Filename Bread

Filename Bread



>second reply and already Sup Forums fucking up everything

How long until the "experts" come in saying the guy's form is awful or something else like that? You know it's bound to happen.

Literally nothing to do with Sup Forums you fucking reddit autist.

holy shit i want to touch that thing

Everyone is sick of sjws and retards, not just Sup Forums. Sup Forums has been hating feminazis since anita started forcing her cuntery into games, which is long before the 2016 elections when YOU came here and started throwing shit out of wack.

You are legitely dumb.

>what it feels like to have sex with a robot.webm

>third replay and already inexplicably pointing fingers at the Sup Forums boogeyman for no reason

Welp, it was a good thread, but reddit had to come and make it poltical.





what does rhodesia have to do with big bang theory

Sup Forums's equivalent of alt right.

In other words, nothing.







kill yourself you subhuman redditor trigglypuff













Jesus christ when did anime take such a fucking nosedive?



before you were born




this comic rustles my jimmies so much
when did people start creating cool kid clubs out of sexuality



Fuck off chagen.





but who's who?


What's wrong with it?

>Defending this moeshit
Back to your cont/a/inment board you cretinous degenerate.




surely nobody is stupid enough to fall for this



man this thread is shittier than usual






>Containment board
>Bitching about anime on another board when it's allowed.
>Bitching about degenerates when the entire point of Sup Forums is to be able to be degenerates
We need mass bans again.

When they realized there was absolutely nothing interesting about them, so the only thing they could do was talk about what type of genitals they enjoy.
But that wasn't enough. It's not enough to enjoy vagina or penis. No. It wasn't enough to be Bi-Sexual. Then we had Pansexuals. Because it's absolutely not being Bisexual. This happened when people decided to make up genders. Finally Transsexual came about when people decided to take the crazies serious when they said "I'm a woman trapped in a man's body" and removed their penis.

Asexuals are liars. I've yet to meet a true asexual person. They all say "I'm asexual", but they turn around and have sex. Remember this. Asexuals are liars.

Basically all is trying to do is make the normal thing look boring and unfun. I have zero interest in it. Same gender doesn't get me going.

Fuck the Gender Generation. They're only doing this shit because they are completely devoid of personality or achievement, so talking about fucking everything is the only means they have of being interesting. Fuck this generation. Fuck it.

>Invades a website that doesn't want him
>Expects them to cater to what he wants
Irregardless of whether or not you are chagen, you need to go back to wherever you came from.

>over-saturated colors during the summer time depicting a bright sunny day vs real photos during the winter on a cloudy day


>faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot, can't get pussy and people

That single page doesn't even capture the sheer magnitude of splatter happening in that sequence. Imagine how many bug-ladies Thragg had to fuck to make those.

Wait, according to all the others wouldn't "transexual" mean attraction specifically to trans people in this case?

very nice

not an argument
this board is meant for video games, not trash moeshit weeb cancer
that's what Sup Forums is for. go back you don't belong here.


No one's trying to argue with you, redditor. We're telling you to go back to wherever you came from, as you aren't welcome here.



Moe is part of the vidya fag. Go back to whatever moderated vote-board you came from.


>Forgets the post wasn't even saying "anime thread!" but just a filename that used an anime webm and gets genuinely mad.
Again, where's the mods?

Shit nigga that's moe





This is a vidya game book fag.



I don't get it.


why do i feel like you took that pic u filthy boot


This is terrible and always was.
Neck yourself.

Video Games

That image is old as Hell, dumb ass.

okay you got me