
Why are half the characters minorities?

Since when is half of something a minority? Wew

What do you mean by minorities? The game takes place all over Earth.

white people are a minority in the world

If we don't count asians and russians as "minorities" we got


that's 18 out of 25, 72%
so no it's not half of the cast, more like one fourth

Why do you care?

Real question is why has every DLC character been black, I don't like the original team because it's supposed to be diverse but the new characters?

You realize its not USwatch right?

It's specifically a global team.

>every dlc character
>ana: not black
>sombra: latina
>orisa: robot
So doomfist, yes. Bravo user, one out of 4.

Orisa isn't black, she's a robot. The black voice was programmed into her by the black loli.

Sombra isn't black, she's hispanic

holy shit

>muh white guilt
>muh tiny penis

The world isn't one color.

the only real joke in overwatch is a technologically advanced africa.
>muh dick
here's your (You) child

High tech africa as been a scifi/cyberpunk theme since forever



>Ana is Egyptian
>Sombra is Hispanic
>Orisa is a robot
I'm sorry for your learning disability.

Hey, in a game like this it makes sense. World-wide conflict, so a decent representation of different ethnicities makes sense. In TF2 the predominantly white cast made sense because of the setting and time period, with the Demoman being a good wild card. It doesn't feel shoehorned in like other games, being like "wow look at all these races that are represented! What does this add to the world/gameplay? Uhh... Shut up we have so much diversity!" It makes sense in context, makes the characters more visually distinguishable, and actually adds to the world rather than being something added to check something off of a list.

nothing to do with it kid, all the gold medals won at the Olympics are north American/european/chines countries.

Since when does kenya and mexico produce the same amount of athletes/ high level humans as the 1st world?

How is technologically advanced Africa a joke in sci fi universe?

I mean, they are a minority after all.

>fragile white dicklet gets triggered once again after being reminded women and minorities exist

christ can you turboautists permanently fuck off already

Its the cool thing to do for teenagers user

It's a video game. The characters aren't athletes.

Mei and Sym are the closest ones to not being minorities.
Overwatch is a global operation it's not focused to any one country
In fact if it did belong to any country it would be UK since OW is based in Gibraltar Fuck off Spain, It's ours.

because economic and cultural development in sub saharan africa is a massive joke. the idea of them ever accomplishing anything major on their own is absurd.

>0 of the new characters since release are white
really made me think

user its SCIFi
Theres a speaking ape in the game, come on

Stop using "minorities"

They outnumber us 5:1 worldwide.

>since OW is based in Gibraltar

shut the fuck you ugly stupid brit nobody likes your kind

speaking apes can be handwaved away, an entire continent mystically not becoming the shithole of the planet is much greater hubris.

You know what's also a joke? Talking monkeys on the moon. Oh and a guy that turns into a ghost and collects souls. And a girl that can turn back time.

Stop using "us". They outnumber you 10:1 on this site alone.

>pol shitposter here
speaking ape and minority. ha! what's the difference?

Shit game, shit company, shitty op

Quit shilling this crap game

It's an international peacekeeping organization. It would be weird if they didn't have non-Europeans.

Almost all of the minorities are villains so it's ok.

Because your ancestors were weak and didn't dominate the entire world killing off the men and breeding all the women so everyone looks like you. Better luck next time.

Thats no my point at all you retard.

half the world isnt white

10/10, OP. Well done.

But everyone outside the white race is basically irrelevant no matter how fast they breed.

lol I know sorry for being irrelevant user.

Dont you have school, kid?

>If we don't count asians and russians
But we do, weeb.
They're not white.

An African is pretty much the least white character in the game, even Lucio is closer to being white.

>white people are a tiny minority of the world population
>"why aren't the majority of these international heroes white?"
>"I hate pandering"

Why do you figure more "representation" is a good thing? A creative work doesn't become more entertaining just because a fictional character is a different race. If anything it becomes worse since art is being sacrificed for the sake of politics.

orisa is a robot

Jesus fucking christ

More like 80% of the world isn't white

Because they don't want white people to play their game obviously

No, it's summer.
I'm sure if you'd ever been to school you'd know that, Tyrone.

That's cool, but that doesn't change the fact they aren't actually minorities. This whole thread is pretty retarded.

Orisa was programmed by a WE WUZ. 2 out of 4.

Conversely what's the problem if it has absolutely no bearing on gameplay as is the case with Overwatch? What exactly is being sacrificed in overwatch when the design ethos stays consistent regardless of that fact?


No one said it was a good thing, they were just making fun of you for getting upset about it.

They're minorities in the relevant countries.
Why would you represent dindus when only like 1% of them ever have access to technology required to run Overbotch?

>high level humans

Minority means not white. Holy shit are you dumb?

Friendly reminder that all of the core cast representing all of the cool and sexy character designs people love in the game were all designed back in 2011. The new characters, ie Zarya and onward, are all SJW creations. This is why all of the new character designs have been "meh" at best. Blizzard is no longer focusing the game on fanservice but "diversity" instead.

Doomfist used to be a cybernetic white guy, btw.

it's a worldwide organization, plus the game is set like 60 years from now. if the cast was equivalent to population their would be mostly chinese and indian people.

And even then all they do is play Tekken on playstation.

But what does white mean?

What's your point?


you dumb nigger

It has bearing on aesthetic appeal. People want to play as badass dudes and hot babes, not ugly minorities, macho feminists with buzzcuts.

Zarya onward?

So D.Va, Mcree, Mei, Junkrat, Roadhog, Ana, Sombra, Orisa, and Doomfist?

>game set in the future
>wh*te "people" still exist

I really want to play jetpack pyro with a lightning gun.

>72% white
>overwatch cast is still whiter than the USA

This picture to me moreso reflects them moving away from this specific design style, every person in this picture that's currently in the game has had they're look almost completely changed along superficial lines and not ethnic in any fashion. Doomfist is one point but again what did this change MECHANICALLY about the character?

>minority means non white
how fucking retarded are you? If I live in a country thats 90% black, 5%white and 5% other then the 95% non white are the minority?

What will we call them when they aren't minority anymore?

Africa was built up because the fucking Omnics took charge and made it that way. If you're going to be a fucking retard and bitch about the lore, you should at least read it.

What should I call them? What label best descibes these characters? athletes?

They pretty much are though, your chess champions and coding prodigy aren't coming from the ivory coast

Thats not your original retarded argument though, I never would have contested you if that was your argument.

It's still a robot, do you classify Bastion as a race then?

And that's an extremely vague term that hasn't been relevant in decades

Well to answer that piece of anecdotal evidence with my own, Doomfist, orisa, ana, and Pharah are all pretty cool and well designed characters with they're own looks that I personally enjoy quite a bit, leaving us exactly at square one. What does they're race have to do with how they interact with the world and they're unique looks and styles when culture has a PROFOUNDLY bigger impact as demonstrated by the game. Also what is the "BADASS" metric we're using here exactly?

diversity just code word for "anti white"

because the majority of the worlds population isn't white.

Im in a uni class right now

Except the terms "caucasoid" and "caucasian" are still used in biological anthropology as a way to classify phenotypically similar skeletal structures, skull morphology etc t bio engi

How many of those characters would you actually want to play as though? I really wouldn't want to play as anyone here that's not already in the game asides from Big Red, the Hazmat dude, and the jetpack dude.

Do you even know who built Bastion? It was clear (((they))) were pushing the nigger quota with Orisa. But that wasn't enough. It never is with (((them)))).

White - of European decent.

Think how much cooler those characters would have been if the artists at Blizzard said "lets make this character be as awesome as possible" instead of "let's make the character represent cultural diversity."

There is a reason Zarya is one of the least played classes despite being relatively powerful.

You are beyond help, seriously consider suicide.

>There is a reason Zarya is one of the least played classes despite being relatively powerful.

You haven't played Overwatch


because not white = minority
meanwhile whites only make up 9% of the world

Blizzard didn't say that, and there are plenty of people that play Zarya. I played Zarya constantly when she was good.

just Sup Forums being Sup Forums

are robots automatically white?
She was made by a african, in an african society and is very african herself even in accent
heck off pal

They'll still be called minorities. SJWs will claim that white privilege makes white people the majority of power and that the term comes from oppression, or something.

zarya is my main and guess what, i dont give a shit about the character's visuals or sounds. you're a retard if you do, or a casual normie. her skills are great, and i like using her, i dont give a shit if shes white black blue green whatever.

its almost as if a world wide organisation would have people from around the world in it

Just saying "I think the opposite" to everything is not an argument.

And yes, they did say that. Both figuratively and literally.

Take your meds