>Game has status effects
>Bosses are immune
>Normal fights are too short for them to be of any use
Game has status effects
Golden Sun games
Barring rebalance hacks, of course.
Also just about any FF ever.
pic not related because almost every boss in that game can be affect by some sort of status effect.
Debuffs and buffs are HUGE for boss fights.
Debuffs and Buffs are different than status effects.
That said Thor in SMT I could be stunlocked into getting paralyzed by zio infinitely.
Death is fucking useless barring one or two joke fights in most Final Fantasy.
>Game has an elemental resistance system
>One type is extremely under-represented but will instantly kill you if you're not heavily invested in it
Fucking Torchlight
>>Game has status effects
>>Bosses are not immune
>>You might lose a normal battle if you don't use any of them
>Game has an elemental resistance system
>It doesn't matter since you essentially power-level just by playing the game normally
>Game has death magic
Full stop. Fuck that shit in the ass. It's either a one-way street and enemies can use it on you but almost every difficult enemy is immune (SMT), or you actually can use it on bosses, but that means you're cheating yourself out of gameplay by skipping a fucking fight.
I'm glad they changed Mudo and Hama in SMT IV:A.
>game has status effects
>character specializes in one elemental type of attack and debuffs
>get to newly added expansion
>entire expansion is resistant to your classes elemental type, partial resist on dmg and full resist on debuff
>other classes unaffected or at advantage
>entire expansion of suffering
>Etrian Odyssey 3
>Death "magic" is an passive ability that trigger when someone reach a certain amount of HP
>It also work on allies
>game has boss fights that play out like puzzles
>need to strategize and try different spells and abilities
>you learn through the boss a new way to combine spells and you learn that you were only using half of their potential
>boss can inflict every status effect to every member of your party with one attack
never got why they don't just give the boss a shit ton of hp. or even ability to heal itself occasionally/spawn smaller enemies. any of these would balance out making them weak to status effects.
>Use cure spell on an undead enemy
>it heals it
>that gimmick is only useful for that boss fight
ironically these games rarely do that.
>one party member left
>enemy can heal and you never do enough damage to kill it
>you have a healing mechanic/character that can't be controlled
>enemy never does enough damage to kill you
>can't escape
>fight goes on forever
because of this series, I never use status effects in any game.
Fucking Finaly Fantasy I swear.
I don't remember which one, but the boss can inflict Berserker status and regen and the boss also had regen, so the battle can last forever.
status effects are either broken or used solely for multiplayer
>Game has several rival characters that scale with your level.
>Once you reach a certain level, one of them learns a spell that fully recovers their HP and MP, making it impossible to defeat them and continue the game.
>poison does exponential damage
>this happens before your healer can learn a party cure spell
>don't bother with status effects in solo cause useless
>get my shit pushed in by status effects in multiplayer
pretty much.
name 10 games that do this
>Healing and support spells/items can miss.
>recovery items heal half of the status effects in the game anyway
Final Fantasy 1 to 10.
>boss can inflict status effects that completely incapacitate your entire party
>does it every turn
>Walking around smashing easy enemies without a thought.
>Suddenly it's an ambush.
>Bad breath.
>Everyone has nearly every single status effect.
>Forced to watch as my party members who are poisoned and blind kill eachother because of confusion/charm.
>Not even allowed to do anything.
>beat the last boss
>still haven't touched the stack of elixirs
>Healing items don't scale.
Yeah, I'm sure those 50 HP potions will come in handy when my party members all have 2000+ HP.
>use huge healing/revive spell on undead enemy
>it just fucking misses
>poison is actually really useful against bosses
>halfway through the game they're inexplicably immune or have ridiculously huge resistance to it
>uses all elixirs on final boss
>wasn't actually the final boss
pic not related
You mean your game doesn't have a superboss? Please.
Fuck final fantasy holy shit I'm at the end of the game and all my party members have thousands of HP stop giving me 100 hp healing potions you faggot developers.
>playing this piece of shit for some reason
>had no idea what it was when I bought it
>use my super move on the boss before the final boss
>the final boss requires that super move to stop it from regenerating to full health every turn
>it takes multiple fights to charge up
>immediately drop it and never play it again
>beat the first phase of the boss
>removes all your items for the 2nd fight which is balls to the walls insane
>if you lose to either boss you get sent back 30 minutes and have to struggle back
>you dont get health refills on the 2nd attempts
Can't you stunlock every boss in SMT1?
>cast debuff on boss
>they immediately nullify it the next chance they get every single time
Lmao I'm glad P5 let's us use it on mini bosses.
>not wearing immunity gear in marlboro country
found the casual
>boss is weak to charm because his attacks hit hard and he self-heals
>charm has a 1 in 200 chance of hitting
>have to build entire team from the ground to reflect his damage instead
>boss wastes a turn cleansing debuff
>use 1 character to debuff and lock the boss into healing itself until it's dead
Seems like a good thing to me.
>Boss specializes in a specific element.
>Build your party to nullify that element.
>Boss responds by spamming the everloving shit out of the mega strong non-elemental fuck you spell of the game.
>boss can use status effects on your party
>neither immunity nor items can avoid them
Ninjas in Disgaea 1 did that. On the plus side they at least dodged everything else too, meaning you usually never had to worry about healing them.
pwnd scrub
>game has status effects
>can be used on bosses
>enemy encounters in a new area are difficult enough to warrant using them
>Evasion tank.
>Dodges responsibility.
>boss's damage output without that turn is still enough to surpass the game's HP cap without any buffs/debuffs
>get to the first big story boss
>boss specializes in a specific element
>build your party to nullify that element before fighting him
>boss battle starts with him summoning every mini-boss you fought along the way, each with their own different elements they specialize in
>boss delevels your party members
>use a magic reflecting ability
>boss just spams almighty spells since those don't get reflected
>boss reflect can reflect almighty spells
>boss' weaknesses and resistances change every turn
is this comp pokemon?
>You can choose your classes for each party member but you're permanently locked into the roles.
>Some bosses are ridiculously painful or flat impossible if you don't have certain skills.
>regular enemies delevel your party's members permantly and/or instakill them
>boss forces you to use underleveled party members
I couldn't beat the train in FFVI because of this.
>It's a boss that spreads status effects to all of your party members with an AoE attack/ability
>It's the most annoying fucking fight in the entire game, even if you use that one party member who is immune to status effects entirely
>There's also no shop that sells an accessory that can completely negate this status effect either
>mfw I'm sitting here literally betting on RNG until I win
It always happens like this too. You think, "Oh he just throws status effects, that can't be so bad right?" and then it ends up being a fucking mess where anything can go wrong, will. One stupid fucking charm/confuse/panic ruins everything. Status effect bosses can fuck off forever. That shit is harder than any other kind of boss, and every time a game makes me fight one, it ends up being a tougher boss than the final boss of the game.
>Enemy can steal items/money/etc.
>You don't get it back if you kill them.
>game is based on game that has useful status effects
>status effects are even more useful to the point that they get ridiculous
What are some games where I CAN use status effects on bosses?
wizardry 4 comes to mind
Etrian Odyssey (and by extension Persona Q)
Chie is best gril
>most bossess are immune to status effects
>status effects are really good against normal enemies
>hey jenny i got a gig for you
>should be easy, some pokemon cosplay thing, pretty vanilla just bgg
>show up
>someone hands you THAT costume
>status effects are borderline useless against normal enemies
>are necessary to beat the fuckhard bosses
>Robot party member gets poisoned.
>You have to GET HIT by status effect to survive bosses' attack
>the status effect skill is the one with the smallest chance
>having Luck too high will cause you to dodge the status effect more often
>robot party member is borderline useless in main gameplay
>secret sections with only robot where it kicks ass
FF 4, 6, 10, 13
Etrian Odyssey
Persona Q
Persona 5 mementos bosses and mid bosses
it's a "computer" virus
>Teammate specializes in status ailments
>They have low success rate
>Bosses are immune to ailments
Who the fuck balances these games?
>robot party member joins late game and has incredibly shitty offensive stats, barely level 10 or so when the rest of your party is promoted and high level
>anyone who uses it realizes it has a set chance to not use its normal attack and instead wipe the enemy out with a hidden laser not reflected in the stats
fucking adam
oh shit, what fuckin game
this sounds cool
A lot of Tarturus bosses in P3 are usually weak to at least 1 status effect, especially when it comes to the group fights, but status effects like panic are fucking useless in P4. Same with P5, but there's that one boring trick for endless money you can do with them, so at least there's that.
>Get get items with a drain mana/energy effect
>NPCs don't actually use mana/energy when using abilities
Shining Force.
Adam joins you late in the game, as a really crappy unit but ready to promote. I always thought he was a joke character but upon actually using him he's the playable version of the boss character that comes before him, namely that he usually does 1 or 2 damage unless he procs his laser, which deals ridiculous damage.
>MP drain skill costs 25MP to use
>Will never drain more than single digit numbers from enemies.
>final boss is actually the first boss you fight
Shining Force 1 and 2 were such great games. Sad to see what the franchise become.
>Status ailment makes you get healed by attack.
>Party member heals your status just before said attack
Good luck beating any real boss in Treasure of the Rudras without using status effects.
>Boss gets a 'brave' status effect that prevents him from being 'scared'(stunned) once his health drops low enough
>His attacks change from a boxing stance and delivering rapid punches to him scratching and flailing, and coughing up blood, and his sprite is him kneeling on the ground covered in his own blood
I prefer to just pretend it never got to EXA and beyond.
Shining is a huge franchise in general though, I've never even played stuff like Shining Soul or Shining Tears.
>certain attacks have a chance of inflicting status effects
>game doesn't tell you if it actually worked or not and theres no real way of telling
>Boss decides to spam unavoidable and unresistable spells that wipe your party in one turn because you dared to resist their other attacks