Last night

>Last night
>Got bored and rewatched Wreck it Ralph
>Remembered seeing it in theaters in 2012
>During the credits get really depressed
>Realize how much I've changed and how I follow this whole mob mentality
>Say fuck it
>Plug in old xbox 360 and play some old CoD games
>Start replaying Pokemon Platinum
>Install a bunch of shitty phone games like Marvel Contest of Champions
>I'm suddenly having the most fun I've ever had in my life after abandoning the bullshit Sup Forums told me

Anybody else suddenly realize that video games are for fun and whatever you find fun is what you should do? I've always told people I knew that phone games are for fags (Most still are, like Clash of Clans) but this whole thing with being part of the PC masterrace is bullshit. Video games are suppose to be a fun distraction from the real world; I'm tired of playing competitive online bullshit and paying tons for random games I play for 2 days. I'm having so much fun playing old console games and mobile games that I completely forgot about. Anybody else feel the same way?

>being a normie: the post

>"I plugged in my last-gen console to play multiple call of duty games after watching a children's movie, adding extra wires and dust to my domain, and also I'm killing my phone's battery with games now. Who's with me?"

No shit dude, you're supposed to just play what you enjoy rather than vying for ebin gamercred.

Also while WiR was really good Paperman was it he standout.

god I forgot paperman was attached to wir. man that was all so good. and while I want to believe the new one will be as good, stuff like this makes me worried

>tfw your waiting has three and a half minutes of screentime and will never get merch

Fucking phones I miss my computer, waifu of course

it took me a sec but I figured out what you meant. but yeah having a disney short waifu is a hard life, no merch and little to no fan art.

You like video games we don't, now fuck off

i'm sick of the "tumblr inpired" meme
she's based off of fandom and social media in general. tumblr isn't the only website that does that, and certainly not the first

But Sup Forums isn't opposed to fun.

Feels pretty fucking bad.
There's the one artist who often makes on-model Paperman art but they've bastardized it by constantly shoving in their fat and giant fetishes and by trying to turn Paperman into an ebin grimdark superpower movie. Other than that there's no dedicated fanartists for it

But hey the waifu chooses you not the other way around so we gotta deal with it.

Kek this

>but they've bastardized it by constantly shoving in their fat and giant fetishes and by trying to turn Paperman into an ebin grimdark superpower movie
that sounds funny, haha. i wouldn't mind seeing that, haha!

>having fun
ha ha ha

I think the community you are looking for is /vr/

>tfw wreck it ralph is the ultimate husbando
>tfw we're getting ANOTHER movie

>depressed about following mob mentality
>play literal mob mentality games

>he did what Sup Forums told him to do

Well we know you're a fucking idiot, op.

>Break-it Bruce
>Not Felix

>wanting to date a manlet with an ego issue that is only kind-of resolved by the end of the movie
no thanks

Well, at least Meg was drawn by Zone.

Nice blog, where i suscribe??'

He's objectively cuter than Pulverise-it Paul
>Ego issue...resolved
No problem then
nothing wrong with this

>nothing wrong with this

s h i t t a s t e

>No arguments
There's nothing wrong with manlets except for being one yourself.

>Not being excited for whats clearly going to be the villain of the movie

you did good user. on Sup Forums, the general rule is that games mostly get way more flak than they deserve. and while Sup Forums is an "enjoyable" place, its also very rigid and extreme. check things out for yourself once in a while

jesus user, if you just noticed that you have to be young as fuck, just play what you want that's the whole point jesus christ
it's like when people ask themselves who they are, holy shit you are what you are that's it