Platinum being subtle again

Platinum being subtle again.

thanks doc

>bayonetta 3 exclusive on Switch
I need it

That's a joke, right? They also literally teased a W101 game.

Why are Switch owners such awful port-begging hobknockers?

Didn't notice this was a week old, but Bill Trinen retweeted it yesterday.

Woah they design Bayo's 2 outfis with Switch in mind? Talk abuot hindslight lol

well we cant expect triple A titles because they will never come


No shit.

Almost no one---even on Sup Forums---had a Wii U so the idea of an enhanced port is appetizing for many.

Also, since no one saw the success of the Switch (in terms of sales, we can debate quality), many of the big publishers had nothing lined up for the first year. Second year Switch will be huge.

>no one bought a Wii U
>Wii U ports on Switch are a bad thing
Pick one

Fucking PORTABLE WII U/PS3/360 QUALITY GAMES. What's so damn hard to understand about the appeal of that?

Whether users have played them or not, they're eager to check them out on Nintendo's new console. The reality is that the Wii U ports haven't compromised the library as we feared they might - Nintendo and its partners' grasp on graphics and game design is the closest we're going to get to evergreen in any industry where the triple-A focus is arguably more on raw technology over gameplay. Combine Nintendo's unique game-making attributes with the idea of a console/handheld hybrid piece of hardware and it's easy to see why the majority of the Switch ports work.

I did so stop stealing my games
I'm not waiting for Mom to finish at the supermarket so I don't really need portable games that are just ported console games, if I want to play Bayonetta I'll play that at home

Way more people had a Wii U than a Switch.

Because the switch is better hardware than the wii u. I want wii u games and all the vc available on the wii u for the switch

Is this a joke?

Well I'm not a lifeless NEET so I travel by plane and bus frequently and do use the portable aspect quite a bit. Now kys.

Have its sales surpassed 13.5 million?
If so, yes.

Genuine Nintendo fans instead of impostors have a Wii U for their Wii U games
If they keep porting Wii U games and charging so much for them I will never buy a Switch

I have a Wii U and a Switch.

You need to take that monster sized stick out of your ass. The more of my Wii U library I can have on my Switch the better.

>paying full price for a game you already bought just to have upgraded graphics

You are retarded.

>wanting less games
>on the switch

user wtf

>just to have upgraded graphics
No, it's all about that portability.

As someone that owns a Wii U, I don't mind plenty of the Wii U's good games being ported over to the Switch because now more people will get to experience them.

I too want more $60 ports of games I already paid full price for because Nintendo is a bunch of kikes so that I can bing bing wahoo outside. Because I'm a man child at heart and I not only allow Nintendo to fuck me over constantly but I ensure they are able to do so because I keep supporting them. It's literally okay when Nintendo does it. Now brb, gotta go shit on ps4 because they ported over the last of us.

switchfags are so obnoxious, stop being cheap and buy a wii u or stop begging
switch only just became appealing with splatoon 2

As a owner of only the Switch I'll take all the WiiU ports I can take.

I need Mario Maker and Wonderful 101 please.

I would argue having monster-sized dick in your ass would be to buy a system full of Wii U ports so soon after getting screwed by the lack of support for the Wii U
its lifespan was pathetic and the Switch should've been Wii U Slim
The Wii U failed because Nintendo couldn't be bothered to do sensible things like an actual Animal Crossing

I see you've decided to keep that stick firmly lodged in your asshole.

Whatever floats your boat, pal.

Okay, the other two promo arts I can understand, but this is literally just the Bayonetta amiibo figures. The blue one is the default outfit in Smash so it's shown first, and separate images are lined up side by side like that on Twitter. There's no hidden message to this one, it's just amiibo.

Also Kirby Switch and Mario Odyssey are Wii U games being ported over to the Switch, with the Wii U versions cancelled. They would have cancelled the Wii U version of BotW too if they didn't make the mistake of revealing it already.

Where are you bringing your switch around?


What are you talking about? I love the fact that Nintendo stopped supporting the Wii U back in 2015 so that they could make absolutely no games for the switch and instead port over the few games they decided we were worthy of for full price on their next system.

And if I want to play Bayonetta in between work I sure as fuck wouldn't bring a TV and a console to work. But my Switch I'll bring.

Wii u has over 13 million units sold

Prove him wrong.

You work at a part time job or something?

That's not hindsight

I work in an office so I'll usually play some during my extended lunch.

I also frequently take trains and planes.

I should be able to play Super Mario Odyssey on my Wii U
3D World just doesn't scratch the itch, too much like a shittier Crash Bandicoot

Bayonetta's design is just so gawdy, shame because it was a good game.

>I too want more $60 ports of games I already paid full price for because Nintendo is a bunch of kikes so that I can bing bing wahoo outside. Because I'm a man child at heart and I not only allow Nintendo to fuck me over constantly but I ensure they are able to do so because I keep supporting them. It's literally okay when Nintendo does it. Now brb, gotta go shit on ps4 because they ported over the last of us.
Dude, I have some news for you, you don't have to buy the ports

m8 that's literally the point of bayo's design

Oh you're THAT guy at the office lmao

I wish I lived in an area where public transportation was a thing. I'd get more game time and save money on gas. Fuck rural America.

Then whats there to buy on the switch? The indies? The wagglin tech demos?

genuine fan != rabid fanboy who bought a Virtual B- I mean Wii U just because it's Nintendo

It's a tiny office where everyone eats at their desk and usually naps before restarting at 2.

No one gives a fuck what any of us are doing during our lunch.

No. But we still have breaks.

And I don't like it, I like the fighting system though.

Oh yeah they ported....
Mario kart 8 kinda?
And yeah they didn't make any games for the switch
ARMS, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2, Mario Odyssey, Yoshi, Kirby, Metroid Prime 4, Fire Emblem, nope, they didn't make any of these games.

I don't like it.

But is a standard and some games deserve a second chance

Get a bicycle you dumbfuck.

>implying i don't have every single NinBendo console apart from the Wii U

Yeah, I moved from Louisiana to a place with public transportation. Wondered why anyone would want to have portable consoles, but I can see why now.

How many users did it have after 4 months?

Breath of the Wild is a port too.

>THAT guy
Oh please. Like half the people bring gaming stuff with them. And the rest still browse the web or watch videos using phones or tablets.

How can it be a port when the game came out on both systems the same day?

Sure m8, everyone sees you as the office autist who brings their fisher price tablet to work. They're laughing at you in private

Oh no! They are? Oh god, I'm so insecure I'm going to kill myself now.
Oh wait, no I'm not an insecure bitch like you, so I don't give a fuck.

Sure thing, buddy.

Because it was made for one system and then ported over to another system, while the original version was delayed for a simultaneous release. Like Rayman Legends and its ports.

Hmmm someone is insecure

Did your jimmies get rustled?

no u

Nigga I can't use a bicycle on a 6 lane highway for 20+ miles.

>implying a NEET can criticize someone with a job
Surprised you haven't started Quentin posting already fag

Yes, user. That's exactly what happened.

So get a biplane obviously

>preordered them
>dont have any money in the bank
Oh shit I need to like work

>Bayo amiibos right around the corner
>Cia amiibo never ever

Life isn't fair sometimes.



Also like Persona 5 pushed to 2015 then again because of the PS4 port.

"Lack of backwards compatibility is awesome and doesn't affect game development" - Retarded fags who buy Remasters.

Plus Pokken. And now apparently Bayo and W101

not made by nintendo
>Bayo and W101
not made by nintendo

>tfw not a day goes by that I don't regret buying the faggot grey joycon version instead of red and blue.
Kill me.

Pokken and W101 are first party properties, they cannot port them without Nintendo's permission

they were still not made by nintendo, nor were they ported by them.

The Wii U didn't fail because of software. It failed because of Nintendo. They absolutely failed to inform people what t he fuck the Wii U actually was. The legions of parents and non-vidya people that bought the Wii had no idea what the Wii U was and so they said "why do I need another Wii?" Nintendo blows at marketing

Nintendo ordered the ports dumbfuck


they're Nintendo's properties so they can't be ported if they don't want them to be

that doesn't mean they ordered them. maybe platinum and namco asked nintendo for permission and they simply said yes.

Who fucking cares. The end result for the consumer is the same.

Exactly correct.

and it's a good result, so why are you so angry?

Because if I had known that every Wii U game would be ported to Switch in 2 years I wouldn't have wasted money on a Wii U

>every Wii U game
And any way, you had fun with them so what's the problem?

what sort of dumb as fuck reasoning is that

Yes, every one. MK8, Pokke, Bayo 2, W101, what the fuck is left? Smash?
>so what's the problem?
It was cancer when TLOU did it, its cancer when Nintendo does it
It isn't dumb.


That's an awful lot of negative emotion for 4 games showing up on the Switch.

If they're porting shit like Pokken and W101, which didn't even sell well, it means they'll most likely port everything
What reason is there for me to keep my Wii U?

You act like PC aren't port-beggers.

Donkey Kong
Mario 3DW
Splatoon 1
Xenoblade X
Pikmin 3
Do you even own a Wii U?