Pearl vs Marina

Pearl vs Marina

Who wins?

Whichever one has the fattest sea-cock.



Pearl wins in glorious nippon, Marina wins in filthy gaijin countries.

Stop being homosexual


with tumblr we all lose


Choose one.

Hime is my waifu.

but anonymous there is proven data of homosexuals having higher suicide rates and are more violent in general

the one that will make white children so I can continue my race's existence

Technically futa on futa is homo.

I didn't spend a year in the trenches murdering squiggers just to see one on television.

Why are you quoting me you faggot?

get that mr steak shit out of here

Is that why you're so angry and want to kill yourself?

This is the first time anyone's done Hime/Pearl well. Who knew making her hair longer and making her look more like an inkling was the solution?


you know what I want

Japs haven't been brainwashed into loving niggers

No it isn't, if they both have vagoos, it's the same thing as a strap on.

You misunderstand. Futas having sex with futas is gay. Observing it isn't gay or straight. Performing it is.


Ah, my mistake.

Why is there no on-model Marina fanart? Always some ridiculous balloon tits and fat nigger ass.