Literally cant make this shit up

literally cant make this shit up


his mistake was playing a game that appeals to children instead of a real grown up game

>oh no raising my child is such an inconvenience

White people are weird

>play babby game
>babby want play game
>babby not play babby game right

Absolute autism.

Why didn't he just make another save file

LITERALLY "mom says it's my turn to play the Nintendo"

Why didn't the shitter start a different profile or backed up his save before?

I raise.

>oh no raising my child is such an inconvenience
>runs away
Black people have it figured out.

If only we could all be like the noble north american pavement ape, leaving after copulation and not bothering with the offspring.

What the fuck was he hoarding weapons and ammo for?

What else are you going to do in there when you clock 140 hours?

No one can be this retarded.

He clearly is unfit to have a child.


Why does this retard deserve attention from us or anyone?


>i let my baby child play my game that I dedicated 140 hours of my life into, and he ruins my save data! can you believe this unexpected luck I'm having? now I fucking hate zelda. fuck nintendo and fuck miyamoto

stop playing and try another game?

Easy - OP is much more representative of white people than your post is of black people.

This is why homebrew is good



Fucking niggers should not even be allowed to raise kids

Could you just save before giving him the game and reload that save when he's done?

People actually admit to this stuff and put it on the internet with their full name and photo.


>say anything that doesn't kiss white peoples asses and Sup Forums comes storming in

Don't you faggots have jobs or something?

>140 hourse in BotW
Jesus Christ, how?
This game is pretty barebones

How about we don't turn this into a polshit thread and just say there are stupidly retarded people everywhere.

>not giving unpaired joycon to the child while you play.
Is thanks to this that I was able to play snes and keep my cousin from crying.

Alot of people should not be allowed to reproduce. I don't think it's race-specific. Anyone whose poor, really, shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

God fucking damn I hate little kids
I think that if I ever got my GF pregnant I'd punch the little shit out of her myself
Fuck having children

they're just discovering the power of younger brother ruining game saves

and they call themselves experienced game journalists? what a joke

Men who raise other mans children don't have much foresight user

I Castle out of Check, cuz we wuz kangs.

I play along with my 3 year old with my copy of Zelda. I even encourage him to play on his own but he just passes the joycons back to me saying " You pway dahda!, go mash da wovot spiders!"

>My wife's son has ruined Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>In the past couple of months there's been a phrase that haunts me. It reverberates in my dreams and my darkest nightmares. It's the first words I hear when I arrive home from antifa rallies. It's the first words I hear when being woken up at 530am on a still-dark saturday morning while shivering in my cuckshed. "AY YO WHITE BOI GIMME DAT GAME BITCH"

wow just say fucking no.

wow that was fucking hard.

wow thats one dumb article.

It's already a polshit thread. It started as a game journalism thread. There's no difference anymore.

At least my mom was Vidya related.

A lot of exploration cuz of the massive map, shrines, main quests, side quests

Maybe his kid is too old/smart to fall for that one.

I'm actually surprised that BotW doesn't have multiple save files. I just assumed it did like most Zelda games.

>I had hundreds of arrows
>This is an accomplishment in this game

Seriously, why is it so god damn time consuming to collect arrows? I just want to buy a couple hundred arrows so I don't need to teleport to every town to restock once an hour.

Is there any secret to getting sufficient arrows that I don't know about?

>replying to obvious bait


I think you'll find we answered this debate a while back. Pic related.

>and they call themselves experienced game journalists? what a joke

Can he not just load a new game so the boy can play his own save?

I did every shrine and divine beast, and beat it in about 75 hours. I have no idea what someone could be doing to double my play time aside hunting korok seeds.

Black's are 12% of the population but like 30% of abortions. The only reason we don't see more of this is because the ones who would do it have preemptively gotten rid of it.

>literally nowhere in the article does it say "wife's son"
>Sup Forumspol/ sees it subconsciously because theyre obsessed with cuckoldry

This is Switch we're talking about.

That desire is what keeps it interesting. Once you have it fulfilled for no effort it becomes meaningless to collect arrows.

How much time until this turns into a Sup Forums thread?

>anyone that makes a race-related shitpost is a nazi

Top tier work. Stay the course, champion.

it already is

> Drunk

Hah, you lose. Being drunk impairs the mind and therefore cannot be attributed to race. Everyone gets drunk and does stupid shit.

Pretty weak, user. I expected better.

>File name
Where is it ever implied its not his kid?

You can litterally just make a seperate profile to have a seperate save file. Even then they guy could litterally just get the dlc and play a master mode save to actually challenge himself. Hell I abandoned my original save the moment the dlc came out to focus on beating the game under master mode.

The game keeps several autosaves and he should have no problem scrolling down two or three spots to load up the last save before he let his kid play.
This is clickbait. This is made up. Stop discussing this.

Godammit Dayton

if it's a person making a buck being mad at videogames in glorified blog sites, Sup Forums can safely assume the kids are not his

Ah, but alcohol dependence is a racial trait, see Native Americans [sic].

This guy just wanted something to complain about on the internet.

I had a bunch of powerful weapons ready to fight Ganon that I didn't even need and getting more arrows isn't that hard. He should just enjoy spending time with his son and not worry about meaningless things. It's not like the boy deleted his save file or accidentally chose something that dramatically altered his game save forever. I would put a stop to the waking up at 5:30 in the morning stuff on the weekends, though. That's not good at all.

Holy shit, this is some next level nintendenial.

I just want to hunt animals while I shield surf without having to spend 15 minutes buying arrows every 10 minutes of hunting.

>o-of course I'm in love with cuckolding, but you didn't have to point it out! BAKA!

How often did you teleport? Some players outright refuse to use the teleport feature.

This is perfect meme material. Somebody please edit it to say "my wife's son"

>/mlp/ can keep their faggotry on their containment board + /trash/
>Sup Forums can't go 2 minutes without spewing their shit on every board

Really makes you think

>children are retarded evil little shits with no sense of right and wrong
Wow what a surpsise. In other news, water is wet.

Ha. My kid thinks Zelda is shit so I get all my games to myself. He's happy playing Minecraft and Geometry Dash.
I will be playing Sonic Mania with him though, he loves old sonic games.

Ah, yeah, fuck that, I warped when I needed too. That just seems like needlessly padding your playtime though. They made literally every shrine a warp point for a reason.

I'm not sure if you can actually copy files but i've noticed with the introduction of console profiles/accounts the ability to copy saves has gone with it

even if you can't he's a fucking idiot for not making a new profile then boot up the game to let his kid play

>Not Germany

That's idiotic. Even the most wussified of men can produce children.

>lol my wife's son xD1!!

I don't understand why Sup Forums is so triggered by people who marry women who already have children. Its been common place throughout human history


>/mlp/ can keep their faggotry on their containment board + /trash/
Clearly not, just ask Barneyfag.

t. Mark Serrels

So was executions and slavery.

>has a family
>still plays video games

So...this is the power....of the western world....

Do it your self you lazy memeloving fuck.
It's a black text on white background with no graphics underneath.
Even a complete retard denizen of Sup Forums should be able to shoop that without too much trouble.

every post on Sup Forums is a Sup Forums thread.

>once you get a wife and child you must drop all of your hobbies immediately

>92% white
>60% white

Fuck off, you fat cuck

Didn't you know, user, that True Adulthood means abstaining from all things you find interesting and slowly scrubbing off every part of your personality?

Sort of, while you can only have one real save + autosaves you can instead make a new profile and the save file for that profile will be separate.
But in the article he says he didn't do that because he thinks his son would be too retarded to be able to play the game himself from start so he is just retarded.

What the fuck is wrong with African Americans?

Every week there's some fucked news like this coming out of a ghetto.

its just a joke, spergo

The fuck is wrong with letting your son anywhere near a sonic game?

Do you actually want him to develop autism and a furry fetish?

What that people can still enjoy hobbies when they're married and have a job? I'm glad I don't live wherever you are if you guys can't even do something so simple.

>log into brothers Ocarina of Time save file
>repeatedly hit his master sword against a wall
>it breaks

modern day journalism ladies and gents.

Yes you should drop that shit. Invest time into your kids instead of playing games that are made FOR kids.

Hell, even if the kid DID delete his save, the game is structured in a way that even that's not that big of a deal. I don't really see how his game was ruined at all, he's just being a little bitch.

I live in greece and here people are not complete manchilden like americans or other europoors that buy nintendo games at the age of 30.

>you will never be abused by a beautiful nigra princess

>92% white

German birth rate cuts the white population by like 30% every generation, and Muslims have like 7 children per couple. Enjoy your sharia law fritz.

What a fucking retard.
Here's a hint. You can't work and take care of your offspring 24/7.
You have to relax once in a while too else you break or go crazy.
Guess what is a pretty good way to relax?

If you have a young child and you can find the time to play videogames you're a shit partner.