fuck you, i like this game.
Fuck you, i like this game
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I like the whole series. Great spiritual successors to Thief and Deus Ex, in my opinion.
I like it too, fuck you.
Everybody likes this game, it's a good game and fun to replay. It has some balance issues and others really really don't like the art style but other than that it's a blast, and also shows just how good DLC can still be.
Dishonored 2 though I think is more meh. I haven't played the DLC yet if it's out though.
is 2 good?
It's not out. Comes out in August, I believe.
is Prey worth getting?
>Dark Vision broken as fuck in this game
>Nerfed it to hell in dishonored 2 with that shitty radar system
just played the first game. went through with low-chaos for the most part knocking people out, killing them only when i had to and sparing all my targets (ironic that death is more of a kindness to them but atleast they still alive right?). i think blink was a bit broken beacuse it got you out most situation but than again, you can not use it at all if you think the games too easy i guess.
overall, its a 6.5/10 for me. hope the dlc is just as good.
I fucking hate how hard Dark Vision got nerfed on 2. I didn't even use it to see enemies, I just liked it because it made loot items stand out. Now it's a fucking pain in the ass to find them.
the DLC is better honestly, Daud is a more interesting protagonist and the levels feel more creative.
>hope the dlc is just as good.
Good news, my man. The Dunwall City Trials are meh but the Daud DLCs are great.
I'd say wait until it's 30 dollars. It's pretty good, but I don't know if it's worth it full price.
If you're a big fan of the genre, though, buy it now.
>Everybody likes this game
This your first day here? Sup Forums hates Dishonored
Now are they? xD
You alright?
not him, but they do; they've done it for probably a year or so. dunno why, probably sime sjw shit
i liked that the devs took their time with creating the maps and there was more than 2 ways you could handle things.
Indeed. Daud is a much more interesting character than Corvo.
Let me give you a hint, low chaos is extremely boring. Play high chaos and you'll have fun.
its a stealth so of course im gonna play it like one.
i make a massacre playthough when i got time.
"stealth game"
>expansive levels that lend themselves well to a regular Corvo blink
>Daud gets a .25x blink that has a retarded timestop mechanic that only benefits consoletards
DLC was dumpster
you get cucked out of so many tools and spells to use if you do a low chaos
Most people like it though. It's 2 that sucks dick
whats wrong with 2 and while we at it, whats the best build for emil in a kill everything route?
>whats wrong with 2
The story and writing, and the shitty performance in every version of the game.
Why the "fuck you"?
Most people on Sup Forums like it too.
I finished it recently, soundtrack is really amazing.
so you fuck nobody. as always
Playing high chaos doesn't mean playing call of duty.
What does Sup Forums think of death of the outsider. Looks pretty exciting, huh?
any info about what the gameplay/levels will be like?
what are you a racist?
>death of the outsider.
thats the problem. you cant kill the outsider.
do you think they made it a stand alone since the few people bought the basegame and they think that way more people will buy it?
God damnit, I was so proud the first reply wasn't some "LOL KANGZ" shit
I really didn't see that twist towards the end of the game coming. I'm stupid or that actually was a good plot twist?
Which twist?
Wow, you liked a shittier, normie'd version of thief
you're so brave, i bet you watch reddit and memey too huh
I do too.
Preorder 2 and got 1goty
preordered death of the outside and will be doing all 3 and dlc back to back later this year
it was alright
everyone helping you realizing they could become the next rulers instead of emil ganing all the power was a good twist.
just shows even honest men can fall to temptation of power and wealth.
>whats the best build
nigga there is no builds anymore.
You can ng+ it until you have everything, corvo and emilys powers
Only thing you need to really do is make sure you get the bonecraft perk at the end of your first 2 runs to decraft bonecharms, learn the traits and make runes
but that line of thinking falls through because they KNEW the Empress was going to be assassinated, and made their plan ahead of time
They wanted to use Corvo as a pawn from the start.
First game I played in awhile because I borrowed an xbone. Have to say I really loved it. Felt like Bethesda/Assassins Creed and HL2 had a baby.
The reason everyone goes back to the HL2 feel is because the same guy who led the creative/art department for those games led this one too.
I saw it coming from a mile away. No way the game was gonna be THAT short.
they did? than forget everything i said.
yeah you only know if you autistically read all the little hidden notes like I did
>hear this is like thief
>see le ebic decapitations xD and maneating rats and teleporting around
fuck off
If you want to play full on violent then yes, you see that, but the game rewards you for not being a violent fuck and stealthing your way to your assassination targets, which you do not have to kill, by the way, you are given other measures to get rid of them. The majority of videos on youtube with this game are violent runs cause it attracts more views I think.
I did a full low chaos run, other than the rune at the end I got mostly all the spells(except the rats, going non lethal don't need them)
Fuck, you meant the dlc, then, yeah, High Chaos Daud Best Daud
No, fuck you, *I* liked it.
So do I, however it's not good enough for a second playthrough.
Uncharted 4 also had its Single Player DLC made standalone, but that sold really well.
It is the exact same game as Dishonored except with different maps. Don't pay full price. Wait for at least -50% discount
Too bad the coolest climax is also the high chaos ending. Corvo saving Emily from... eh, can't remember his fuckin name... from the top of the crane was miles better than taking the key from him.
I feel the same way about pic related