Why do we allow Australians to post here?
Why do we allow Australians to post here?
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would rather have 100 aussies in a thread than single fucking leaf
Australians make good posts
I'm australian and I've never shitposted
How do you even know they are the shitposters here?
/vint/ shows that BRs and Slavs are far and away the worst posters.
at least they should add a way to block by country like on Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Australian here, it wont make a difference, Canadians and BR's will fill the shitposting void quicker than you can ban us.
Lying sack of shit.
Better question, why do they let us moderate?
To cover other timezones.
We're just a pack of friendly cunts, why would you wanna do something like that?
I take australians and leafs over most yuropoors.
To be fair I feel so bad for them because they live in Australia that I would never deny them the right to post here
I mean imagine if you lived in the real life equivalent of Fallout's nuclear wasteland, wouldn't you want to get your mind away from it?
Leafs are the ones that defended shit like Andromeda and shitty SJW VNs they are the problem.
Console war faggorty were hue monkeys, but what can we expect from shit flinging third worlders
I'm Australian and I've never stopped shitposting.
Take some tips friend, turn on your mobile internet data, make whatever shitpost thread you like and then turn on airplane mode to reset. Works like a charm every time.
>doesn't remember when Sup Forums was actually named Australia
Fuck off we're full
Prices for internet and data are through the roof in Australia and you use yours up shitposting?
unlike fallout, we have healthcare
we also have sweet bush raves
Name 1 thing more important than shitposting
>tfw your data plan includes free shitposting between 6pm and 6am weekdays and all weekend.
I think i've been banned like 8 or so times in the last 48 hours.
Please nigga, I'm capped every month but shitposting is more important.
They don't charge for data amounts, gotta get as much used as you can
Apologize right now
BioShock 2
BioShock 2: Minerva's Den
De Blob
L.A. Noire
Just to name a few
finally got NBN lads