Why is CD Projekt making a game about cyberpunk, instead of post apocalypse punk? Cyberpunk is dead since it already happened. Hell, even Blade Runner is post apocalypse now, look at this screenshot from the movie coming out. People want post apocalyptic punk, and frankly I don't blame them, it's just cooler. Cyberpunk is played out, for real.
Why is CD Projekt making a game about cyberpunk, instead of post apocalypse punk...
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why is this dude all hoity toity over this shit, cyberpunk is pretty much just cities at night with rain and some chainsmoker whining about "the man" keeping him down
But post apocalyptic media has been done to death, OP. Considerably more than cyberpunk.
>He wants an overplayed setting
Go play Mad Max or any Hokuto no Ken Vidya, Cyberpunk is fucking underrepresented.
>why do people like things that I don't like
>My subjective opinion matters
>look at this screenshot from the movie coming out
Is that a pun for all the movie "games" sony has or is that really how a movie nowadays looks like?
Pretty sure it's a heavily modded GTA V.
I honestly can't tell which of the two genres is more boring - the one where you stick USB cables into your thick skull or where you browse supermarket alone.
No it hasn't. We've had a bajillion cyberpunk themed games and movies already, we don't need more.
>Cyberpunk is fucking underrepresented.
No it isn't, and frankly it fucking blows. People would rather play as Kenshiro and Mad Max fucking people up, not some whiny ass leftist in a leather suit with wires rambling about how the evil corporations ruined the world. We voted for Trump so we could get away from that commie crap.
I want cyber punk fuck off with your over used setting
because cyberpunk is actually interesting
No, it's from the movie blade runner 2049, which blends cyberpunk into post apocalypse punk:
no the picture is from gta
No, it isn't.
Post Apocalypse Punk Protagonist:
>"Alright you fuckin assholes, you want my last can of oil? Come pry it from my cold, dead hands you sons of bitches!* fires off sawed off shotgun rounds into thugs as they die horribly as metal music plays*
Cyberpunk Protagonist:
>This city... this world, this society... is SHIT. The corporations too over, and run everything, can't get a job, can't earn a living. I feel like a bird, trapped in a cage, a concrete cage. maybe... maybe we're all birds, and we all just want to... fly away..."*smokes cigarette while staring at a neon sign as generic jazz music plays*
I don't want any more post apocalyptic shit thanks
this better?
man I'm loving the mad max feel this movie gives off
Yeah well most other people DO, so you've been overruled. There's not even much post apocalyptic shit out there, and you better not try to tell me shitty overused zombie crap is post apocalypse, because it isn't.
>waah they dont agreee with mee! mooooom!
>has an actual story
>has some guy randomly running into bandits and shooting them
>Yeah well most other people DO
[citation needed]
>waaaaaaaah people don't like my edgy pseudo philosophical shit with flashing lights!
The guys who made Blade Runner 2049 made it post apocalypse and they have tons of market analysts who check trends and know what is hot right now, pretty sure they know what people want better than you.
>we had to work with imagination since the tools just weren't there
>has a commie story with whiny libtards in goofy clothes crying about how rich people keep them down, commit "cybercrimes"
to sabotage people who worked hard and earned their wealth
Post Apocalypse:
>manly men who fight and claw their way to the top by any means necessary, true survival of the fittest, fight with fists and weaponry, not a faggy laptop
>People would rather
Nice projection faggot.
>play as Kenshiro and Mad Max
Well its a good thing those games already exist then isn't it?
>We voted for Trump so we could get away from that commie crap.
Openly advocating for censorship now? Aren't you the triggered snowflake.
>not some whiny ass leftist in a leather suit with wires rambling about how the evil corporations ruined the world.
The genre is vast and you've only scratched the surface, those are tropes from popular franchises/series. High technology and low life living. You don't need leather, corporations, evil, wires or whatever to accomplish the core tenants of the genre. You don't need glowing fucking lights, you don't need raining nights, and you don't even need electronic music.
Hi Sup Forums
Here's how "market analysts" work:
>So what do we do with the setting for this upcoming movie?
>I dunno. I guess Fury Road did well so we could try to cash in on the post apocalypse hype.
>Oh that's fucking genius! Let's do it.
>High technology and low life living. You don't need leather, corporations, evil, wires or whatever to accomplish the core tenants of the genre. You don't need glowing fucking lights, you don't need raining nights, and you don't even need electronic music.
Yet that is EVERY goddamn cyberpunk setting ever made. best part is how cyberpunk fans act all self righteous when their genre is as shitty and shallow as steampunk.
>Cyberpunk is about commies
Holy shit nigger go read a book.
Also to the guy saying Blade Runner is post apocalyptic, its not. Pretty sure there are other cities and space travel was talked about in the original movie. Its just that the environment is fucked.
If CDPR wanted "what people want" and "what's in demand" they would've made a western Europe fantasy with dragons and shit, instead of going with the Witcher franchise. Get fucked kid. CDPR tries new thing instead of doing the same shit over and over again.
Gee... why did Fury Road do well, I wonder... almost as if people want post apocalypse...
I wasn't goint to watch it because of the post apoc stuff. Rather not have that film ruin the experience I had with the first one.
>Its just that the environment is fucked.
Making it post apocalypse
Youre legitimately a total idiot
I know this is bait but the setting is less about "The man" keeping people down and more about society being a hedonistic mess with people constantly looking for the next high. Be it drugs, sex, violence or cybernetic upgrades.Yeah, corperations rule the world in Cyberpunk but they're not this end-all tyrant everyone wants to take down. In short, the setting is basically a story about what happens when gratification is all that drives people.
>a ruined city is not a post apocalyptic setting
goddamn you're stupid, is this what the leftist colleges are churning out now?
Not really considering a majority of human civilization is still alive and the fact that Earth is about to be a distant memory.
Read the first part as well user...
>The genre is vast and you've only scratched the surface, those are tropes from popular franchises/series.
o k, I'm glad we understand eachother
Now I REALLY hope someone makes a game off this
Sadly cyberpunk reminds me of this shitty leftist society, a bunch of weak ass faggots obsessed with drugs and sex and looking for highs. It's humanity at its weakest. Post Apocalypse is mankind at its strongest, where strength and cunning and killer instinct are what makes a man, and being a slave to hedonistic desires gets you killed.
Because it was a well done movie, dumbshit.
Post-apocalypse is ugly as fuck. Walk over one brown hill with ruined building and what is behind it? SURPRISE MORE BROWN HILLS WITH RUINED BUILDING AND DEAD TREES!!!
Everything is brown and beige and makes me want to vomit I didn't finish any Fallout game because they are just so goadawful too look at even the best graphics wouldn't help that colourpalette.
the idea is to get folks to see these scenes and environments as normal, so when they do eventually become the norm, you aren't dealing with an extremely dissatisfied and agitated populace. Kinda a moot point really, true one world globalist governance is a pipe dream.
You sound like an edgy teenager.
>wanting to push your ideological garbage through entertainment
You are the cancer.
I think cyberpunk is more about how society is irreversibly changed by technological advances. Not for the worst or for the best, it's just different and we can't really go back.
nice b8
Cyberpunk is the direct opposite of a leftist society. There are no social handouts at all. If you starve, you starve. And there's nobody who gives a shit about anyone elses feelings.
That said your one comparision makes sense. Cyberpunk is about Hedonism and Post-apocalyptic is about survival at their cores.
imagine being so 89iq that you were baited by this
How, because I like to see men at their best, and not the spineless weak garbage they've become? You think guys sit around in the post apocalypse worrying about catering to women's sensibilities? You think Kenshiro and Mad Max have to deal with false sexual harassment and rape charges, divorce rape, and unfair laws aimed at giving advantages to women and screwing over men? In HNK and Mad Max, men put bitches like that in their fuckin place.
Post apocalyptic is boring as shit
The city would like to have a word with you.
>Post-apocalypse is ugly as fuck. Walk over one brown hill with ruined building and what is behind it? SURPRISE MORE BROWN HILLS WITH RUINED BUILDING AND DEAD TREES!!!Everything is brown and beige and makes me want to vomit I didn't finish any Fallout game because they are just so goadawful too look at even the best graphics wouldn't help that colourpalette.
That's a limited imagination, not the fault of the setting. You can easily make post apocalypse more colorful and vibrant, not just brown. For instance:
>take the city in blade runner
>have aliens/demons invade, an asteroid hit part of it, nature destroy it, a big war destroy it
There, you get the remnants of all the cyberpunk stuff like flashy lights and billboards and crazy futuristic buildings, but with the badassery and survivalism of post apocalypse punk.
Mate. All of human existence has been making sure we don't end up in a post-apocalyptic shithole. If you told people 1000 years a society would exist where you can chase a million pleasures and have the entire knowledge of the human race in your hands they'd start working on a fucking time machine.
Depends on the cyberpunk I suppose, the one I talk about is Cyberpunk 2020 from mike pondsmith, the game 2077 is based of.
But you're right about society irreversible being changed by technology. A big part of cyberpunk is that people can change everything they want about themselves. Haircolor, strength, stamina, put a shotgun inside the palm of your hand...
In Cyberpunk 2020 upgrades like this lower your humanity and if it goes to far you go "psycho" and start killing people in a murderous rampage because you don't identify with them at all and see them as meatbags.
It's what happened to the woman in the Cyberpunk 2077 teaser.
>If you told people 1000 years a society would exist where you can chase a million pleasures and have the entire knowledge of the human race in your hands they'd start working on a fucking time machine.
>implying Christians and muslims would want this and not just kill anyone who tries
>cyberpunk is played out
name one (1) good cyberpunk game to come out this decade
>post apocalyptic isn't played out
shouldn't you be at some milo ralley shouting kek at?
I think he ment to say 1000 years "ago" and was refering to the present as the time where you have a millions of pleasure to chase and all of human knowledge at your fingertips.
So basically like Hardware, where there's still cyberpunk concepts but shit is in ruin
that faggots going to say mankind divided or dragonfall...
which makes me reee internally
I can name a bunch
>Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Satellite Reign
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
>Flashback Remake
>Gemini Rue
>Hard Reset
>EYE Divine Cybermancy
>Remember Me
>The Technomancer
Need anymore?
I wouldn't mind seeing more of that, Hardware is best mash up of both genres that I've seen outside of some recent B films
Faggot Punk is better than both these shitty settings
>futuristic world run by homosexual oligarchs who force homosexuality on the population
>heterosexuals seen as low class degenerates
>factories where babies are ground up and used as an energy source for the homosexuals
bet you can't name 5 more
Are you the same masterbaiter who was posting that other cyberpunk bait threads a few years ago? Is this your new fresh pasta? Pretty sick bro. You'll sure get plenty of (you)s.
now shorten that list to the ones that did well and were remembered
>deus ex HR
HR > DX1
inb4 buttmad
Now name post apocalypse games besides ken's rage, mad max, and fallout
Mankind Divided was better than the first game and HR desu
Jazz Punk
Neo Scavenger (arguable)
Mars War Logs (arguable)
Blood Dragon
>did well
MD sold like shit and the only thing it's remembered for is being half a story and killing the franchise
nah, you name 5 more cyberpunk games. bet u can't
goes for you too fatso
I read that, that sounds dark.
I was thinking about Sprawl and really about Gibson's interview where he described, for instance, how his first ideas for cyberspace came from using one of the first Sony Walkmans and how it felt incredibly different having his own soundscape on the go, I mean it's trivial today but it was something else back then. Or his experience with his family when his dad bought a black and white TV.
no I was saying that HR was the only one on that list that both sold well and caught the public attention. The other ones either sold good but were niche or sold like shit after being marketed to a large audience
>post apocalyptic punk
What the fuck is this term? I have never heard anyone say this and it sounds faggy as fuck. Something a neckbeard with heavy autism would invent.
I was just adding to the list, I love cyberpunk, I don't follow post apoc shit. It's always about the human spirit or some such trash.
Oi OP this new trailer aint looking too post apocalyptic.
Basically Mad Max where it's the end of the world and people dress like silly cunts
and I was just in it to get more cyberpunk recommendations. newayz the only post apocalyptic game I'm aware of recently released that DON'T suck ass is underrail
and NV but idk if that counts as recent
it's new, a lot of dumb new words have popped up recently, being pushed heavily by certain journalist types
>Immersive sim
Gets gayer every year.
Not feminism punk
>Men are used as slaves
>only the best ones with the greatest genes get their semen extracted when their 15 years old, others get their balls cut off at the age of 12
>men get implanted with fake uteruses to carry children so that women won't have to
>women live in a communistic state, even love is for all meaning everybody fucks everybody with a strap-on
>some men are even turned into women
>family is a construct that no longer is alive, women raise girls while only raising boys in a pig pen until they hit 5 and are forced off to work
This is an actual setting from a book that got published in my country. Also for some reason women have nukes that they can use to wipe out the everyone if men try to get control.
He means post-apocalyptic.
He added punk because he's a fucking retarded goon.
It's Cyber Apocalyptic
I know what fucking post apocalyptic means in a setting sense, but adding "punk" at the end just makes it sound retarded.
Post apoc is the most overrated shit honestly, it's pretty much hand and hand with zombies at this point.
Frontier setting is still god tier at best. Doing risky shit in a lawless land for profit will always be cooler than post apoc to me.
Can't find it, title?
So we're just making shit up now.
fuck off back to
>immersive sim
>new word
get a load of this guy
It actually is. You do realise op picture and the poster is pretty different right?
That's how we got dataemo and cyberfolk. It's stupid but this is how shit evolves.
Zombies are NOT post apocalypse. They're Undead Punk.
It's finnish, called Äidinmaa by pic related.
You're about to be an undead punk mother fucker.