is it September yet
Is it September yet
This game is gonna flop so hard.
nah it'll sell at least 1.5 mil
this no one cares about 2D metroid anymore now that there are a gorrilian 2D indie metroidvanias on the market
prime 4 will reach record sales like prime 1 did though
No one is going to buy Prime 4 after Federation Force and all the Halo games that exist now.
Will it be as good as AM2R or will it be a piece of shit?
>still pushing the haloid meme
sad. Even if they were alike 343i killed halo a while ago
>halo games
you're implying AM2R is better than a piece of shit.
>Prime shit
more metroid than ZM and fusion
Yeah nah
You've been a contrarian for long enough, friendo.
ZM and fusion are even more linear than prime 3 with worse atmospheres, you cannot defend this. You'll still try though because you're autistic
Who Legacy Edition Master Race here?
All Metroid games have been linear besides the original and Super
That makes 4 out of 6 games linear, making Metroid a predominately linear series of games.
alright I'll restate it
ZM and fusion have even less exploration than prime 3
>Europoors keep getting the better nintendo SE editions despite selling far less
fuck NoA
You're suggesting that Prime 3 is a Metroid game, or at least a Metroid game that matters.
the only metroid games that matter are the original (and ZM by extension), prime 1/2, and super. Future metroid games should look at them for inspiration.
Other M and fusion (aka other M in 2D) need to be left as relics.
I was going to buy it, but for some reason Nintendo UK decided to open pre-orders at 3pm on a Wednesday. It's as if they want scalpers with no other jobs to buy all of them.
Wait come on breh Fusion had the best atmosphere besides Super or Prime
Time to sleep, you fatfuck
>1.5 mil
Mil means thousand in Spanish, so yeah, that sounds about right.
fuck no it didn't. Are you out of your mind? It had the second worst next to other M. A ship with biome separated sections is horrible compared to the planets of the other games. The only saving grace it has is the SA-X
I have a very hard time looking at dobsin's opinions on metroid and taking them seriously, then I remember it's dobsin and it's not a joke. Themovieblob shares a similar opinion with the prime games.
Really shows you the mentality of anti-Prime fags
>C tier dev studio
>low budget
>ancient hardware
>360 aim will probably slow the game down to a complete crawl
>sakamoto will probably continue tarnishing Samus's character will continuing his DUDE MATERNAL INSTINCTS bullshit
>modern Nintendo
this game will kill the franchise for good, the final nail in the coffin
Yeah, that they have taste. FPS trash with one analog stick. Has always been for brainlets.
imagine being reduced to siding with movieblob/dobsin. Enjoy your outsourced remake on the 3DS while I get a full inhouse made sequel on the switch. Nothing you reply to me with will change this, you lost. Your jihad against the prime trilogy is over.
No one cares, beaner.
What do you guys think dread will be like?
I'm putting my money on 3D third person
>special edition not up on Amazon
>only available through gamestop
People will still call it a flop for some reason
Can't wait to pirate
And its still funny retards and to hope for fake news to botch the hype for Prime 4
Always here fags scream "Tanabe! Muh paper Mario!" when he produced the entire series
ya, they also forget tanabe also produced the best modern 2D platforming games with DKCR and TF (although rayman origins and legends are equally good)
Meanwhile Sakamoto JUSTed metroid with other M while all Tanabe did was produce a harmless side game, in the meantime sakamoto has only been working on meme shit like warioware WiiU and miitopia. Rhythm heaven is good I'll give him that though
When's the next direct so we see more?
No it won't, it will sell over a million or 2 million tops. You faggots need to stop using Sup Forums as the world's population. You're just a small blimp.
Every Prime game after the first game couldn't even outsell any of the 2D games except Zero Mission.
That's probably why they do it. They need to entice customers, while in NA they know it'll sell regardless.
every prime game was also on a system with far less sales than the handhelds, which makes prime 1's victory even greater
It will be a 2D game
What was Prime 3 and Hunters on, because I'm sure they were systems that sold over 100 million?
Not him but the only Metroid games are Metroid, Metroid II Return of Samus, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission, and the upcoming Metroid Samus Returns. Metroid Prime is a completely different series even if it's canon with the mainline games.
>That feel when I don't own a 3DS.
>prime 3
a game that sold more than fusion?
don't care about spin offs
that's like saying 3D zelda is a different series than 2D. In other words it's wrong
>metroid fusion and super are the same series despite fusion abandoning the semi non linear design of super along with restricting the game with Adam cutscenes and arbitrarily locked doors but trust me guys they're part of the same series and not prime which is super in 3D
Prime 3 sold less than Super Metroid
>don't care about spin offs
>he doesn't care about a spin off of a spin off series
>that's like saying 3D zelda is a different series than 2D. In other words it's wrong
Sakamoto and his development team have nothing to do with the Prime series in vice versa for Tanabe. The only thing they come together for is where the Prime games should be placed and if it fits with the Metroid Universe, that's it. Sorry to burst your bubbles, but they are different series.
Yeah, shut the hell up and see
>Prime 3 sold less than Super Metroid
ok, prime sold more than super
>Sakamoto and his development team have nothing to do with the Prime series in vice versa for Tanabe
what will you say when the prime 4 team consists of nintendo R&D members?
It's already on PC.
>these metroid games are part of the metroid series but these metroid games arn't part of the metroid series
really got my nogging joggin
Not like I really give a fuck if Prime is considered part of super/fusion, staying away from other M is the best possible outcome
nah it'll break even but only because it's being developed by the same literal who budget developers behind the castlevania reboot that you've already forgotten existed
>metroid SR counts despite it being made by mercury steam but prime doesn't count despite it being made by a nintendo in house
yeah, nah
>watching that Dev Diary and Sakamoto completely skipping over Other M like it didn't exist
I've never been that satisfied in my life.
Yes, the FIRST Prime sold more than any 2D Metroid, but that was only the FIRST Prime.
>what will you say when the prime 4 team consists of nintendo R&D members?
I wouldn't give a shit, it's not Sakamoto's development team it's Tanabe's. Sakamoto and his team doesn't know what Tanabe is doing with the Prime series and Tanabe and his team doesn't know what Sakamoto is doing with his team. They both just make their own games and have zero connections to each other.
R&D are sakamoto's team
SeeYou faggots need to learn how this shit works. Unless Sakamoto and his team actively know what is going on with Prime 4 and were planing to make connection (like 343 with Halo Wars 2 and Halo 6) then it would be called one series, but Sakamoto and Tanabe have absolutely no idea what the other are doing. Why do you think it' split Metroid (2D games) and Metroid Prime (FPA games)? This isn't rocket science, use your head.
prime 3 connects prime with metroid 1 though
Prime 4 is being made by a new development team, Sakamoto and his team have nothing to do with Prime 4, fuck off.
So from what we've seen do you Metroidfags think this new game actually look good, like, level design-wise and shit? I want to play another 2D Metroid but I don't trust Sakamoto.
you keep saying "his team". Who is his team? I'm presuming it's the old nintendo R&D team and I'm saying what if they're involved with prime 4. no need to get upset
No it doesn't, Prime connects with itself the same way the 2D games connect with themselves. I have a feeling that Sup Forums never read any of Sakamoto's and Tanabe's interviews.
The people that made Fusion and Zero Mission, they're working with MercurySteam.
>The Mother Brain was built by the Chozo many years before the AUs' creation, though the manga (which is cannon) indicates that the Federation had some part in this as well, as she was built to link the Federation and Chozo information databases, similar to the function of the Auroras
sauce me because I can't find anything on this
its a metroid 2 remake so whether its good or bad depends entirely on whether the metroids are fun to fight or not, and you wont really be able to tell that until you play it
General rule of thumb: If you see someone hyping up the Metroid franchise, saying how excited they are about this game, discount them immediately.
These so called 'fans' don't buy Metroid games. They know nothing, nor seek the capacity to learn about the series. They only care about Nintendo's stronk, female video game icon and nothing more. This is what I hate most about what has become of the Metroid base.
I'm pretty sure there will be more enemies/bosses like ZM
Treehouse Day 1 or 3
I guess I'm going to have to post Tanabe's and Sakamoto's interviews.
Tanabe: "I'm the producer of the Metroid Prime series, and [Metroid series co-creator] Yoshio Sakamoto is the one in charge of Metroid itself. I'm not sure when he's planning on making such an announcement so I can't speak for him."
Tanabe: "So I’d like to first clarify the difference between the 2D games and the Metroid Prime games. First off, I’m assuming you’re familiar with Yoshio Sakamoto. He is sort of the keeper of the Metroid series. Yes. For me, I’m more on the side of the Metroid Prime with the first-person view. To be honest, since Sakamoto is on the side of the 2D games, I can’t speak for him at this time. I won’t be able to tell you what’s in his mind."
Sakamoto: "I’m not involved in Metroid Prime 4."
Now stop saying both series will be connected, because they never will.
im hoping for a new metroid evolution or two
none of this implies the games arn't connected, all it says is that neither head is involved with the other series. I posted canonical information that links prime with 2D and you chose to ignore it.
It's like saying Devil May Cry 1 and 3 arn't connected because the director is different
I could see some midway evolutions being added
From the same interview
Sakamoto: "This time there is not any direct connection between Metroid Prime 4 and Metroid: Samus Returns."
Too many self proclaimed 'fans' who never picked up a single Metroid game yet feel inclined to defend the series to their last breath because Samus meant something before.
Watch as these same people will cry and whine, and articles will scream sexism in their headlines once this game flops. Metroid fans are such an annoying vocal minority, that Nintendo is going out their way to pander. It blows my mind why they would even try for this demographic when it can and will easily back fire on them. It's almost Sonic levels of cancer when it comes to the fandom trying to decide what is and isn't a Metroid game.
Yeah, in terms of development, not story
You're stupid
i'm a metroid fan and i'm excited for both games
I'm telling you it's gonna flop because no one will buy this game. No one actually cares about Metroid video games, they only care about the character Samus Aran.
And that's why it will flop.
perhaps the most worthless reply I've ever gotten on this website, and that's saying something
99% of the fanbase is, only autists like movieblob, dobsin, and the anti-prime fag arn't
same here.
still gonna pirate SR though, I ain't paying $45 for that shit. maybe if it's really good.
Let's see, you don't know what direct connection means, so yeah, you're stupid.
>metroid fan
Sure you are.
At least you're honest.
This will be my last reply because you're ignoring the direct connection I made, but at least you should be knowledgeable enough to know that Sylux stealing the metroid egg in federation force is going to set up metroids returning in your so called "2D timeline" which doesn't have metroids after fusion
I plan to buy a new 3DS XL and this, after that I plan to get Metroid 5 for the 3DS when that's announced. I'm not wasting a cent on Prime 4 though.
i don't really care what you think of me i still really like metroid
>no one cares about 2d metroid anymore
speak for yourself retard lol
Idk about 1.5 mil but at least one mil
More people are hyped about Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga remake than they are Metroid II: The Return of Samus remake.
I never really enjoyed the Prime games. I have so much time playing the handheld games I'm going to buy this one.
No it's not, do you even know the story of Metroid II? The Federation had thought Samus had finished off the Metroid species on planet Zebes in the original game. They sent a research team to SR-388 to study the wildlife there. When they were attacked, a search and rescue team came to save them. When the GF lost contact with the S&R team they sent military personnel there. When they lost contact with them the GF feared the worst and that Metroids were on the planet so they sent intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran to SR-388 to wipe out the Metroids, you don't even need the Prime games to understand the story but you probably started the series late anyway.
>More people are hyped about Mario than (other Nintendo franchise)
Stop the fucking presses.
Hey at least you know why Metroid will flop in the near future. The series should've stayed dead after Other M.
>They only care about Nintendo's stronk, female video game icon and nothing more.
First post I've seen mentioning strong females.
You lose, fag.
I just checked out his twitter and it's honestly kinda sad...
Funny thing is I had that exact reaction and went on a rant until Metroid Samus Returns was announced, I then mellowed out because I finally got another 2D Metroid and Sakamoto confirming that there are more 2D Metroid games coming in the future so I'm happy now.
On the contrary. They lose. I'm not wasting a dime on this shitty series.
In the thread earlier I mentioned I was going to start AM2R tonight and another user said he was curious to know what I thought of it. Well, if you are around user I'd like to tell you...
Holy fucking shit. This is the game I wanted that Nintendo never gave me. I'm not even that far into it and it has already fucking blown me away. Very very fucking cool.
You best be playing on hard mode
Is it bad Sup Forums? You never really hear about this one
no it's fucking great. The intro lasts too long though (isn't a problem first time through), it's more linear in design than 1/2 and is the least challenging but those aside the game is fantastic
>Samus Returns varia suit has dark samus's visor
what did they mean by this?