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Video Games #3843
Video Games
What is the single largest dungeon in all of video games?
ITT: Games only you played
Did anybody actually put their money towards this train wreck of a "game"?
Post your Splinter Cell ranking
Are lower polygon graphics actually bad, especially in rpgs? Or do they make your brain fill in the gaps...
Are there any games that have a real time time limit?
Name ONE flaw. I'll wait
ITT: "Heroes" who did everything wrong
Senran Kagura
What are some mods that make a game 10 times better?
Thoughts on the new Humble Bundle?
Would you win a battle against Samus?
How did this piece of shit get GOtY???
What do you look for in an MMO and which do you think is the best right now?
Buying HD remasters is slap in the face to the hardworking fellow gamers that spent many hours developing emulators and...
Incoming shitstorm
What survival games allow me to build a cozy base of operations? Sort of like Fallout 4 survival but good
Filename thread, keep it vidya
Image filenames have rolled over to 150
ITT: games you found hard as a child and you can't remember if they actually were or not, maybe you were just young
I sometimes wish that companies would get Scottish voice actors do the dubbing for their JRPGs and have them do it in...
ITT: Oh yeah that happened
"We know you are hungry for more details; on specs, games, features, pricing, timing etc...
How can he be stopped?
So far we have four (4) other Disney Worlds: Tangled, Big Hero 6, Hercules, and Toy Story
Why are the nazis always villified in the games but not the soviets?
Post the last screenshot you took
Thoughts on Neogaf, Sup Forums? You guys seem to be really familiar with it
Can we have a Battlerite thread since it doesn't quite make the cut to /vg/ for some reason?
Why are America and Japan the only two countries that put out quality games at a significant quantity?
Dark Souls IV
Why the FUCK aren't you playing MMOotD (MMO of the Decade) right now?
Can the men, dwarves and elves of Sup Forums not just get along and repel the orc menace?
We've got New Vegas threads we're not even allowed to sell, people!
Characters who did nothing wrong
That guy that installs 100+ mods on its first playthrough
ITT: /That/ level
Final Fantasy thread
Top 10 RPGs of All Time
Ranked modes are still on a rotation
NEWS: BioWare general manager, Anthem director Aaryn Flynn steps down
Just failed my driving test
What are some video games with cute catgirls?
Why was it so scary, user?
If you were transported to the main hall of the Spencer Mansion with only the last thing you bought to defend you...
84 is a good score
Playerunknown's battlegrounds has more concurrent peak players than fucking Overwatch
Not even polygon is shill their game anymore
Why do you still support Valve?
Let's list ways epic can save fortnite from being an instant flop
How long have you been playing vidya for, Sup Forums?
All these newfags talking about Ed Edd n Eddy Online
The great debate
Pubg meltdown on twitter
Are you hyped?
Dragon Ball Fighter Z
This is your EVO champion for this year. Say something nice about him
Just beat Witcher 1. How does 2 compare to it? Does it at least play better and crash less?
ITT: Games that others like that you just can't get into
How do we fix Sup Forums? how come a celeb that hasn't been made yet? /bant/ was created before this? wtf
Why is he so popular he has no redeemable features
Who not buying Splatoon 2 here?
Purification in progress…
Comfy va-11 hall-a
Why is this allowed?
Why do people act like Backwards compatibility should be standard for consoles?
Yfw Pokebarneyfag was right all along
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
What game accurately describes this image?
Isn't this whole franchise kind of.. gay?
Call me a little bitch and fuck me in the ass if I'm wrong, but is Zelda the best RPG of all time?
I want to get into the Idolmaster games, but where should I start?
What is your problem with Kratos having a son, Sup Forums?
Theres biblical, jewish, buddhist, norse, greek, egyptian, roman...
Alpha packs released on Rainbow Six. CSGO absolutely eternally BTFO
ITT: tropes you like
RWBY instead of Dengeki Bunko characters
Is there a Vidya character that can possibly beat Donald McDonald?
Best FPS of 2016/2017
What's the point of the charge attacks...
Any games where the love interest is a tree?
I just got a new game in the mail
A new hand touches the beacon
Who remember when this guy used to talk about Video games
What is the best video game soundtrack?
Mania thread
Internet Communities are fucking cancer. They frequently act like a murder of crows...
Name one game that gives this feel
What is the bacon of vidya games
So, when's the inevitable PC port?
Should I buy a PS4 Sup Forums?
How is this game so fucking scary despite the lego graphics and horrible voice acting?
Angry Joe has disabled likes and comments on his channel because he's SICK of his fans asking for Angry reviews for...
Muh wife
What did Angry Joe mean by this?
I don't even care if this is ironic or not, this is just fucking cancer
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Metal Gear Images?
"give your character a name"
What did they mean by this?
The devs doubled the jawbreaker drop rate
Which game should I play?
Delicious TRAITOR
There will NEVER be a third Donkey Kong Country game made by RareWare
Just bought one of these badboys, what games should I get?
Why is there no Wonder Woman game?
What other games are better if you play as the female character?
Who is your favorite villain in video games?
Fuckk, my little bro has become one of those minecraft autists
After watching Evo and realizing that besides the great players, SFV is shit, I want to get into an animu fightan
Bought a ps4 just for persona 5 and just finished
Which of these are worth it
Does it exist?
Zelda is on Cemu
Why aren't you playing GOTY on PC? It's literally free. What's your excuse?
Goes to cod nerds house
This is a classic Sup Forums Sup Forums 2009 image regarding the lack of diversity within Western videogames and how...
Why is she so perfect lads?
In Outman
What's the best fighting game currently?
I just beat Quiet and i still can't decide do i like this game. Also MGS 5 thread
How does it feel to be the worst board on Sup Forums?
'Tis a Dragon's Dogma thread. With a ferrystone, you could reach it from anywhere
Do game demos deserve to be a thing of the past?
Is he the biggest Weeaboo in all of videogames?
Humble bundle
Hey Sup Forums, can we get a Chrono thread going...
Do you miss the early-mid 2000s era of video games and gaming culture, Sup Forums?
75-85 is the true kino range, prove me wrong
Why does cod ww2 look like a steam free to play game with 2006 graphics while BF1 is a beast of a game?
Is she the best thing to come out of a mobile game?
Welcome to Sup Forums How tough are ya?
What are some games that theoretically allow me to beep beep like a sheep?
Do you own a VR headset?
Gearbox are known for Borderlands
Final Fantasy: Stormblood
ITT: Absolute Essentials
Autistic things you do in vidya
Lore thread
Leave Melee to me
Don't own a current console
Are we getting a fucking update tonight or not?
Webm thread. Post webms
About to start this. what to expect?
Why are there so many cowtits in vidya? flat is justice!
Mirrored characters thread
Pandas and Pokemon
I wonder what's in here? I've been waiting for something but surely this can't be can it? Let's find out I guess
ITT: post a picture, other anons suggest a game
Name a bigger fall from quality than The Angry Joe Show
Something has been on my mind for a while now. I'm curious...
Holy shit what a failure
Why have you summoned me...
Has there ever been a Street Fighter character as poorly received on announcement as Abigail ?
After reading and watching reviews the general consensus is that it's basically a Splatoon One port...
Post 10/10 Character Designs only
How to instantly detect nu-Sup Forums:
Now that it's confirmed to be shit, where do we go from here?
He is slowly going insane
This game good?
Literally cant make this shit up
Do you think lolis can improve a videogame?
Dragonball Fighter Z
Dual audio
What the fuck do these niggers want? 8/10 means it's OK...
Are you still mad at me, Sup Forums?
Should you use mods on your first playthrough?
What went wrong with game developers?
Taiko Drum Master: Session de Dodon ga Don! launches October 26 in Japan
Why does everyone suck Bethesda's dick? They make shitty "games" which are more like walking simulators really
How important are moral choices in story-driven video games?
How do you think this user feels
What game has the wittiest dialogue?
ITT: weapons/items that trivializes the whole game
Why is D2 so fucking comfy?
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Vidya cringe
Is there any video game character that could defeat Mewtwo?
Splatoon 2 Reviews Incoming
Best game engine ever made
Why do you still use Windows?
Dark Souls was a Medieval Fantasy
How the fuck
Just bought this
Just how fast are you, lads?
Splatoon 2 reviews
Gone silent on social media
You are now aware that, as a marsupial, Coco Bandicoot has a pouch
Why does Sup Forums only love games with sex appeal like Nier?
So what's the consensus on this game?
So i tried out oblivion for the first time yesterday and i really like it
Should I buy this?
What might be causing this? Can't find anything online
Sup Forums, would you like to hear the results of my evaluation?
3x3 thread
Splatoon 2 Review Thread
Post cute video game characters
He buys vidya figs
Risk of Rain
Play Witcher 1
Western dev makes Donald Trump as the villain
Motion blur
Battlestations thread?
Criminally Underrated/Overlooked Games
Which is the better game?
Pillars of Eternity is a good game
Cringy streamers pull models now
You have 5 seconds to come up with the plot of a Paper Mario game, the bosses of it, and the partners
If you were in Silent Hill, what would you do?
What did he mean by this?
ITT: Game trailers done right
What does Sup Forums think of Resident Evil Vendetta?
This entire board needs a real mod to come in
Eastern games consistently do strong female characters
Say what you will about her game. Say what you will about her personality. Say what you will about her body...
Two days until Splatoon. Are you a squid or a kid?
Former boss joins your party
Mass effect
I bought this thing on sale on prime day. It's alright I suppose, a bit big though...
Am I the only one that wishes there was a video game version of John Wick?
Webm thread
Can VR be saved?
Ban 98 percent of the content
In fighting games do you use your favorite characters or the top tier characters?
Why is there a NIGGER in Middle earth?
KH3 to have less DISNEY worlds than KH2
Sup Forums is not one person
How would you feel if a hypothetical new Monster Hunter game came out with absolutely no first generation monsters?
Alright buckos Im going on a trip tomorrow and I want to fill my PSP to the brim with gaems (PSP and PS1)...
Why is only the first game good?
Who's the Messi and Ronaldo of video games?
Get into argument with someone on Sup Forums
Stardew Valley’s Solo Developer Has Made Over $30 Million
Which developers embraced the dark side?
Who is the sexiest video game guy?
What the fuck was her problem?
What's your favorite RPG class?
Doctor is in!!
Wacraft III
How many videogames do you buy a year?
Game buying opinions
Work overtime shifts at work, 6 hours a week for two weeks. Made $342 before tax
Easy games to platinum
I just got a new package in the mail
Can someone explain to me why sniper rifles are so fucking popular in videogames?
FFXII - The Zodiac Age
Is it racist to vote for Pearl?
ITT: video game """"villains"""" that did nothing wrong
I seriously hope you guys don't harass girls at cons or on twitch
Xenoblade 2 thread
Have you ever crossed a line in a videogame?
Is Mass Effect Andromeda the worst game of the decade?
Roguelike thread...
Why do these niggers feel the need to shove porn into every game they make
What are some fighting games to play competitively for someone new to fighting games?
I just got a new package in the mail
What are some games that will keep me up all night?
What is the most stereotypical 90s video game?
What was your favorite part of Nier Automata?
We finally have a reason as to why the default green leotard outfit that Cammy has been wearing in Street Fighter games...
Miiverse on Wii U getting shut down
Callie's belly is so delicious
What are some /k/ approved games?
Samus Returns E3 previews
Which aspect ratio does Sup Forums prefer?
Albion Online
"Hey user get in voice"
Women F1 drivers
Goty. prove me wrong
Recently got myself a high-end pc, can anyone hit me up with games I absolutely have to play on it?
ITT: The last game you bought from
Switch can handle disgaea 5 on 720p/60fps. I don't think switch is so weak
ITT: Games made worse by being open world
The last shred of quality in Minecraft is dead
Stop buying shooters and venture into other genres
Popular series gets an mmo
Look I understand why Switches are out of stock, but WHY THE FUCK ARE JOYCONS TOO?!
That feel when you will never experience the amount of comfy from watching AVGN or Jontron ever again
Stop buying games from Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, and Activision-Blizzard
And the bottom line is
Splatoon 2
Metal Gear Solid 2 on the PS2 in 2001 featured dynamic lighting and shadows, scene reflections, model reflections...
Anybody else find it hard to finish games nowadays...
Why do third parties hate switch?
You should support the devs by buying Early Access
Ready to play one of the NEVER EVERs soon, PCbros?
Have you ever fallen for a scam?
Why are you not playing the GOTY?
What the fuck was his problem?
Watch EvO
The Legend of ____(?)____
What exactly went wrong?
PlayerUnknown = The New Phil Fish?
I posted this thread with my Wii U!
You dudes ready to feel the groove?
Why are so many videogame developers complete cunts?
I want to get to know my fellow Sup Forumsirgins
Will this game finally surpass Sonic Adventure 2 Battle as the best Sonic game ever created?
Is it just me or does the gacha never give you anything good...
What is the Dark Souls of Sup Forums?
Let's talk about the best VN ever made
To the surprise of no one, Krillin and Piccolo will be in the game
Could someone refresh my memmory?
Go to
That game mechanics/feature you discovered way to late
I never fully gave this game a chance but now i am and it's pretty damn good...
ITT: Post the worst reviews of video games you can find. 4 months later and I'm still mad at this faggot
Atari is just basically a plug and play
What happened with SOMA Sup Forums? It got great reviews by a lot of people and the story and atmosphere were top notch...
One hour until omega savage
Deus Ex general
Are you ready for Omega Savage, user?
Low poly thread
What are some games where the bad guy makes a $6,032 mistake?
There are people that don't pvp in dark souls games
Why don't console games just support mouse and keyboard already?
Mario64 and Oot were shit
Oh, hello! You must be user, come on in
Manhunt thread
Why did Rockstar stop making good games after 2010?
Playing EENEO last night
Leave 2017 to us
ITT: Brutal vidya deaths
Gentlemen, how do we fix Star Fox?
Can play BOTW for free
3000 people line up for the chance to buy a switch
Crash Souls
Do you miss the early-mid 2000s, Sup Forums?
Killing Floor 2
I play games for fun
Wow guys LoL and Overwatch are so awesome
Recognize me?
Is it worth getting Ryzen for gaming alone? Or will buying Intel's similarly priced equivalent give you better results?
Town guards are stronger than you
Easy games to platinum
What games have the absolute best writing? Can any game truly be called a masterpiece based on it's writing/story alone?
3DS Thread
Literally Ouya 2.0
Just got into fighting games and I'm starting to take it seriously...
ITT: unpopular vidya opinions I prefer tifas advent children outfit to her standard one
What is the stupidest thing you've ever seen a new player do?
Sup Forums hyped this game up, it must be good
Like fine wine and cheese, idols get better with age
Huge queues are growing for people who want to buy Nintendo Switch
Everyone fapped to her
Should I get it?
How can you all be so willing to let this happen to such a beloved character?
Will there ever be a third game?
If the koroks are so powerful they can live on volcanoes and enter hyrule castle why can't they stop Ganon?
Graphics thread?
Same Voice Thread!
Max Payne 1 or 2?
Xenoblade 2
Blazblue Jubei Reveal
Unironically strong women in video games
Leave Smash to me
Filename thread
What are good MGTOW games?
Splatoon 2
The gaming culture of the early 2000s is gone forever
ITT: Technological achievements/TECHNOLOGY
No MMO is perf-
I've got my eye on you
These three all leave the console industry
Can we agree Zero Mission ruined Samus's body?
What vidya villans have rules about saying their name?
Draw cool game HUDS
Anybody else agree that Hong Kong>Dragonfall
Friend: Which chip should I get for my next gaming PC? Intel or AMD?
Realistically, can sega ever make a better game?
This is going to be the best platformer of recent times right?
What video games did you play today?
*blocks your screen*
Is this good dungeon design?
Kill human
Let's have a fave games thread
Only friend I've ever had told me she doesn't want to talk to me anymore
Why aren't you playing Vanilla WoW?
How did you like EVO this year?
A good movie based game doesn't ex-
I wanna get into the Resident Evil games, is 4 a good starting point?
ITT we create a protagonist by adding to this picture
Your nightly reminder
Why don't Japanese developers understand these kind of costumes are off putting?
SFIV and UMVC3 dominating fighting games for years
Have you watched Sonic X?
What does Sup Forums think of Rimworld?
Dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN dun dun dun.. dun dun dun... da da daaa daaa da da DA DA DA... da da daaa
The effect of this ability has been changed from "Reduces ability recast time for a party member or self by 20% for 20...
XIV Thread
Castlevania thread
Ed Edd n Eddy Online
I want to spend no more than $20 on a Steam game
Why cant they at least try to make a decent storyline in these games...
Good PS4 games not on PC
What's the d33pest game you've ever played?
I bought too many games on steam., is there a program to tell me which are the good ones?
What dpi is best for fps games?
Sup Forums I'm thinking of getting one of the two new Atelier games Firis or Sophie
Did this game really deserve a 9/10?
ITT: weird ports
ITT: 10/10 designs
How do you feel about so many anime games showing up on Steam?
Co-workers starts talking about vidya
Upgrade from GTX 770/FX 6300 to GTX 1060/R5 1600 like a month ago
EEnE online
I'm still fucking mad. On my deathbed, I will still be mad. This could have been fucking INCREDIBLE. You really, really...
Post Love interest that you never see it coming
How's that game coming along user? you know that game you were going to make? should be ready any day now, right?
Why can't a huge new MMO come out Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums remember game faqs?
What do you guys think of the new Ed, Edd, and Eddy MMO?
Realistically speaking, how many more years does this company have before they either go bankrupt or get bought out?
Name a better game
One day while on my way to school, I looked up in the skies. A sound like distant thunder...
Quits game
Find a flaw
Unironically caring about blazblue when GG exists
What game has the best magic system? I'm tired of the usual 'press X to shoot fireball' nonsense...
GPU prices
Dad walks in
It's 2001 and you can only pick one
How's that gaming centric Youtube channel going?
How do you guys like chinese video game?
Hurry! Claim your girl before someone else does!
Is this true about video game developers?
Why do fucking morons gravitate to this game? High level people a year after its release still dont attack the point...
Tell me Captain, if the Federation is so great, why are there no good Star Trek games?
I am currently running a small tug boat and playing switch. Nintendo hit it out of the park with this one
No one's actually excited for this garbage right?
Nintendo Switch owners. How many of you brought the system, but not BOTW?
Porn game
Moderately challenging game from the '90s gets remastered
Why was he such a dick?
What are the chances that we will see Capcom hiring ASW to make Darkstalkers 4 for them?
I'm starting up a used gamecube game collection and happen to be going to Japan in 2 months
What should i name my cat
Main menu kino
Is the Nintendo Bonus real?
What was the last pokemon game that you played? Did you enjoy it?
10/10 only
So why is it called "final fantasy" if there are 13 of them?
That feeling when you 100% a game and then come back years later and play it again from scratch
DmC: DMC is much better than MGRR and better than 2 of the original games as well...
ITT: Characters who could easily destroy Samus
Implying this cunt doesn't need to be nerfed into the ground
Don't mind me, I'm just stea- I mean pirating this game
What is objectively the best Mario game?
Purple ooze everywhere
What the fuck happened?
Mother 3 Thread
I still won't buy it. How can one company fail so hard?
Mario Odyssey
God-tier vidya soundtracks thread?
Why do Capcbros like Street Fighter and Marvel but none of these games?
What did Dagoth Ur do wrong?
Best vidya reactions
New Top 100 Games List
CD Projekt working on Cyberpunk 2077
Any game that made you cry like a bitch
Why is she blue?
What does Sup Forums think about the original Fallout?
So how many years do you guys reckon until Disney acquires Nintendo?
What would make Bloodborne 2 better than the original?
Dead or Alive
Can you fly a horse in Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind?
Are you mad at me, Sup Forums? Will this make it up to you?
Gamerfuel thread
Pearl vs Marina
Assuming Persona 5 Arena is ever even a thing, who the fuck would even be playable...
Steam avatar thread
Wtf I hate Callie now
That series that came back after a long hiatus
What's the best rhythm game of all time?
Is Donte's game worth 1$?
Are there any fun multiplayer shooters out that people play?
Finally rolled this qt
What the fuck was his problem?
Miiverse to end soon
This game sucks
Read the guide for the first 5 hours
No English dub
3 hours to launch
Small indie developer manages to make the best MMO in years
Dropping 15 grand for a digital ship
Sup Forums draws were over 5 years ago
Game could've had an awesome plot twist
ITT: Oh yeah that happened
It's up
Metal Gear Thread
ITT: Characters that made you sin
What video games did you play today?
What is pearl trying to convey with this expression?
Official Destiny 2 Hype Thread - 16 Hours Left Edition
Why didnt you tell me this series was so fucking good Sup Forums?
Everyone is an asshole: The Game
The game makes you being hyped for the final boss battle
Vermin bread
Gentlemen, lets talk about our dream Gantz game
Make an amazing game
You all thought they would go away but the joke is on you! The Investigation Team will be the main stars of the Persona...
Best vidya reactions
What was your favorite activity? What moments do you remember the most fondly?
Faggot Dev of River City Ransom Covering for Alex Mauer
When I was a kid I thought latency in online games would eventually be fixed by better internet
So we are all in agreement that Frank Tenpenny is one of the greatest antagonists of all time, right?
Look at this fat guy on twitch
Will you be buying the Blacksad game user?
Post the most disappointing game you've played this year
Should the next persona ditch the high school motif and go to college or even the workplace?
Bombastic yet intimidating music starts playing
Ataribox to come in two variants
This is Metroid
Filename Bread
How come IVfags only talk about muh technology instead of all the fun, memorable missions in this game? Oh right...
If you IRL were a video game character, what would your stats be? I'll start
Where's the love?
Defend this, capcomdrones
Sup Forums adores a game
ITT: games Sup Forums memed you into playing
Just picked this up yesterday as it was cheap and I've always wanted to get into the series
Beware of aftermarket ebay gayman GPUs, Sup Forums. Most of them have been literally burnt out mining crypto
This is Ellie, she is 14 years old. Say something nice about her
ITT: Those you could've saved, but didn't
What is the Despacito of video games?
Lara Croft
ITT: Games ahead of their time
LoliStop Horror Stories
Why are there no good Star War's games anymore?
Who is the strongest video game man?
Reviews are going to come out for Splatoon 2 in 12 hours. Predict the metacritic rating
How come games like ARMA, Call of Duty and Medal of Honor are so cis?
Sonic Mania thread
Three days
This is how well detailed Samus looks on a 3DS game released on 2014
How would you improve Breath of the Wild?
What are games you ABSOLUTELY should play?
Whats his deal?
Like 5th stream they are doing of PUBG
People who play rpgs are depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games
An ancient evil overslept
Tfw Persona won
Worst. Gen. Ever
Discuss this game
How do you feel about the latest FFXIV expansion Stormblood?
Shunned because the soundtrack was way ahead of its time
Dropping this game right now. Fucking faggots for blaming Luke. They can all go to hell except for Ion
Name is Monsoon
Icons: Combat Arena RIP PM edition
Are you going to buy Erika's game on Thursday?
What happened to this thing?
We'll never get another FFT/A with HD sprites and faster paced battles
Hey Sup Forums, what's a good high spectacle, amazing setpiece type of fps game that's released recently...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...