A decade later, can we admit he was right?

A decade later, can we admit he was right?

Other urls found in this thread:


He was right then, he'd be right now.

I don't recognize this Sup Forumseme

Someone explain?

I mean, have you seen the ps3?

>PSX won.
>PS2 won
>PS3 won
>PS4 won.
It checks out.

It's Chad Warden here.

You mean the PS Triple?

Girls can't do shit other than suck dick.

To be completely honest the 360 won gen 7 if we don't count the Wii as really competing

>shovelware: the console
>competing with 360 and PS3

>360 won last gen if we completely ignore the two consoles that outsold it

has it been a decade already?

ps3 sold less

he was right but it took untill 2011

he was alright right

Check again retard

he was a prophet


Since when were people saying he wasnt right? Everyone has always said hes right.

if this video was released now, you guys would hate it and call him a tryhard faggot

wow its almost like timing matters. if dark side of the moon was released today it wouldn't be praised. that's just how things are

No it's noting how cynical all you brats have become and refuse to enjoy anything.
Case and point: Your post.

your post implies that there was anything to enjoy in your original post. all I did was disagree with you lol

Who's this fugly mexican?

He was here 4 years ago for one time

Your information seems a bit outdated, son

Also, so many 360s had the RROD that each owner of the console bought something like 1.3 xbox 360s

You know what they do? They fuckin' LAUGH.

Actually PS3 overcame Xbox 360 some years ago.The difference is small regardless.

Did that really go that far over your head?

stop posting any time

>slick black.. the best games.

Literally irrefutable.

>s-stop posting

No, kid.
Don't like being called out, kid?
Maybe you should act like hot shit, kid.


lol all I did was say your post wasn't enjoyable and now you're throwing this tantrum

slick black, the best games

Don't like when someone calls you out, do you, kid?
Now you're stuck realizing you fucked up and can't defend your statements, kid.

That's actually a figment of your imagimination.

No it didn't. There's no source for this and MS and Sony's financial statements show that the 360 sold more.


damn... I just got btfo in front of all of Sup Forums. how will I ever recover?

You tell me, kid?
Explain how you will, kid.
Damn, feels bad to be called out for being a brat, doesn't it, kid?

A b a p

Man your shitposting fucking sucks, at least bait the guy properly

Got a problem too, kid?

>there are people on this board who don't know who CHAD WARDEN is

A decade later than the ps3 still has nogaems

I even have a PS3 and I don't feel like it has any games worth playing other than Demon's Souls.

Leave. You don't belong here.



imaginitive nation

this dude was a prophet.

The unabomber would be proud


That doesn't make any sense.


