ITT: games Sup Forums memed you into playing

ITT: games Sup Forums memed you into playing
Why the fuck did you recommend me his game, Sup Forums? It has pretty graphics sure but it's also painfully mediocre and not some 10/10 GOTYAY like you faggots have been spouting for the past several months.

No one has ever said Horizon was 10/10 on Sup Forums.
We just like the game. Maybe it wasn't for you.

Shit thread. Next.

STALKER. Minecraft. God Hand.

And three times is enough. I don't even try to believe Sup Forums anymore.

The fuck is this "we" shit?

Pssh, you act like you don't love Assassin's Creed with giant robot dinosaurs.

Not him but only shills have ever called it a 10/10.
Don't tell me you fell for the shills.

I've been in a lot of the threads for it and when it's not BotWfags shitposting everyone pretty much agrees that it's a solid game that does a lot of things well but nothing really amazing. Every time I've made a post recommending it I've said it's worth getting when it's $30.

We as in people who like Horizon like myself.

>Sup Forums
>recommending horizon
am I in bizarro world?

Real talk, did they purposely make all the faces terrible?

Women will only play if you make the female characters uglier than them, so they don't feel threatened. Or that's what the designers thought, at least.

Classic Sony fanboy

this piece of shit.
literally a really shitty game. it's like a 13 year old boy's idea of a gross and edgy game.
"infinitely replayable" no, it got boring after beating it for the 3rd time. Kept waiting to unlock characters that would refresh the game but the few I did unlock, it was the same shit, literally and figuratively.
random play =/= replayable.
FTL was a good example of a replayable game with randomness -- scenarios were somewhat diverse, and no two playthroughs felt the same (other than losing over and over again) -- but BoI didn't have that diversity.

You literally fell for that one shill faggot's marketing. He posts the same webms over and over and tries to peddle a Ubishit openworld game which just happens to be bound to a single console.

Seriously, what's good about this game?
It's standard platforming to the max.
Its only gimmick is the retro style -- which, I admit was well done.
But even compared to some actual oldschool platformers, it's not all that great.
Would've been happy with it if I bought it for

Sup Forums isn't one person, dipshit.

>his game

>Sup Forums isn't one person
Prove it.


Nigga, I love Horizon like I love oreos but this game isn't 10/10, and no one on Sup Forums ever claimed the game was a 10/10.

You have that shit mixed up with how most anons on Sup Forums perceive BotW. Wrong crowd, faggot.

seriously, just felt like super generic WRPG gameplay. Time would be better spent picking up Morrowind again.


not that bad of a game, I guess, but I could never feel involved enough to finish it.
its battle mechanics, imo, don't hold up to the acclaim Sup Forums has given it.
social part of the game felt more like annoying distraction than anything fulfilling, despite Sup Forums's acclaim.
might've really liked it if I was still in high school or some shit.

Aloy has the face of a man but she still has the chromosomes of a woman.

>Sup Forums is full of overcompensating Sonybros
What else is new? Denial is all these weebs have left.

i just wish someone told me it was basically an action rpg without the RP, leaving just grinding.

fuck you guys. seriously.
this is a glorified shitty visual novel. as a game it's absolutely fucking shit.

saw several discussions on Sup Forums where they talked about how innovative and fresh the gameplay was.
ended up just feeling like a pretty standard shooter with a mech mode.

shut the fuck up

Compile Heart = Kusoge

Jesus Christ shut the fuck up, we get you're easily manipulated into spending money.

The fuck is this "wuz" shit?

UH? when the game came out all Sup Forums was saying is that it was shit.


I haven't gotten around to playing the Souls games myself, but my sister loves the series, but hates Dark Souls 2.

imagine being this stupid

any good (spoiler)porn(/spoiler) of her yet?

>it has been 0 days since Aloy was bullied

weebs seem to have forgot that message in their praise of the game.
I just played Atelier when I bought it, and was charmed and wanted more weeb games. What a mistake.
I think mostly Sony fanboys who bought a vita are just desperate and will praise anything that's released on it.
I guess #8: entirely memed into buying the Vita. But don't really regret that as it became my girlfriend's visual novel machine.

It was just a typical WRPG with higher difficulty.


You're on the regular earth user.
The earth where Horizon is being recommended without an ounce of humor to it solely based on graphics.

Bizzaro world would have everyone on Sup Forums trash the game.

basically any thread with anything Nintendo turned into a Horizon shilling thread since its release.

They're shills user. They do this thing where they basically deny the shilling whenever anyone other than them bring it up.

Why do you listen to autists so autistic they wind up getting names on an anomalous image board?
Horizon-kun shits up threads constantly and should be ignored, just like every other shitposter that has such high levels of faggotry they become a namefag without actually being one.

It's the official game of the year.

>literally ever believing anything Sup Forums ever has to say about an exclusive game

You played yourself.


Gfaqs fucking loves this game as well, and I'm sure reddit does, too, fucking cucks. Its just an SJW normalfaggot-baiting westashit kusoge

But user
That's not



Hnnnggg... when will Yoko stop being so damn hot?


The fuck is with the "we" bullshit, it was one shitposter who kept making the same thread.

I didn't like it at first but now I think it is amazing. It took me like 10 hours to *really* start liking it. The combat is so great.
I love all the crazy shit that happens when you don't use fast travel and try to just ride your robo horse from one destination to another. You'll come across a random dead giant crocodile and get off your horse to loot it, and suddenly 5 glinthawk (robot vultures) will come out to try and claim the corpse and attack you. And they will alert all the other machines in the area that you had previously just been running past, forcing you into a massive battle for your life. And this is all just random encounter kind of shit

Ripping enemy heavy weapons off their backs and then using them against them is badass. The game makes you feel like you are some master hunter with the stealth, taking down armies of machines and gutting them all of their components. I love the weak-point system, and little things like how you can shoot gas-can weak points with fire arrows to cause massive fire explosions, or refrigeration-core weak points with ice arrows / ice bombs to cause big ice explosions (same with shock weak points). Overriding and using corruption arrows to make the machines fight for you is awesome too. The melee system is also cool, you can "strike from above" on any enemy you jump a few feet above of, and if an enemy is unaware of you you can sprint and slide into them to do a critical sneak attack while still sliding. And you get slo-mo if you aim while jumping or sliding, which gives you a reason to do it mid-fight other than to look cool.

It also helps that all the melee dodges look cinematic as fuck, almost bloodborne tier except it's just rolls and no dashes.

This is a marketer.

Not him but i experienced the same thing. They did built in these types of things into the game.
If you hang around a robot for a bit eventually it will do something interesting. Like the robocrocs will shoot a bunch of resources around everywhere that you can either look or watch be looted by glint hawks.

You can say what you want but it doesn't change the fact that the game has a bunch of great mechanics.

It's shit.

does this game have true dynamic global illumination? There is a day-night cycle but it seems like the transitions between mid-day to dusk to nighttime happen so fast sometimes (like in a few seconds), as if it's just loading different static GI presets as the time changes

Do we like Aloy?

that transition from cinematic to gameplay was unsettling.

>listens to Sup Forums
What a faggot.

Prove you played it.

Prove you're not a filthy sonnygger.

Nah. Everytimes the camera jumps the physics on the hair messes up.

Why is she so fucking ugly?

To pander ugly feminists.

To each their own.

Climb robo giraffes to collect map icons. The melee combat gravitates you towards the nearest enemy. The game is about a species of robotic potatoes.

Bet a dollar 3/4 of these mongoloids dont even know what the game is about.

>implying its anything worth knowing about

Whoa! Is that the DLC? Did they finally fix her face?

No, its from that set of screencaps passed around by apologists that literally hide her hideous features.

>Why is she so fucking ugly?
she's not

What hideous features? She just has stupid looking high-hair, which "apologists" hide by giving her a headpiece

>she's not
She is.

DLC isn't out for a while.
Apologists? To each their own as i said before.

horizon-kun is one person
and is very mentally deranged
just like all nameless namefags


It has been 3 months, just move on already.

to be fair, she looks like a real woman.
She reminds me of a few women I actually know and am friends with.

Doesn't that guy also bring up The Order 1886 as a great game when not even asked? Truly a crazy fellow.

I tried to get into this but couldn't
The scanning and stealth really killed it for me

Notice how all of those shots are hiding part of her jaw or skull?

Prove it. Pro-tip: you can't.

I'm gonna marry Alloy!

Nothing is hidden. What are you talking about? That shot is the only one where the jaw isn't in view.

what's wrong with its face? AFS?

if that's "hideous" to you, then what word do you use to actually describe people who are *actually* hideous like pic related?

No. I just got it two weeks ago

Horizon was legitimately shilled on here. I'm sorry that you weren't able to realize this and fell for yet another awful Guerrilla Games title.

I don't know I think that guy might just be another faggot who circlejerks with him.

It's just one faggot that keeps spamming the game in the screenshot threads right? Every thread I check out I see
followed by the same 50 horizon photomode screenshots.

Every graphics thread.
Even ones that in no way match the intended theme of the game like:
>graphics that are easy on the eyes
If a game set any time after an apocalypse had graphics "easy on the eyes" I'd say the art direction failed.

Splatoon. It's garbage and the $60 DLC looks just as bad.

Allergic fungal sinusitis?

cool i didn't know they made a Sup Forums ps4 starter pack that you obviously bought

>The beauty of an overgrown human world has to be harsh on the eyes.
Wtf are you on about?

How dare you reply to me trash.

Not harsh, but it shouldn't make you feel relaxed
It should make you nervous and uneasy, give off an almost uncanny valley vibe, as if human beings trespassing is somehow wrong.

>I'm blind and retarded

The faces look fine. Good even.

You referring to how most of his PS4 games there are PS4 exclusives? Why would he buy non-exclusive games? If they were available as multiplats he could just get them for PC with better graphic options and much more customization you retard

It's ok to not like everything Nintendo shits out. I had fun playing Breath of the Wild and Arms.

So every post-apoc world needs a horror look.

2/3 bait

No, there's a certain type of unnatural untouched beauty that this kind of setting needs.
Not horror, just something human beings don't belong in.
Something that's moved past them.

I just thought it was funny those were all games that constantly get shilled on Sup Forums
nothing really against them.

i literally said nothing about nintendo


How can you argue that it doesn't look like that? What elements makes it look like that isn't the case?