I still won't buy it. How can one company fail so hard?

I still won't buy it. How can one company fail so hard?

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By making fugly females

is that $13 for the whole stack?

What are all those games doing at a goodwill?

How's that diversity working out for yah now Bioware.

Meh, it's worth $20 if you like the genre/series.

i'd actually buy a copy for that price, just to experience the vanilla mess.

This image makes me happy.

It's one of the most insulting things ever released in video games.

No it isn't.

Someone probably stole them and sold them to goodwill

>Categorized in housewares
Are you in a savers op?

what makes it deluxe?

Not unless you value your time very little.


still not worth it

It was fine I finished it for the gameplay alone. Just not a good Mass Effect game. I don't really care about graphics and facial animations everybody gets hung up on. Biotic charge will never not be fun.

Just how retarded are you, exactly?

>to goodwill

More lego

They released that game to kill the franchise and work on their new destiny clone

>Employee's Only
Why is this one fucking grammar rule so hard for people to understand?

pretty good price for a game thats not getting dlc.


It literally says Goodwill on the sticker. Jesus.

They could have just done a remaster or released more ME3 multiplayer maps/classes or any number of things that didn't involve making a bad game.

holy shit which goodwill is this????

Maybe they only have one employee

Buy that shit and flip it at your local FUCKING Gamestop for store credit.

THE goodwill


I'd buy it for a dollar, but I pretty much just want the case

Anyone else live in the mormon theocracy where goodwill and every other thrift store has been outlawed?

I don't get it.

Why aren't SJWs buying Mass Effect? They're literally the target demographic. They've been begging for representation. Here it is, and it's dead in the water.

Play more games

Because the ones who whine are the ones who don't play games. Just like Jack Thompson and his ilk.

$13 actually is a decent price for the game. The combat is solid and you can get over 70 hours out of the game.

Diversity is the least of Andromeda's problems.

How would that help? Andromeda is one of the few video games that are unfinished ina BIG way. Not like broken netcode or shitty framerate, but liteirally parts of the game are completely unfinished.

if it were, it would be worth it for the empty cases.

Toss the insides, sell them as replacements on ebay for $4 a pop.

SJW, women and gays don't buy vidya. Overwhelming percentage of gamers are male and straight. Maybe Bioware will learn a lesson from this, about pandering to people who don't buy games.

EA and retailers invested way too many on that flopped game and now are dumping the excess unsold stock to thrift stores to recoup losses. I remember seeing this happening to Battlefield hardline too

>The team making this game isn't the Edmonton team who made the original ME Trilogy or the Austin team making Anthem but a new team in Montreal
>Entire team is the biggest load of diversity bullshit, including a gameplay designer who hates white people with a passion
>$40M sank into an incompetent new team who kept scrapping and reanimating scenes
>No delaying because EA still wants to cash in on ME while people still somewhat like it
>EA promises shareholders that the game will sell at least 3M copies at launch
>Barely sells 1M in it's first week and the negative reception prevents it from selling much more

why can't they just put it up on steam.. geez

Some user said cater to SJW pays. lol

i really wanted this game to be good, Sup Forums
it could have been great
oh well. jewed again

what if instead of doing that I just play The Phantom Pain again

I hope that isn't pronounced like I think it's pronounced.

Oh forgot to mention
>Most of the animation team consists of graduates from local art schools, meaning all the experience they have as animators are just basic school projects
>Programming team probably went through the same hiring as well


Someone posted a pic of the team, they were literally 90% white men. Stop with that "diversity team" meme.

Will you fucking stop parroting this fucking shit?

Andromeda's butget was not $40M. That was ME3's budget. Fuck. Stop getting your talking points from pewdiepie you niggers.

What was the budget? 40M is too little for a game like this anyway. Witcher 3 budget was 80M.

Didn't even notice that. Fuck me that's degenerate

Even worse. An entire studio for cucks by cucks.

The cases themselves are worth more at this point

>outlawing thrift stores

i'd love to hear joseph smith's explanation for that

>What was the budget?
That info hasn't been disclosed, I believe.

We probably won't have any hard numbers for some time.

thats not why the game is shit, Sup Forumstard

>less than six months after release
>already going for sub-$15
Holy shit, imagine if you were dumb enough to buy this at full price

>the city of montreal

looks stolen tbqh. How would a whole case end up at a goodwill?

the fact all the idiot "diversity" hire tumblrinas got fired after this warms my heart

maybe you shouldn't spend all your time circlejerking about being progressive and having presentations from Anita and instead focus on making a good game lmao

40 million isn't a lot of money for a AAA game.Dead Space 3 cost more than that.

Wow I actually hope that kid gets bullied the fuck out of


The game just got another update this month and they are continually improving the facial animation and fixing reported bugs.

Even if they just keep polishing the turd the game's is still getting support. And it's not that bad after all.

So yeah for 13$ why not.

Retail stores like target dump shit that doesn't sell at goodwill. You can find new stuff there all the time with targets little clearance sticker on it.

>yt "men"

Why don't games hold their value anymore? It seems like less than a month after release you can get any big title for less than $40. Then you have really bad cases like Andromeda or Mankind Divided where it's less than $20 not even a full year after release.

>Overwhelming percentage of gamers are male and straight.
I think Sup Forums is like 80% gay though.


because games use to be a 2-3 times a year purchase, it's also a much broader market than it use to be. Budgets are bigger they push for more sales early on. When you could only get 2-3 games a year when you were young, you kept them, you didn't sell them.

>the Austin team making Anthem
Anthem is being made by Edmonton, user.

Austin is literally just the TOR studio.

I can honestly bet that either his dad or one of the people he consorts with is going to rape him one day

I know I'm going full edgelord here but I would not hesitate to kill anyone in this picture

Who the fuck allowed that shit to happen?

Why would they do that? He's not even a decent trap.

mormons have their own thrift store i think you're full of shit

trapfags are a vocal minority

it's only worth $10 trade in according to their website

>going to

How's the multiplayer? I played the fuck out of both ME3 and DA: I's multiplayers. I'd buy it for $20 if the multiplayer was similar to either of these

But it's shit.


2017 has generally been a great year but it's sad that it has to be tainted with this high profile shitstain.

Bioware Montreal had a lot of women, but ironically it wasn't diverse at all. There was 2 asians in the entire team, despite being based in French Chinada.
One of the reasons that the animations and models were such a mess is because they hired a bunch of new grads with zero experience and didn't manage them properly at all.

>white ''''''''''''''''''''men'''''''''''''''''''

Did this game break even?

i'm sure he does, with dicks.

Pls respond

The better a game sells, the more they keep their prices high. The worse a game sells, the faster it goes on discount. Skyrim didn't have a decent sale for almost two years after release. By lowering their prices, stores hope the game moves faster off the shelves since each copy that remains is literally money lost.

Like, they lost money cause they had to purchase bulk orders of the game to sell in the first place. So it's better to break even then to have negative profits.

>tfw they could've paid a guy minimum wage to do quality control that would've made the game sell better

Fuck this dumbass company.


Oh dear.

I still won't even pirate ME3.


there aren't even any humans in this picture- only canadians

u trying to cheat me with this gif m8

>points out problem
>"waa ! that's not the problem /po/tard !!"


kek, that wouldn't have helped at all, qq was the least of the problems with that game's development. It would be like hiring quality control for a skyscraper made of mud and sticks.

> A group of people incapable of making a good video game with bad management/communication and resources so much so that they have to outsource most of the work and then when they get it back try to remake it so it looks like they did something

Dude lmao its the SJW