Why tobie so perfect? why american cant make characters like this?

why tobie so perfect? why american cant make characters like this?

Opinions are subjective

Here is a superior american character.


>that perpetual sadness in her eyes

350 pounds bro



We aren't allowed to have strong female characters, especially if they're attractive.

Basically a Rei doll


Looks like something out of an early playstation 2 game.

>why tobie so perfect?

because she's an unrealistic piece of 2D ass that was built in a way that's attractive to humans

>make waifu character
>forget to make good game in the process

Get that old trash out of here.

She's not real you fucking faggot
waifufags are fucking embarrassing

just like nier amirite?

Here's another

>jus came into ur thread to say the game sux xD

heres your you btw

>SFM anything


If you're talking about pre-rendered box art, ok.

(You)'s aren't upvotes, plebbitor.

Americans dev are required by the publisher to get a good metacritic score and pandering to metacritic involve pandering to retards.
As long the game does not cause "dad walk in" moments most people dont give a shit.

Thank fuck you can sarcasm then, you autistic retard. Don't reply to me.


tobie more like tubby

it's toobi you autistic fuck

>2B, 2A
>Any type of personality

If you think anyone other than 9S got character development during that entire game, you're a fucking idiot.

Side quest characters had more development than 2B and 2A. Just say you like 2B for her ass and be done with it.

The west is against anything that may make a man happy, women want freedom while trying to keep men addicted to them by getting angry at ways they can be replaced.

they all have that dreamworks looking face. did western devs like shrek that much?

>Pixar shit

Pretty much this, famalam.

Women know the robot AI waifus and VR are about to take off and want to keep men addicted to them instead.

Sarcasm is the equivalent of saying "I was only pretending to be retarded".

Your waifu but my cockslave

1: Americans can't write or create a character that has some level of depth or integrity.

2: Americans completely rely on virtue signaling and making everything as pleasing as possible to everyone.

3: Americans don't put passion or hard work in anything. They only want to appease as many as possible so that they can buy their game.

i'm so sorry that you're too retarded to understand 2B's personality and a story of her suffering user



Everyone else is copying that shit

Because Americans enjoy squandering their talents creating hideous, and ugly characters. Maybe it's some sort of masochism thing?

2b is 2bad, entry level waifubai garbage.

yes, you heard right.

Why does everyone like her when A2 is so much better?

The guy is born and raised canadian tho

concept art=/=finalized 3d render

Because you also liked the character behind the looks, Op.

>STeven Universe reaction image
yeah, not exactly helping your argument.

>Deeamworks shit
>Pixar shit
Pick one

Most people don't make it that far. Everyone I do know who actually finished the damn game said they liked A2 better.

she was crafted by japanese hands, gaijins can compete

>Said they liked A2 better

Literally made for black cock

Because it's a shitty meme game that hardly anyone actually plays, they just sit on Sup Forums posting "MUH QT ANDROID WAIFU XD"

VtMB has great girls, some of the best in the industry.

This thread lacks girls, post girls you jerks.

her face looks like an oil soaked sponge

>that hardly anyone actually plays
You wish.

>purposely continued the loop every single time
>waaaah, if only there was some way to not be a huge burden to the plot :(((

2B is trash.

Nobody plays this trash game, nobody even talks about the shit story, every thread is always about muh toobie. Fucking neck yourself

This. Find me even a single thread that's 100% gameplay discussion and not just a glorified porn dump.

incidentally modeled in china

People have discussed the story to hell and back already. The game has a good number of concurrent players on PC with no multiplayer and so many days after release too.

Your statement would only be true if you are talking about yourself. You might be a nobody, but you are not everybody, that's for sure.

it was either continuing or living a short shitty life being pursued by machines and e models alike
2B is not the one to blame for your damaged brain

toobie is trash compared to nainesu

Oh hey, shitposters sucking each other off, always adorable to see

As opposed to shitposters who don't talk about their respective games?

Just continue sucking, user.

9S would murder you for a post like this.

o look, it's another weeboo brainlet praising the design of another bland interchangeable anime chracter

>b-but this one has light hair and a mole!

neck yourself.

There was one that 404'd not too long ago. You'd know that if you weren't constantly shitposting about games you've never played.


Nah, I was there. The thread immediately devolved into BRAPposting.


Didn't they teach you in school not to judge a book by its cover?

no, you weren't because it wasn't full of degenerate shitposters

No it didn't. There was story/lore discussion, and barely any pics posted.

>one cutie in a sea of ugliness

i think he thinks he's the best waifu too

If that was so, why did it 404? shouldn't it have been archived?

haha look at this video game reference I found

9S decided to not be a part of the problem, unlike 2B.

It did you fucking idiot, it reached 520+ posts.

Is that Elizabeth or Pauling?

thats not ST though, fag
SVTFoE is pretty good for a kid cartoon

Nigga shes not sitting on me

Then say it got archived. 404 is when a thread gets deleted. Also, you should be able to find the thread.


What kinna girls you want senpai


post nainesu

There was more than enough personality. Why are you implying that personality can't exist without character development? Rather than developing the character, the game offered bits of information that helped the player get to know the character, which is what made the characters memorable.



People just can't stand other people enjoying different things, it's ridiculous.

>her face looks like an oil soaked sponge
Well the skin secretes oils and is rather porous.

This is now Nines thread
bend the knee to your master

Are you a self-hating American or a butthurt Eurocuck?



I demand that 9s is renamed to 2t.org is the best minecraft server, when you hear my name, you'll know who I am, everyone knows who I am, my name is on the server, it is Popbob, and I'm always online because I have nothing better to do, Here, I have autisms. Hausemaster, want to build a bit together? Hausemaster. Hause... Hause... Hause... Hause... Hause... Hause...


Discussion has quite literally always been about 2B's ass, how revisionist can you be?