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The ancient Sumerian city of Asus?



Grove Street. Home.

the mars city that was uncovered a few years ago?

I still know where your secret rocket launcher and double barreled shotgun are. I still kill the 4 Bio Mechanoid Majors with the dual revolvers only.

Holy fuck new Serious Sam?


Hey I've been there

Lots of random native dudes who sit around there all day and try and give you a tour and expect money

Dont ever go to a country like that without a guide

Wait a minute... This isn't Mars.


Are Egyptians the master race? This shit was built 5000 years ago

I also went here which is pretty much just the Spirit Temple from OoT

A very dusty motherboard?

>Dual Revolvers



Math and even very simple machines like pulleys can take you a long way user

The ancient city-state of Asrock



Easily considering that the modern human is only about 12000 years old.

Really enjoying Bogus Detour.

ding ding ding ding

How good is it? I need a top down shooter.

beat me to it

No kamikazes on that level IIRC. Wait, no, I think there's a couple inside? Maybe?

>that comfy feel, when it's all clean

If anything, the mesoamericans (aztecs, etc) are, since they built shit on par with the greeks and romans without even having any metalworking for non-deocrative metals other then some limited copper, and right as the spanish were showing up, super early tin-arsenic bronzes, niether of which was really used for anything beyond ceremonial shit anyways.

Yet they had cities that at many points in history were in the top 5 largest cities in the world and had some of the most advanced waterworks and irrigation technology on the planet



reminder that the spanish tore all this shit down just to build the shithole that is modern mexico city, and drained the lakes it was all build around.


They "had" all of that but got conquered by a small Spanish fleet


it still bewilders me people pay for shitty little gas duster cans when a real air compressor like that is so much better, even a low end is way better than cans and pays for itself in less than a year.

Oh shit i actually do recognize this i went to Egypt when i was younger and this is one of the places we visited.

>by a small Spanish fleet
And a horde of angry locals

Shame the egyptians are dead and muslim subhumans have kidnapped their name

The Mesoamericans were neat. Unfortunately for them, the Spaniards were neater (sailing across the whole ocean just to fuck around).

Playing off superstition, superior weapons, and old world diseases

Spain had more dakka

>not using a 250+ mph leaf blower


you must not be Burgerclap or you went to a really shitty public school, the only reason the Spanish were able to take Tenochtitlan is because the Aztecs were massive assholes who enslaved their conquered foes, which lead to them having a lot of unloyal vassals etc. The conquistadors were the outside influence that tipped that balance.

if aztecs so smart how come they never invent wheel

The only reason you think that is because Cortez downplayed how many natives they had helping them out. Nobody around the aztecs liked them because the aztecs were top dog and killing all the other people around them.

I think it was like 5:1 ratio of natives to cortez men, either way it wasnt only a few spaniards it was literally native 'mexicans' killing the top power at the time and the spaniards simply banded them together with their hate for aztecs

Necessity is the mother of invention. And they obviously didn't need it

Guns and Canons

They didn't destroy it themselves. It was the civil war that they indirectly unleashed that did the most damage.

user, the Bible had very little to do with it

I thought it was 100,000 years

This is really complicated, but the tl;dr answer is:

1. Since the cities were so densely populated, smallpox and diseases spread super fast.

2. The region was geopolitically instable due to Aztec expansionism and imperalism at the time, so other groups that wanted to topple them used the Spanish as figureheads to mobilize around. The final army that sieged the aztec captial had only around 1500-2000 spanish, but over 200,000 Tlaxcallan and Tontac soldiers, and the Aztec cities themselves all erupted into civil wars as this was going on.

It wouldn't be inaccurate to say that the spanish themselves didn't conquer them, but other natives and smallpox did.

Wasn't really a huge factor. Obviously it was *a* factor, but there were plenty of battles where native groups won pretty handedly (such as when the Tlaxcallans intially beat them before deciding to spare them to use against the aztecs), Better weapons and armor only does so much when you are in territory you don';t understand and have limited numbers and no real supply lines, wheras your oppenents live in the area, know it all, and have established logistics and organized army structures with far larger numbers.

Also, In general, the mesoamericans fielded larger armies then what would have been typical in europe, not uncommonly in mutliple hunderds of thousands.

they did, pic related.

The better question is "Why didn't they use wheels for stuff other then toys", and the answer is probably "They didn't have any animals to attach carts to, and the region is pretty hilly, and densely forested where it's not hilly, so having carts and wheelbarrows wasn't that much better then carrying shit on their backs anyways"

Seriously what happen to these guys? Plague break out?

for the aztecs

looks kinda haram :^)

What about it?

Refugees welcome, 1200 BC edition

I haven't played many, but it seems to be quite polished. Good music by Danjam, huge levels, many weapons, secrets, upgrades, survival mode, multiplayer, editor etc.

Very nice pixel art and incredibly difficult in serious difficulty, which actualy changes the attacks of many enemies.

Oh please, Muslim fanatics have done much worse than that


The jews had God on their side.

probably but honestly we'll never really know. so much of the splendor of the ancient world was either razed, robbed, or destroyed by nature. the pyramid casing stones were all looted, the sphinx was buried up to its head in sand for fuck knows how long before thutmose and rameses finally re-excavated it. then you had shit like the alexandria lighthouse and halicarniassus which were obliterated by earthquakes. who knows how much awesome shit was out there that we don't know about because we don't know it existed.

If the natives did it themselves, why did they subsequently lose their religion and culture and become Latinised?

We can rebuilt it.

there are still around 11 million Coptic Christians in Egypt

though, that number is steadily decreasing with churches being attacked and kidnappings of young coptic girls that are being forced into marriages with muslims

Mainly because the disease killed a ridiclious number of the native population, even the Tlaxcallans, who were granted tons of special rights and didn't have their land enroached on afterwards due to helping the spanish, had their native population decreased 95% by 1600 just due to epidemics.

Also, obviously, the spanish themsevles were sort of in charge and as a result directed much of the resulting social structure after aztec influence in the region fell. Though, in a lot of cases, native groups thepm,selves didn't really/respect understand this, so in many places, people were paying taxes to both the spanish and other native groups, were both of them thought they were the ones in charge of that area, unaware the other thought the same thing.

By "God" you mean money and control over the market?

Coptics aren't original Egyptians either, they were Hellenised.

*jumps at you from nowhere*

They're God's Chosen People, user. You wouldn't want to anger God now would you?


>from nowhere

>serious sam
>serious sam hd
>serious sam vr
>serious sam fusion

how the fuck do you buy this game? there's so many versions

abu simbel is not the valley of the kings

you buy HD: The First+Second Encounter and thats it

D... dad?

Canal system is superior in the jungle.

No disrespect but that's how they roll in the ancient days.

>The tiny bird cage

member this game

You buy Serious Sam Fusion and enjoy all the mainline Sam games while also being able to play them in VR.

Who would win?

5,000,000 mesoamericans


some germs

Don't forget the slave labour!

greeks and then jews happened

Convenience factor.

Monotheism. Not even once.

>tfw want to worldbuild an alternate Earth but with monstergirls instead of humans and how ancient civilizations would develop based on interactions between differing monstergirl races and tribes, dietary restrictions, etc

Less prevalent in North African society at the time than is generally accepted.
Although the threshold for poverty has been raised more than slightly since then.

what is it

More like city of abit who stopped posting. You should too.

these gigantic motherboards are the only remains left of the kangz who left this planet with their melanoid powered space ships

Welcome to the Jungle, we've got canals and slaves?

I wanted to post the same.

Yeah, they raised maccaws and other birds for their feathers.


90% of their population dead; I can't even imagine what it must have been like to live through that.

I know you piece of shit i just find it cute

Worse. Mudslimes.

Either buy HD version and 3 or Complete Pack.
Then you install Fusion only.

>live through that
Well, they didn't