ITT: Games ahead of their time

ITT: Games ahead of their time

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Shit movie

Unironically this.
Snek eater is GOAT too.

Wrong pic

Besides adding a camo index, what did this do the other two did not?

Well every indie hack and clueless jap dev is copying it.


Free camera is a big one.

infinite small details

The others had a lot, but this one was nuts

snake eater is one of my favorite games of all times and i've completed hundreds of single player games

Free camera was a re-release thing.

Come on, mgs2 was just as packed with that stuff.

MGS2 introduced more innovations gameplay and narrative wise. It's far more relevant thematically to contemporary times than this bond story

Hunting for food
Hunger and stamina in general
Managing injuries

"hunting" is pretty loose term when talking about MG3 where the animals slowly circled around one spot. Besides at the end of the day it was a fancy ration system.
Points for the stamina system in general since it adds a nice little layer of realism. The injuries thing was so nice they never brought it back.

No other games had a wilderness survival mission theme

Looking Glass were ahead of their time.


In the mgs series? Fair enough, but MGS3 didn't even have a metal gear fight (shagohod is not metal gear).

If you mean games in general? Konami beat themselves to that by half a decade

I was replying to the "so good they never brought it back" comment. That and these other mechanics weren't necessary in the other games.

Also the levels and areas in 3 are infinitely better than 2

I'm just saying mgs 3 isn't terribly ahead of it's time. It's a very good game, and well polished, but many of it's features weren't trend setting.

I also agree that 3 has the better level design. My only complaint is that some areas feel like filler, but I guess that goes along with the idea of being in a large jungle.

Only baby birches play free cam

copying stuff like 1984 is not "ahead of it's time"

>It's far more relevant thematically
except for the part where MGS4 throws out all of MGS2's "themes"

this and God hand


Megami Tensei 1 on the Famicom

The first two Devil Summoner games are flawless.

>fast-paced combat
>the most refined MegaTen fusion system
>unique mechanics like transforming demons into swords and sake negotiation
>fun and interesting characters in both installments
>high replayability, especially Soul Hacker's enhanced ports for the PS1 and 3DS which adds more dungeons and an alternate ending
>those tacky dungeons where it makes you feel like you're exploring a proper VR world
>that voice acting in the 3DS version
>the greatest waifu a man could ask for

Fuck yeah

Say what you want about cinematic games but for 1994 it was amazing

Influenced pretty much every 3rd person action game to come after it



>3 has the better level design
Conceptually and aesthetically, maybe. As far as being conducive to interesting sneaking, I don't think so.

3DS version is better

It's a cool movie, but it's a terrible stealth/action game compared to Thief and Chaos Theory.

In fact the rerelease of MGS3 was redone with a camera similar to that of Splinter Cell.




>boring game design is ahead of it's time

Its major influence on most 3rd person shooters was the over the shoulder camera angle. Does that really bother you that much?

>posts a shit game in response


when i was a kid, i thought playing online was just a feature only pc had but this game proved me dead wrong

poor dreamcast was just TOO ahead of it's time.

Dust 514

>ahead of their time
Yeah, released a year too early.
Subsistence was much better.