Fake hype for final fantasy 7

I was just rewatching the announcement for the ff7 remake, and I noticed the whole crowd was busting a fat nut, then I stumbled upon the shitty "youtuber react" and saw everyone in this video going wild as well... How many of these people have actually played final fantasy 7 let alone any final fantasy ever? I asked my friends and none of them had ever touched the game. What's with all the fake hype? It makes me wince

I thought FF13 & 15 were good, and I have high expectations for FF7R.

being a 90s kid and also a sheep to popular stuff. i'll admit i never touched the game until 7 years ago but that was on my own accord and my opinion on the game is not skewed by nostalgia. It's a ok game, combat is meh, story is wtf, the journey is what made the game good.

I enjoyed both, I'm aware of their flaws but I still love those games

Playing through right now, I understand the appeal, it's extremely dated, though....


It pisses me off because other square rpgs which actually need remakes are brushed aside for the obvious cash grab of final fantasy.

>Modern Square
Be thankful. VII is absolutely fucked.

FF7 graphics are ugly as shit. It needs a remake.

Chrono trigger remake when?

The game is 20 years old. There are a lot of great games that i wouldn't appreciate if I played them a decade after they released. Turn based combat is fallen out of favor, the graphics are horrifying, some stuff is very obtuse, and of course the highly problematic scenes like Honeybee Inn :^).

modern square is shit. The only people hyped are normalfags who haven't touched the series since 10

DS port was good enough

But seriously the remake would need to add more character and personality to the game
The story really is generic "let's save the world" and the characters are really 1 dimentional.
I say that as someone who loves all the mechanics of the game, like the ATB v.2.0 and the lack of random encounters

I didn't say the game was bad and to some respect its held up somewhat over the years. Just my nostalgia boner isn't there to give enough of a fuck. Already played and beat the game only thing a remake will do is spiff it up. Given the fuck it's modern square they will also fuck it up.

they become less 1 dimensional if you take the time to do the side quests for their backstory.

Having played the original when it came out, it really doesn't and at this point, it's not even a remake. It might as well be a reboot/reimagining.

people think this is going to be ff7 but with better graphics.

it wont.

at least it was received well and didn't suffer from time constraints.
I really just want a chrono cross reimagining with a less convoluted story.

>Given the fuck it's modern square they will also fuck it up
I can't argue with that. For better or worse, I think it's going to be less of a remake and more of a reimagining.

>Turn based combat is fallen out of favor
It was never in "favor", it appealed to a very niche group of people. The only people that want to see it dead are people that want everything tailor made to their own tastes. Seems to be a lot of that on Sup Forums, which is ironic because they're mimicking the very people they despise, Sarkesian, Quinn etc.

I respect this opinion.

Found the underage

But I did all the sidequests. Still pretty bad.

Usually I don't like movie games and RPGs with 5 hours of cutscenes, but I feel like some more dialogs would really help in CT.

>Having played the original when it came out,
>it really doesn't
Nostalgia is blinding you.
FF7 is one of the worst looking good games of that generation.

Why does anyone think a FF7 remake will be good? Square Enix is run by retards and the game will be literally nothing like the original

nothing from the 32-bit era looks impressive these days, but at the time that looked awesome. 3D graphics were just starting to get mainstream so I don't get the "it's one of the ugliest games ever" meme

Reminds me of a Prime 4 reaction video. A bunch of assholes watching the trailer together, flipping out at the logo when just two seconds earlier they thought the S and the 4 meant a Smash 4 port (I'm not joking).

I thought FF8 looked worse as odd as that might sound.

FFVII looks like ass, but at least it's colorful and I can make out their faces and shit. FF8 looks like it went through a billion years of water corrosion to achieve those jagged edges. Block cartoon > pixelated attempt at realism.

fair enough.

i played the shit out of 7 as a kid and play it every year. i own the game on 4 systems and was legit hyped when it got announced. was, every announcement for it so far has been terrible news

any true metroid fan spotted the screw attack symbol well before anything else.

>FF7 is one of the worst looking good games of that generation.

>nothing from the 32-bit era looks impressive these days
Some N64 games look good like Majora's Mask, F Zero X, Paper Mario, Conker, Banjo, that Star Wars game

PSX games less so because of the fucked up texture filtering, but look at FFIX - it looks almost like a PS2 game if not for the bad filtering.
pic kind of related.
Fully agreed, attempted realism ages really bad.

The characters don't have a lot of backstory, but the story itself is really good. It's not too bland, but not too convoluted. I think it's perfect. I liked how magic went extinct so your character doesn't have it, and has to be taught it. Also, how magic tabs are scattered throughout the world because Zeal got destroyed and they all washed up somewhere as the planet eroded. You'll notice there are no magic tabs in prehistoric or dark ages.
Then you start up Chrono Cross and everyone just has magic anyway because fuck you.

Are you retarded? FF8 is beautiful.


>i shed a tear when it was announced
Well FUCK you OP for saying what I felt was fake. Can we just ban beyond sixth gen gamer fucks?

OK, sure, but you're talking about games from 2000 onwards (Majora, Paper Mario, etc)

in 1997, FF7 was pretty cutting edge. Squaresoft used brand new tech to make it in just over a year. a testament to the kind of talent they were back then.

Now? They're a joke

I kinda agree, FF7 with its non-textured polygon graphics did look smooth in comparison even back then.

The biggest issue isn't even the textures, it's how low-resolution the display is. Textures look ass with it while polygons look just fine.
Higher resolution and perspective correction makes the existing textures look much better, this is even apparent in FF7 when paying attention to the textured details on characters. You never really saw them well on PS1 and the PC version makes them look fucked up.

but they clearly announced it would have mechanical changes

I honestly don't care for the remake of FF7. It's nice, don't get me wrong, but I just replayed the port they made for PS4 and that cured the itch I had for it. I'd rather they do something with FF8 or FF9. Even Vagrant Story.