Fuckk, my little bro has become one of those minecraft autists

Fuckk, my little bro has become one of those minecraft autists.

How do i save him Sup Forums before he doesn't play any other vidya?

blame yourself for introducing him to video games in the first place instead helping him develop a skill or go do something outdoors-like. Faggot.


Minecraft is great. Im assuming your bro is young, which means he probably can't get his own games and hasn't been around long enough to know about every game in the universe. so just be a good, trusting older brother and lend him some "actually good" games

>wahh wahh my little brother likes something I don't like wahh wahh
tumblr is that way

In in the same shoes, OP
I used to play quality games with him and he even played through Wonderful 101, Xenoblade Chronicles X and MonHun 3 Ultimate before I did.
Then he "grew up" and his classmates threw him in the hellpit that is LoL/Minecraft/other competetive garbage.

There is just no way of protecting them of their shitty classmate other that prohibiting contact with them which is just stupid and unfair.
It's tough to hear but as long as we did our best and introduced them to some of the better games then I'm glad

I mean, minecraft is in no means a horrible game. Every fucking kid plays it, It's like Lego. Kids like building shit.

As long as he doesn't fall into the pit of super autism that consists of those books and youtuber toys, etc, he's good.

Let kids be kids.

GenZ are lost by default

This, op is a faggot.

you became a Sup Forums autist
your brother is still salvageable.

If minecraft came out in the 90s every one of you faggots would have been all over it. Stop being gay.

Ehh that doesn't mean anything, everyone knows Sup Forums is just a anonymous reddit at this point, it's not lowkey or anything. Like you can't pretend people who have their shit together don't come here.

Op you shouldnt be afraid of getting into minecraft. You SHOULD ne afraid of hom getting into thd minectaft community

Just let him enjoy his game.

But maybe steer him away from Minecraft porn.

hide any computer, console or phone in your house and claim that they were stolen.

He'll grow out of it, or he won't and it'll be one of his favorite games that he looks back in with rosy retrospection when he's an adult, the way you do with your games.

minecraft aint that bad just try to encourage him to play singleplayer and not multiplayer. Multiplayer is p2w cancer

Give him attention, play other games and watch TV with him, buy him a good book, hell try playing sports with him, just do stuff that makes him feel that he's loved and has at least one friend that shares his interests.

Kids turn into Minecraft autists for the same reason they become bronies or SJWs or cultists: because the fandom offers the love and acceptance they felt they were missing.

Just to let you fags know he's 16.

Kinda think he's to old for that shit and he's been watching some streamer when he isn't playing

Why the fuck do you care
I couldn't give less of a shit about my siblings and it has proven to be really useful in the long run
Don't dwelve into their problems, trust me.

Just accept that this generation is gonna be full of ADHD kids with shit taste, who would rather watch some youtuber instead of hanging out with mom and pop.