The Legend of ____(?)____.
The Legend of ____(?)____
Muh dick
of sweet sweet loli zelda puss
you know how I know you're a virgin?
>"Link! Look at this frog I found"
Based pusyposter!
user, I...
You're alright sometimes, Sup Forums
Why is the cunny shape so fucking appealing? Why do I want to bury my face and dick into it so goddamn bad? It looks like perfection, it's almost like I'm programmed to wa-
Fartfags need to be gassed.
Zeldas a slut! Paya's better.
I wish...
Is there anything less wosre in terms of art/style?
I'm convinced that people that get off to this kind of stuff are just closet-fags deluding themselves into getting off to b*ra shit.
Name ONE (1) better Nintendo girl than BOTW Zelda.
I'll wait, Sup Forums.
>reddit spacing
You can wait back over at reddit.
I'll take this as your concession. Checkmate.
You're so reddit even your avatar has her tipping her korok fedora.
She's adorable isn't she?
too easy, user
Phew, lucky this picture was censored with that pixelation I might have been promoted
BOTW is still WOTY but this is an acceptable answer.
she is literal perfection. the incarnation of a goddess, literally.
Yeah but BOTW Zelda has thick, delicious brows.
Small Ass.
Shit Zelda ® of them all ... Ever !!
Please consider removing this post. Thank you.
I get it
>BOTW Zelda will never be your bride
bad feel
is she a cunny or a roastie?
>master trails
>get to lake Kolomo
>get majora's mask
>nothing attacks you except bats
Woooooooow. Hard mode is like so hard bros
>"I'm sorry TP Link, but could you be in smash in my place?"
>"Zelda got preggo"
Haha so that's why he wasn't in smash 4
I prefer skyward sword zelda but like botw's eyebrows
I want to mate with Zelda in the wild.
If you're talking about the trial of the sword you can't bring it with you
2/10 通訳
>trap link thread
315 post 108 images omitted 200 unique posters
>zelda thread
3 anons samefagging
Homosexuality was a mistake
The plateu gave me trouble, as soon as I cleared the shrines I booked it straight to that mask. Used it to get the Barbarian armor set and activate all towers. Now I'm ransacking the castle for the Hylian shield.
those tights are awfully tight. dont they constict blood flow in your labia?
cunny doesn't mean pussy. it means pre-jailbait girls
I know you're right because I'm the samefag OP. I'm half of this thread.
i really really like this image
I'd post something but I'm stuck at work right now.
It's just a frog, user.
is this a mod?
didn't know GC had mods
I'll just post some Zelda comics
I have no idea, I just saw polygonal tits and saved them. Sorry user.
Appreciate the picture friend but this art style is disgusting.
>Steven universe looking style
No surprise there I guess
garbage taste mushroom bangs cow
How do you think Zelda feels when she overhears Link taking the Sidon D?
anal prolapse
Last image from me folks, hope you enjoyed the dump
Apart from the images for ants, thanks user
where are the lewds faget
Zelda is BBC only. Get used to it, whitebois.
Don c a difference
For you