Capcom are probably never going yo release a fighter again after the shitshows of V & MVCI

>capcom are probably never going yo release a fighter again after the shitshows of V & MVCI
>Mortal kombat and Injustice can't be taken seriously as fighters.

This is the state of fighting games in 2017 folks

To be fair Tekken has always been way better than Street Fighter. DBZF might be fun.

Good. Make room for better games. Tekken and Guilty Gear can carry the fgc

Please tell me that's a boy over there as Bridget.

>Not a Sol Badguy face instead of Ragna
Almost perfect. But still a good point

People will continue to eat Capcom shit though.

We can only hope

>cater the game to casuals
>the game comes out without any single player content
>release a bunch of weird ass characters nobody wants and charge almost as much as the game for the privilege of waiting for them to come out
yeah i wonder why sfv flopped

>Tekken and Guilty Gear can carry the fgc

They never have and they never will.

You forgot about the new Arika game that's coming out
>Skullomania is back

it's gonna flop

nobody cares about it just like that rbyw bluz nightsomething x persona 4 2v2 random game it's fake hype lliterally nobody will stay to play these games for more then two months


I thought it did pretty well, but I didn't buy it myself because I hate the dlc model.

shame pachi stopped playing competitively

lowtiergod what a guy..

SF V is doing fine and mvci is going to sell like hotcakes to all the marvel fans.

Capcom is the worst company with the best IPs.

People here are delusional if they think capcom games will flop and die off like wtf have they been living under a rock or something

Who cares T7 is fucking amazing.

>SF V is doing fine
Capcom themselves called it a failure.

They'll eventually flop due to poor PR. The community will latch to them like they did with MVC3, but the poor sales will be abysmal. See: SFxT

So that they can shove Super Street Fighter V all the more easily down the FGC's throat.

As a said on another thread, we entering a new age where other companies are ready to feast on capcom freshly dead corpse

They have a new super version on they way which they will claim they fixed everything and people will be happy and will buy. The shit has happen millions of times to the point it's nothing new. There is a reason Street fighter is on top.