baby low skill ceiling game
not even a tf2 or csfag, those games are shit too but they actually require some skill
this is literally "press q to win" the game. so fucking stupid.
baby low skill ceiling game
not even a tf2 or csfag, those games are shit too but they actually require some skill
this is literally "press q to win" the game. so fucking stupid.
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Having fun is bad!
you fool! you replied to the bait!
Overwatch is shit. It's a game for girls.
How much SR did you lose today?
Looks like someone's mad he lost yet another platinum game because "muh team is bad"
Poorly designed, crap game by Blizzard, who seem to only be capable of copying from superior games and genres, while ruining everything in the process.
you can't complain about low skill ceiling without proving you've hit it user, post your SR
Was blizzard a 3 hit wonder? Lots of their old games like warcraft, starcraft, and wow were revolutionary and spawned loads of clones that influenced gaming today.
But if you look around now all nu-blizzard does is ape other games miserably (hots=league/dota, ow=tf2). The one revolutionary idea they had is hearthstone, and it had a lot of potential (it stiill is the best mobile game ever made though) but they shat on it with p2w and rng
At least 500
Everything up to and including vanilla WoW was amazing from blizzard. Anything past that is a slow decline of failure. I can't wait for the OW league to flop and implode upon itself like the greeky moneymaking scheme that it is
don't you love how blizzcucks default to "muh sr" every time calls out their fisher price shooter? i bet these fags criticize shit games like cod without ever playing them, but apparently that is not allowed for their precious babby's first shooter.
>haha i can suck dicks better than you you're just bad XD
the only winning move is not to play.
>but it's fun retard
no one is saying you can't enjoy, as long as you know how flawed it is.
I would love this game so much more if blizzard would let me play the only game mode that is not poorly designed dog shit (KOTH) and avoid all their other fucking shitty terrible maps and game modes.
But they won't, because they're so far up their own asses that they think that they made some flawless masterpiece that is beyond reproach, and that payload, or heaven forbid attack/defend is fun.
You know what's not fun blizzard? Having nearly a minute of downtime every time you fucking die.
You know what's not fun? Waiting for ultimates to go back online to rush the enemy team.
Fuck blizzard, the company has completely lost its creative edge and design knowledge many years ago.
Well maybe I like being a girl.
I can't get out of bronze. Everyone just griefs and argues with each other.
Remove ultimates.
Nigga how does one get in bronze in the first place
And I thought platinum was bad
>Its a no healer episode
>its a mei/torb on attack episode
>Its a pro genji episode
>Its a hanzo episode
>Its a you painstainkinly coordinate and use 3 ults to kill 5 enemies and clear the point but it doesnt fucking matter because their mercy was hiding behind a wall and pressed Q and all of them caame back to rape your already weak team christmas special rerun marathon season finale
>dive comp becomes the only viable comp after road gets nerfed into the ground
>jeff: the game is balanced
Top 3 worst heros this week
If they want this game to survive for another year at least they need to rework their dumbass meta to where you can counter it without your own dive
>Its a you painstainkinly coordinate and use 3 ults to kill 5 enemies and clear the point but it doesnt fucking matter because their mercy was hiding behind a wall and pressed Q and all of them caame back to rape your already weak team christmas special rerun marathon season finale
>tfw dropped OW in 4 days, cos I instantly knew how stupidly simple and easy it is
I've played some games with obnoxious communities before but Overwatch is probably up top with the sheer amount of twats playing. It seems like very single game there's some sort of argument between players, if not on my team then on the enemy team. Someone complaining that you're playing a certain character, someone complaining they're not being healed, someone complaining about damage dealers not pulling their weight, it's endless.
Something about Overwatch brings out the worst in people, it's an entry-level FPS which appeals to the most casual of players but for some reason it gets everyone so heated.
just play a character the wrong way. It makes the game 10x more fun
It was a C&C clone user.
literally warcraft in space
A casualized everquest clone. Wow, yeah, really breaking new ground!
The only actual game that blizz ever made that did anything somewhat innovative was Diablo.
Blizzcucks are the same as chads, that get cod and fifa every year
Yeah, hearthstone was completely revolutionary. Can't believe no one had ever tried anything remotely similar!
Pic totally unrelated btw.
>the year 2081
>he still loses to Q
>4 days
I'll never understand Sup Forums's boner with bragging about how you DON'T play X game.
Like, Congrats? You aren't playing this but instead something else? Nice?
>its on mobile and online
>it s actually understandable and doesn't come with a neckbeard stigma
>Ideally (keyword) it's free to play, but they had to go full p2w on it so its almost as expensive as playing a normal ccg
>mcgrees retarded ulti
why couldnt they just have made ur bullets lethal for a couple seconds instead?
>soldiers retarded ulti
why couldnt they have simply made his bullets more lethal for a couple seconds isntead?
etc etc
I don't know. I lost like 7 of my placement matches and still got silver
Q makes the game far more dynamic than "just keep shooting"
If anything OW is way too hard. You're expected to babysit and coordinate your entire team in order to win.
if it's so easy why are you a silver surfer
>tfw dropped OW in 4 days
>I instantly knew how stupidly simple and easy it is
Battletag please
Let's see that GM after a few hours of gameplay
I lost 7 and got high plat. How does anyone get silver?
Unless you play a tank character where your job is to just unga bunga into the enemy team and hope yours is intelligent enough to cap and not chase with you
It's more about teamwork and less about individual execution and there is literally nothing wrong with that.
it´s also about timing and positioning.
its also about gaming the system and padding your stats every match, or just play mercy
Unless what? Your entire team still has to follow you in order to maximise your chances of winning. The healers still have to heal you instead of dps. Being a tank is suffering.
It's how I met my girlfriend. Stay mad.
Mcree ult is terrible, and soldier ult is easily stopped. You should be complaining that Dva's right click easily stops some of what should be the most devastating ults in the game.
What I don't get from this game is. Genji was op with triple jump, 8 sec blade, murder animation kill combo.
Instead of nerfing damage to raise skill floor with those skills. What did they do? Take those out and make him a dragonblade bot
Ana was op and rewarded high skill players. The only problem was the 100% healing. That was obv too much. What did they do? Nerf that AND damage. Now you can't shoot down Pharah's anymore and you are dead if a tracer or genji flanks you and you miss the sleep dart. Ana is a heal bot now and has one of the lowest winrates this week in comp.
Mercy? Instead of having her ult unfun for everyone why not make it so her kit gets changed so its not a instant button gamechanger because you hid and hit q
Roadhog? Just make his hook hitbox smaller so bronze players weren't one tricking him all the way to plat. Damage, wasnt the issue, it was the hook.
Dva? I have no idea but now she's only chosen for def matrix. I guess she used to be fun, I didn't have the game when she had a ton of armor. But honestly they could make her meka armor and hp 50/50 to let dva players have more fun by boosting that and nerfing dm so you can actually have fun.
Doomfist? Yah he could get up places higher. But, instead of taking away skill things like genji, why not.. just make his damage less? Now all he does is hold right click. That's all you really can do. That's his purpose
Lucio? Idk he got reworked so you had to be more active in team fights, I think thats the only thing they did right.
Theres other arguments that could be made about changes and reworks, but if they keep this up this game is going to die. It's not as nearly as fun as it used to be. Abilities and tricks made it fun and now its so.. easy to play and skill gets outplayed by cheese now its so... fuckin boring lmao
Just nerf damage if something is op dont remove the ability. Change something about it so people dont waste their time learning something thats just going to get nerfed.
By playing poorly in those placement matches like I did obviously. It rates you off of person performance as well. And it was my first competitive season ever played.
Reverse psychology isn't your strong suit OP. Just be honest about the game. It takes tried and true gaming concepts and revolitionizes them in new fantastic ways. It won GOTY for a reason, and it's reason is not that it is a bad game. Overwatch will be remembered in history up there with the likes of Mario 64 and Minecraft
Calm down dude. It's good fun but not incredible.
>implying SR is relevant
>they actually require some skill
Overwatch does require more skill than CS or TF2.
From an actual GM.
>mental gymnastics: the post
Warcraft: Orcs vs. Humans - 1994
Command & Conquer - 1995
Try again.
Yep that's pretty much why i quit the game. Most other games you can still have fun and do decent if your team is absolute shit(with the exception of something like being spawncamped) but the way overwatch is set up if your team is shit you will never have fun. Doesn't help that they packed the game to the brim with abilities designed to take away control from the other player which i would have thought by now devs know is not fun to play against in the slightest.
>navigation is harder!
Navigation is merely getting from point a to point b, the game is not about getting to point a to point b.
maybe warcraft starcraft and diablo were good but the list stops here
>it's bad because I say so
You people will be butthurt about Overwatch for years to come
People said it was supposed to die almost two years ago now
It got compared to TF2 and ever since the valvetards have been crying about it, begging for it to die
But you can actually kill anyone in the opposing team provided you're good enough, it's a fucking fps, kill the fucking healer, avoid the fucking shield, you're bad and you're saying that your failings don't belong to you, that's how bad you are.
This game has led many pros to believe the game is bad because they've hit the wall of reality, the reality of how bad they were at games and how they were being carried by their teams, now it's everyone else's fault.
its a shame games dont have more skill based movement anymore
>so fucking stupid.
Not him but they're called movement options, getting the height advantage in tf2 takes shotting the rocket at your feet and crouching and jumping before it hits as opposed to overwatch where you press a button.
I don't even play tf2, have 200 hours in overwatch and quit this season because of how shitty the balance has been
If they dont fix this shitty meta balance this game will die, period.
PUBG had more viewers than a hyped up contenders on twitch where every pro team is just
This game is so fucking boring now
>ree this casual mainstream shooter is too casual
Why do you care? It makes no sense.
How do we fix it?