont have these games let me play ok? thanks"

>friend comes over to play singleplayer games
>he gets the controller all greasy

hello tyrone

You can just use some cotton rag to clean it, not that hard

>brother hates vidya
>still hogs the fucking thing

I remember that.

okay user, not gonna lie, Im a bit annoyed about this post

i remember when we moved to a new house this would happen
but it was because the wireless phone used the same frequency as the wireless router
although it took me a while to figure out that was the case

it's the principle of the thing, user

I used to make my friends wash their hands before they could play on any of my consoles.

>he didn't have dialup

>older brother breaks his laptop after raging over WoW
>starts "borrowing" mine
>he never gets off when i tell him it's mine and i want to use it
>parents don't do shit about it
>I have to ask him to borrow my own computer

Then uninvite him from your house if it annoys you that much.

1995 was 22 years ago

i did have dialup a long time ago and remember the fights with parents over using the internet

but it was just weird seeing it happen again with my wireless internet

is your father cute? how old is he?

>friend gets mad at single player game
>I beat the level he has been struggling on
>he gets the controller back
>snaps it

>OP is 90% probability underage

We once got a $400 phone bill because my dumb young self infected our computer and the modem started connecting somewhere to South America instead of our local ISP.

Oh those viruses that plugged to elsewhere so they could cash in with the pay to call phone calls, those were the days.

Sounds like your 12 and a little bitch. Be a man and snap his neck.

Then how are you posting this?

>play any game with my bro, even coop, e.g army of two
>do something better than him
>he rages and punnches a hole the wall
>it my fault because i "made him mad"
>he's the older brother and supposed to be a functioning member of society
>is a neet who got cucked 3 times
he would always "borrow" my games then bring them back scratched, i could hear him with some keys scraping the disks in the other room, why are older bros such fags when it comes to vidya?

>current year
>brother is hanging out for a month or so while he's off work (he lives out of state)
>my internet fucking sucks (thankfully I'm switching isps after this month)
>trying to do shit and he's just watching netflix 24/7 hogging all the bandwidth

>Be only child
>never had those kind of problems
>feels fucking bad man. I don't want to feel so alone

>want to go outside and throw the football around with Dad
>dad's too busy getting drunk to care

>brother is an asshole
>drops out of college
>gets into debt
>has a kid he can't take care of
>gets addicted to drugs
>loses his license
>doesn't pick up after himself
>barely pays for anything
>threatens to kill our father
>27 years old
>still refuses to live on his own
Could be worse.

>go on ruescape account
>noting is there
>no gear
>no gold
>just my 99 woodcutting
>brother comes in laffing
>i dropped all your stuff and gave it to some noobs
>shows me a video of what he did
>got BTFO so hard i never played runescape ever again
all that hard work trimming armour and selling logs down the fucking drain

>never had to get beat by older brother
>never had brothers or sister steal things from you
>never had brother steal your christmas and birthday presents
>never had to deal with people breaking your consoles, mem cards and controllers
>never had sister burn your rare pokemon cards
>brother nevr stole a laptop and its replacement from you even though he has his own PC
i wish i was an only child