You're not the chosen one

>you're not the chosen one

>you're not the chosen one
>your childhood friend is the chosen one
>she was just the result of hundreds of years of selective breeding

Thats kind of hot

>you are not the man who sold the world

>You are the only not-chosen one
>End up creaming them all

Name literally one game that does this

>You're not the chose one
>Your son is
>Accompany him to fulfill his destiny before he even hits puberty
>Accomplish that, son is now savior of the world and can live a normal life

Dragon quest 5

final fantasy: mystic quest
there is no chosen one. the big bad made up the whole prophecy as a prank

I don't remember which Dragon Quest it was, but it was a spectacular game. One thing ticked me off a bit about it.

>you could possibly be the chosen one
>oh sorry it was your fucking son

The Last Remnant, in a way.
Your little sister was born with the godlike powers, youre just a random guy with a sword.

At least she was cute.


>the chosen one dies
>your party of side characters have to use whatever little power they have to save the world

>you kill the chosen one

>all of the shit you pulled during the main quest
>end up becoming a daedric god for centuries afterwards
Yeah, you weren't the chosen one. You were better.

>the chosen one comes from bumfuckville, middleofnowhere
why do games do this

That was basically everywhere in Japan just 100 years ago

You can literally kill the final boss before that faggot turns into a dragon.

It's both a western and eastern mythos: comes from the ancient tales which promoted modesty

That makes you a "chosen one" though.

Still not the chosen one. Martin was the one destined to save the world, you're a glorified messenger boy.

Nah, Hajime just was enhanced to act like one, he wasn't born with it

Soul reaver.

>the chosen one is your great-great grandson
>the sole purpose of your life was to give him a message

Lloyd wasnt the chosen in ToS

Tales of Symphonia. Do you even play games?

Kingdom Hearts, sort of.

Dark Souls

Kingdom Hearts kinda switched it into power of love and then combined the two together

But Tales of Sym

>you have to breed with her to continue the line

So you get a black screen for 2 seconds and the task is done?

more like BLACKED screen lmao


And Dark Souls 2. Probably 3 too, but I haven't gotten around to playing it.

georgie says he was still the chosen1 because he was the one that killed sheev

final fantasy 7

The Legend of Zelda wind Waker

>you are the chosen one
>but it's not a good thing

Sounds like Ezio.

>You're the chosen one
>You fail in your mission

Rude and uncalled for

Tales of whachamacallit right?

Medieval 1/2

how so ?


>you're only the chosen one because you already did the things the chosen one was supposed to do, unlike the countless "chosen ones" who died on the journey before you
And people say Dark Souls has bad writing.

Xenoblade Chronicles X

Final Fantasy 12

>your HUD counts as an item
>you can sell it

>Your dad spent his entire life looking for the chosen one
>He even suspects you're the chosen one but you fail his test
>Dad dies before he finds the chosen one because it turns out the chosen one is your son who will be born years into the future

>You are not the choosen one
>But you are so insanely prepared that not even the gods know your fate

There's no chosen one in Dark Souls. It's just propaganda to get the cursed motivated to go on a pilgrimage, get strong and then become a sacrifice to keep the flame lit. There's literally nothing special about your character other than the fact that he happened to make it.

oh shit i never tought about it like that, so virtually anyone could complete the quest ?

Pretty much. Just got to swing a sword well enough.

Unless you chose the cannon ending

>low level gear is effective against high-level enemies!

You're still not the chosen one. You just didn't do what the gods wanted, and instead went for drinks with Kaathe.

I suppose not, but you do break the cycle which leads to a new era.

Tetris, the NES version.

Unlike the GB version, the NES version doesn't have a 6 paragraph prologue about the prophecy of the chosen one who will clear the walls and enjoy catchy russian music.

>>you're not the chosen one
>becomes the chosen one by the end of the game by beating all of the levels

>you must fight a party that thinks they are the chosen one

Google "the hero's journey"

Now this I gotta know

>Game has monster-raising elements

Nier Automata.

>Game has a morality system

>game has unsolved mysteries

>game lets you impersonate other people

>game has a yandere option


>...and a tsundere option

Is there a game where you're the support?

Like, where you're the secondary character assisting the main one?


Crystalis. The enemies in the second last dungeon can only be damaged with the weakest sword

>Your childhood friend/ lover is one of the main villains

>*blocks your Clash*


What trait is this villain missing?

good catch

>so virtually anyone could complete the quest ?

Well anyone can complete the game.

user, you are the undead.

Oblivion and Morrowind, though one plays it straighter while the other involves forcing the prophecy to accept you.

wow we really are the walking undead

>your not the chosen one
>your a side character who has to protect/escort or travel with the chosen one

Tales of Symphonia. Fucking cuckold.

Name one game

>party includes a partying cat

What, you're the one with actual powers on the Last Remnant considering the main guy is actually a remnant himself

Name five student projects, three BLACKED videos, four indie games and one AAA video game that does this

> (Lie) [dialogue]
>Your alignment has shifted X points towards Chaos

i think i am setsuna, a girl named setsuna is chosen to become a sacrifice and you have to escort her

what the fuck, man

>Game has unfinishable quests

>Game caters to your fetish

There are some jp games that let you create a self insert character that's just a support of the actual main character
Can't really remember the names of them now though

>chosen one ends up killing the true villian
>main character's villian is meaningless in context of the profecy
>chosen one is never seen in the story

made me jej

Tales of Symphonia to some extend.

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>game lets you do impossible things