What does Sup Forums think of Extra Credits?

What does Sup Forums think of Extra Credits?

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They're using up all my bandwidth and wireless internet wont exist anymore.

Based, smart, and reasonable.



The best educational channel on Youtube, I wish they opened a private university, I'd pay to join.


Extra Reddits

have they said anything about a porn game (material girl) making it into steam?


They put the nu in nu-male

Their shitposts are incredibly elaborate

>because games matter

Shitty e-celeb channel. Next time, don't make another e-celeb thread.

Are these the same guys who did the whole alien society thing?


Their history videos are pretty entertaining and fun to watch.
Their gaming videos are SJW riddled garbage.

End your life already.

They are the art school dropout version of Gamer Maker's Toolkit.

Short answer "no", long answer definately yes. Also, we are running out of internet.

I like their Extra Frames videos, those are legitmately pretty good.

I can't stand their other videos though, the voice pitch is too grating, I don't even really care about the content

only thing watching is extra history

They have the honor of being the only youtube channel i have unsubscribbed from. At first I thought they were neat but I realised they were talking smoke out their ass. their "game designer expert" only worked on mobile games and even then i dont think he ever had his hand in a finished game.

>we need to mature as an audience
These guys have been repeating the same mantra for fucking years. Any time a game comes out with even the slightest bit of sexual or violent content they are all over it making it sound like that one game is holding the entire industry back.

I think they overanalyze things. Focus testing and science on what gives puts good chemicals in player's brains is going to be, and already kind of is, taking a spotlight in game making than this theoretical crap.


the low pitch voice in the videos makes me want to puke

It's actually *high* pitch but yeah I totally get what you mean, I hate it too

The only video of theirs I've ever seen is the one that tried to say Kanji was gay and Naoto was a trans character because a guy I knew was going on his soapbox about it when I just asked if he wanted to play P4A back in the day. He's never even played an SMT game in his life.

That and the one about how we're running out of bandwidth I guess but I knew that was gonna be some dumb fucking shit going in.

Nu-male shit.

Dan is cool but he's held back by the rest

That one artist guy won't stop trying to insert himself into every chance he gets

James is a creepy pedo-looking fraudster who apparently worked on every videogame ever for every videogame company you've ever heard of even though his name's not in the credits of a single game

Also they present everything as fact and are intensely liberal about everything


classic shitpost from the simple old days

Fucking retarded, honestly. I don't really have tolerance for people who can use so many words to say precisely nothing valuable. They're all a bunch of idiots.

They occasionally have good insights, but I don't always agree with them. They really tend to overthink things too. One of their recent videos praised a Batman cutscene for dealing with "trauma" well, but it was just a generic fucking game cutscene with nothing to it. It's hardly even related videogames.

they have literally not said 1 thing worth listening to in the history of their existence.

if youve heard or seen them youve lost all potential to create anything worthwhile and you need to kill yourself and anyone who has ever come into contact with you.

For people that don't know.


I link this one because I don't want to give the actual channel views.

>i'm an annoying faggot join me and my annoying faggot friends as I lecture you in a chipmunk voice. Regale at my faggot friend's iphone game experience which makes him an expert on the industry and let me tell you why I'm right about everything.

Analysis for casuals.

jesus christ the guy who made this video is a complete tool

He isn't wrong though.

and then he turned into a tranny LOL

>Dan is cool but he's held back by the rest
>That one artist guy won't stop trying to insert himself into every chance he gets
>James is a creepy pedo-looking fraudster who apparently worked on every videogame ever for every videogame company you've ever heard of even though his name's not in the credits of a single game
>Also they present everything as fact and are intensely liberal about everything
> (You)
> (You)
>classic shitpost from the simple old days
>Fucking retarded, honestly. I don't really have tolerance for people who can use so many words to say precisely nothing valuable. They're all a bunch of idiots.
>They occasionally have good insights, but I don't always agree with them. They really tend to overthink things too. One of their recent videos praised a Batman cutscene for dealing with "trauma" well, but it was just a generic fucking game cutscene with nothing to it. It's hardly even related videogames.
>they have literally not said 1 thing worth listening to in the history of their existence.
>if youve heard or seen them youve lost all potential to create anything worthwhile and you need to kill yourself and anyone who has ever come into contact with you.
>For people that don't know.
>I link this one because I don't want to give the actual channel views.
>>i'm an annoying faggot join me and my annoying faggot friends as I lecture you in a chipmunk voice. Regale at my faggot friend's iphone game experience which makes him an expert on the industry and let me tell you why I'm right about everything.
> (OP)
>Analysis for casuals.
>jesus christ the guy who made this video is a complete tool
>He isn't wrong though.


yea but he couldve been correct and not been a tool. point out the inconsistencies in a thoughtful manner which would allow people to learn from both the mistakes and from the problem.

instead he(she) is a tool about it throwing around meme buzzwords all for views

>Their history videos are pretty entertaining and fun to watch
too bad that history itself is mainly focused around boring facts and trying to be accurate whilst their videos make a priority of none of these things and instead focus on narrative , but it's nice that you are so easily entertained.It makes it easier for you to find a way to waste you time without actually learning nothing

*tips fedora*

You can't put games on a line.

My favorite games are the original fallouts, NV, Halo, and Battlefield.

Where does that put me?

I'm probably one of the few vidya journalist that still care about "not spreading objectively fake shit around".
The channel you posted is unfortunately disinformation.
Only saw two videos, they were both incorrect.

Having an opinion is a thing, telling lies and wrong "facts" to huge communities is something else, no matter how sincere you thought you were.

Casual as fuck obviously

>facts don't matter

wtf Extra Credits

>I'm probably one

Post your credentials or get FUCKED

That graph's pretty autistic, friendo.

They tread a thin line between informative and unbearably smug and bullshitty and I just can't really enjoy that kind of content

Fucking shit

Extra Credits presents has much facts as Spirit Science does.

I'm still mad at these fuckers for contributing to the death of the old saying, "it's just a game". So much shit could have been avoided if we kept that mindset.

Like what
How did that saying die

Yeah nigger, I spent last 3 years working on this big website, actually the biggest of my country

...but I also spent 9 years on Sup Forums (around 6-7 on Sup Forums), so

I used to watch some of their old videos but, never really got over the twink narrator voice so I stopped watching. Then a while ago somebody made a thread about one of their videos and it turned out they turned into sjw cucks. It also felt so jarring to suddenly see a fucking minority drawing character every 10 seconds.

>It also felt so jarring to suddenly see a fucking minority drawing character every 10 seconds.
Last time I saw one of their vids I noticed that and thought to myself that someone somewhere on Sup Forums is probably pretty mad at that.

Even when it was tolerable (i.e. "at it's best"), he referred to "gamers" as if you were an oppressed minority which was cringey as hell. They made a few shitty videos (gameification of education was one of them) but then #GG happened and then they sold out to the anti-#GG (SJW side), and then a lot of people realized they were full of it and didn't know what they were talking about, and it's only gone downhill from there