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Video Games #3844
Video Games
1 player, why not 2 players?
He unironically compares games to Dark Souls
Tfw just failed my driver's test
Update queued
Please explain
Old school or poor?
BOTW thread
Is this the most hated console on Sup Forums? Literally everything involved with it has ended up a disaster
Ryzen 1500x for 175€ or 1600 for 190€?
Angry Joe thread
Blazblue Cross TagBattle
I only want lewd girls in my games now
Beloved RPG games In Japan
They're still crying about voice chat
10 years
The great debate
Can we get an American Dad online thread going?
Nintendo, the Switch is good, I like your games, but the new voice chat system is pure ass. Period
Is Super Metroid still the game with the best level design?
Star Citizen Reduces Scope by 95%
Post the metascore of your favorite game and if you think it's fair or not
Budokai or Tenkaichi
ITT: "Oh yeah, that happened."
Sup Forums suddenly hates gay people
This is your main for tonight, say something nice about her
Ancient sculpture still looks better than modern videogames
Cute girl
Do you oppose the introduction of new characters in fighting games?
I NEED games where you can play as a little girl
Why does this cocksucker think hes a real reviewer now? He has absolutely nothing interesting to say
Are you older than 25?
So can Sup Forums agree that this was a good game?
FFXIV Duty Finder Nightmares
Is this canon?
Today is the last day of the PSN EU sale...
AK is for fags
Final Fantasy
Hello Sup Forums
Fucking Nintendo
If you ain't no punk
Why didn't they just make her attractive?
My Switch came in today
The second half of Until Dawn is the best Silent Hill game since 3...
Switch Online
Why do normies drool over terrible games? Mass Effect Andromeda, Destiny 2... why do they do this?
Overlooked Wii games
So Sup Forums?
What's your excuse for not owning the best controller yet?
Gaming in public
What are your redflags Sup Forums?
ITT: We trigger Sup Forums's PTSD
Sell me on this Sup Forums. Is it really as good as everyone says it is
This is ugly according to nu-Sup Forums
Capcom/20th Century Fox go on MEGA MAN movie
When R-rated games go too far
Mirror's Edge 2 is a year old
Which game has the best driving mechanics?
He bought Doom season pass
He literally did nothing wrong
Will you be buying Ruby's game?
Wife and father die
What mail does he bring to you?
Is this what game developers look like in 2k17?
Amelie confirmed taking bbc
ITT: Best scenes of all time
What female characters would you like to see in Dragon Ball FighterZ?
What the FUCK went wrong bros?
Post games that were so difficult they were considered shit by the masses
Supergiant thread
The best PC exclusive from the last decade is exclusive no more
*funds your game*
Post your biggest vidya purchase regret. I paid $60 for this game
Assassin's Creed: Origins
What games do you enjoying in summer, when school is closed and the kids can shitpost?
Character dies for no reason other than to add drama to the plot
What do you use to fix scratched disks?
Top ten games list
Tfw you will never have sex
Morrowind vs Gothic 2
Please Sup Forums convince me not to buy this console it's 2:27am in australia and I'm gonna go to the store and buy it...
Why are there such a lack of blonde protagonists in western vidya...
Vampires can now date
You don't need more than 4gb of VRAM!
Itt characters who are virgins
Let's settle this once and for all:
You won't last 5 minutes
I'm gonna miss miiverse
Alright guys, I finished this 10 minutes ago with 150 hours on the clock
What is Disney of vidya?
Nintendo's new online service, as bad as you feared
Was it autism?
Name a better virtual pet game than Petz 5 (2002)
What's missing?
I'm new to the Hitman series (except Absolution which I hated) and this game is the best I've played concerning stealth...
Daily reminder that:
What are some video game moments that give you goosebumps?
Not one single thread about the new Layton
ITT: Games Sup Forums tricked you into thinking were good
This is Coco. Say something nice to her
Should I play Trails In The Sky?
What games let me go WOOSH WOOSH and BANG BANG without a lot of WAHH WAHH
They don't want the leddit audience
You have 10 seconds to be as autistic about your favorite game as possible
Games created solely to be addictive should be illegal. Free to Play was a mistake
Why is it always "kill the dragon, save the girl from the tower"?
Replaying this for the 3rd time and it's as glorious as ever...
Why is no-one discussing the best MMO this gen?
Brony message in Xbox One
You eyeballin' my new vegas thread
Bootleg thread
The Most Beloved RPG games In Japan
Season 2 confirmed! Fuck YEAAAAAHHHHH
So I've been doing a little looking into the first 2 Fallouts...
Wolf Season 2 Confirmed
This is an ancient Chinese king
Are people misinformed and treating engines like a brand name? THREAD 2
What's your favorite video game that you consider a forgotten gem?
New Xbox Avatars
*punch pedestrian*
Who /over 25/ here?
Why are you not playing the GOTY?
What vidya product could be inside this box Sup Forums?
ITT: the most overrated games in their respective franchise
Tell me your pettiest reason for dropping/refunding a game. No judgment
Developers market a feature like it's the best shit ever
RIP Boogie2988
Worst song in the game is the one that plays the most
What do I get? Doom, Prey or Wolfenstein: The New Order?
What are you playing on PS4?
Games that could be considered Works of Art
Have you seen gameplay this masterpiece yet? I can't wait for it to be honest! Finally CoD is going back to its roots...
So, the only thing I managed to have actual fun with in this entire 2017 is this game...
Tfw under 25 and don't own a computer
The Evil Within 2
Why is E-sport such a white man's sport?
Welcome to Inkopolis, how fresh are ya?
So, after a whole year since his release, is TW:Warhammer considered a good game?
How will video games shape the current generations understanding of history?
Well Sup Forums?
Mirrors Edge Catalyst is £4.49 on Origin
On this day I will remind them
Ever Oasis bombed in Japan, not even 15.000 copies sold
I worked at Nintendo from 2010 to 2016 as a "liason" that helped three different departments communicate with one...
What's the best Bond game?
Persona 5
Are you ready to shoot some nazi scum?
What are some recent lesser known PC games that are actually good?
Why doesn't she join your party?
Go to CEX
1 game
Sonic Mania
Graphics thread?
When you release a game so fucking shit that you kill your most popular franchise and pissed away all your fan base
What is the best F2P shooter on the market and why is it Dirty Bomb?
Why did health regeneration become a thing?
Just got a 1080ti, what games will push it to its max
47 hours to beat a game
3 ways to tell if someone has shit taste in vidya?
It Begins
Literally invent the FPS genre
Media Create
Nintendo Switch Online
They aren't even hiding it anymore
Question on 2017 PC specs
This game has a way better OST than the other MOBA
Start playing fighting games
"If it's not fun why brother?"
This is the most poorly designed Sonic zone I've ever seen
Is the original Castlemania still the best?
Is Gamecube, technically speaking, the most overrated console of all time?
What are some games where the protaganist suffers a lot?
LmAOING @ the whiteboys on this baord
What do you think of Twitch streamers who get drunk on cam?
Got a new game in the mail
Thoughts on Abigail?
What game lets me replace a corrupt economic system with an equitable one?
If you had to buy one which one would you get?
Are people misinformed and treating engines like a brand name?
Why are yout playing the GOTY right now?
Someone stop this man
Senran Kagura
Why are Western SRPGs so much better than Japanese ones? How do we make Japanese SRPGs relevant again?
You guys wouldn't actually fuck a fantasy animal. You're just saying that
Where the fuck is the virtual console, Nintendo?
Harvest Moon Rip-off? : Stardew Valley
Angry Joe melt down
Every video game should have a parry system
Explain this to me, Sup Forums
HotS, Heroes
Most 'what the hell' worthy fighting pose in a fighting game?
Woke up an hour ago
Is overclocking really necessary for gaming in 2017?
I legit don't ever think I've seen a game more predicted to be DOA, not even on/v/. What's going wrong?
In outman
Nier Automata sold over half million copies on Steam
Are you a bad enough dude to survive an entire MONTH in poverty?
PUBG is soon going to hit 5 million sales
Have random added because they were fun in game
Are you going to buy Lotte's game?
Who would win?
Real zombie apocalypse
The great debate
I was just browsing the PSN store, and saw this featured
No games (other than Breath of The Wild)
Girl in voice chat
Type Moon announced the Tsukihime remake in 2008 and all they have shown since is some new character art and a new main...
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So is it actually worth playing this a second time?
"pls rember that wen u feel scare or frigten
ITT: games only (YOU) played
Is season 5 the death of Overwatch?
3DS Thread
"It's a good video game but not for everyone''
I like them better than Callie and Marie already
Why is this game so shit compared to other in the series?
He isn't playing the GOTY
Did TSW die after the update? Argatha used to be packed with players
When memes become reality
Is Rimworld really that fucking good, or are the reviews for this just another meme?
Time to settle this, Sup Forums
Post vidya characters who are legitimately completely stupid
There's a goddamn meet n fuck MMO
What's your opinion on snipers?
You have been permanently banned from [game]
Jew thread
Are there any female speedrunners? It seems like women just aren't good at games like men are
Warcraft 3
Just started this game, any suggestions?
Isn't it annoying developing games for 2005 hardware?
Why are we supposed to hate Yukari?
Hisses at you
Characters who deserved it
What's the best Warhammer 40K game?
Better Than Dishonored 1? Why?
Who was the best?
Did you side with the tree or betray him?
Why is this allowed?
Is Overwatch dead?
Am I supposed to like her or not?
Shouldn't Proto Man be better than Mega Man in combat? He basically is just Mega Man with a shield...
Is it September yet
Is it worth "playing"?
Notice how this guy isn't wearing a hat?
How many games have the disarm mechanic? the one game i can think of is perfect dark
Which one did you liked the most, Sup Forums?
A pub teammate sends you a friend request after you win
Injustice 2 thread
Get this meme for like half off during summer sale
Still no video?
Why is the Switch fanbase so rabid compared to the Wii U fanbase?
How the fuck are you supposed to pronounce this spell?
Apparently Boogies wife left him during a stream. I go to his Twitter to see if it's legit and all I see is this...
This is Leafy, a noted internet vlogger
Love this game but it hasn't aged well graphic wise its still a fun shooter but the expansions look horrible...
Craziest moments in videogames
Don't mind me, just pirating a car
This new NIS sRPG been out for almost a week, any JP speaker played it already?
Did people actually like this? it's complete fucking shit
Whats up poorfags ? ;))
Best DQ?
Has Sup Forums heard of this game?
Relesease new HARD content
Silent Hill 2 Vs Silent Hill 3
Welp, Boogies wife just announced to him that she was leaving mid-stream kek
What are some games that let me play as a well-endowed magic user?
ITT: shitballs of wasted potential that make you angry
So, can we stop making fun of him now?
Free vidya game steam codes
Are you excited Sup Forums?
Is he alright?
Use: F
Are Persona and Danganronpa the only good visual novels?
Kratos and his son in Norse mythology. Tell me why this won't be epic?
ITT hidden gem
"hey user turn on your mic"
Is this good?
Looks like Nintendo can't capture lightning in a bottle twice
I'm here to save controllers
What do you guys think of shenmue?
Tfw no sleeping dogs 2
Tales Thread
My life coach said the more games you play and have the more likely you're unhappy True? Pic unrelated
He's dead jim
This is Travis Touchdown; say something nice about him and his game
Terraria is a 10/10 videogame
Found these two in my brother's drawer in my mom's house...
Is 2hu still relevant on Sup Forums
Feeling tired kid?
Why haven't graphics jumped to real time path tracing yet?
Be sure to check out the new No Man's Sky update we've been working on for a while
What the fuck Sup Forums? When will you realize that ZeRo is literally /ourguy/?
Convince me this isn't the greatest controller ever
Major update comes out
We're reaching the end of the month, have you gotten your swimsuits already?
How much money do Let's Play channels actually make?
Got magitec predator mount in the ffxiv
What's next for his career?
Wubadubadub is that true
Why is this seen as the best in the series?
Quiplash when?
Why do people shit on Dark Souls 2?
Just going to assume all of you faggots hate this game's guts, right?
ITT: Odd ports
Your welcome
What went so wrong?
Games with ACTUAL magic systems
Dark Souls is hard but fai-
Be honest, will this be your 2nd switch game?
Which one are you more hyped for?
/ctt/ - AFTER DARK
There are many powers to choose from
What game lets you experience pic related?
Disregard everything else about the game. What did you think of the world of Horizon Zero Dawn...
ITT: Times when your favorite TV show made video game references
What are some games where you can save the western world from certain doom?
Which one Sup Forums?
Recommend me a game where I can kill niggers and spics
What are some films where the bad guys get what they deserve?
Well, Sup Forums?
Worth 30 bucks?
Was he right?
What does Sup Forums think of the Paladin and their other equally holy classes like the Cleric, Templar and Crusader?
*blacks your path*
Move has an 80% chance of hitting
Why is MAME such a nightmare to setup?
What's in the box Sup Forums?
Why do we hate this game again?
Stop sexualizing Overwatch characters
ITT: we write the design doc for half-life 2: ep 3
Why aren't you "playing" modded Skyrim right now, user?
Do you still believe in harmony, Sup Forums?
Sup fags
Have you ever played a game all night?
UNIEL thread
An actual difficult paper mario game
Liiiiiike OMG my ideal ending? Totally like marry a nice guuuuyyyyy
What's the best Final Fantasy game on mobile for beginners to the series...
Vaguely describe the beginning and ending of a game you played and have others guess what it is
Splatoon 2 is coming
Sup Forums, do you know of any other games that let you play as a strong black woman? I know that Berserk Musou is one...
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this was a good game?
Starting to play blazblue today and why she uses guns like that and why can only shoot few centimeters away is she...
Sega (once again) implies that Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles are two different games
What female characters would you like to see in Dragon Ball FighterZ?
Minecraft is going to have a complete overhaul on textures and artstyle Sup Forums, what do you think?
June Sales
Good night, Sup Forums
What are they working on?
Pm'd you the fix :)
Players on Ragnaros insta-kicked and reported now
Be honest, why the fuck do you fags like shit like this? Seriously...
Yfw the fire emblem fanbase fucks up big time, causes a Zamii70-esque controversy...
What video games do fujoshi usually play?
Comfy Elder Scrolls thread
Post cute vidya girls
Wow.... Arbies totally gets us gamers!!!!
Nerf this
Never played a Tales game before. Should I play Vesperia, Graces F or Xillia?
Does Sup Forums like him?
Not trying to troll, but why do so many people prefer Japanese voices in games over English?
I asked my muslim friend if he was allowed to eat pork on minecraft
HONESTLY what went wrong?
Why do people say the ps3 won 7th gen?
Do you guys watch/follow any Twitch streamers?
Was Gamestop a mistake?
Sup Forums Buyfag Thread
Make almost perfect controller
What happened to Angry Joe?
What are some other games I can just play when I want to just relax and listen/watch some interviews / listen to music...
Thinking about trying pic related. Never played before
It's time to discuss the greatest RPG ever made
Minecraft Pixelmon Shutdown
This is free on PSN right now
When did you grow out of it?
Serious question, why are Japanese developers so much better at designing video game characters than western developers...
So what would a good game about John carpenter's the thing be like ?
Activision literally admititng they fucked up the crash remaster
So this.... is the power.... of sony
Who does it better?
Yet another subnautica thread
Are there any good Transformers vidya I can play?
TIL about the scrapped version of RE4. Would this have been good?
Persona 5
Is there any vidya that youd like to see turned into a television series of some kind?
What are Games You Must Play if you Own a Computer (and are over 25)
Why is Shadman so based, bros?
Post your persona
2 days and around 10 hours until launch
I tink Zeruda get stalearu, so I makearu Windu Waikaru
Last time when a game made you feel something?
The Witcher is the best NWN mod I've ever played with a great alchemy system...
This is easily the worst classic Metroid. Prove me wrong
What are some games with blatant censorship?
Oh shit it's up
I live in NYC and it's been 4 months since this shit came out and and I still can't find one without paying a scalper...
Character never wins a single major tournament
What is this
Do you play a healer in games Sup Forums? If so, why or why not
What's that smell?
Why did it fail?
Is Joe okay?
Anyone want a Dead Rising 2 Steam code?
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Zero can't be the worst when this exists
Is there a vidya character that can defeat Yahweh?
Dump Thread
It's been a few months, so what did you think about Persona 5?
Why is this the most popular sword in vidya?
Why is DBZ BT3 not your favorite DBZ game?
3x3 thread
BotW - the four dungeons are amazing
Tales Thread
So many people unironically think a niggress villain is better than this pure qt3.14159265359
ITT: Post an image an others will recommend you a video game based on it
ITT Games that are better than they have any right to be
420 competitive gaming
Sad reminder that Silent Hills was cancelled and we'll never play a horror game designed with the help of Junji Ito
I fixed the roster, free of charge
I liked it. Fuck you
How could a benevolent God want us to suffer this much?
These Kinds of Images Thread
What's the most overrated game of all time?
Which game console were you the most sexually attracted to?
Why this exist?
How's this game, Sup Forums?
Game is "open world"
If you beat this game, you are a magician
How the fuck does an open world game look this good, run this well...
I own a computer and over 26 what video games should I get?
ITT: Games that shouldn't exist
Darkest Dungeon
I hate this fucking board
Just got a new game in the mail
Who is she again?
Sonic Mania
How's that game coming along, Sup Forums?
The real game is the forum community that has developed to mock Cleve
What did they mean by this?
Game has hunger system
Sony drones on Sup Forums out in full force trying to shill against buying Splatoon 2
Dragon Ball FighterZ Roster
Is this worth it for someone who hasn't loved an MMO besides old school Runescape?
Will anime games take over Steam?
Paper Mario Pro Mode And Modding Tools Released
ITT good games that will never get sequels
Dinosaur games are gone forever
Who here plays KOI or at least played it?
Why is the fighting games community filled with so many salty players? What causes this?
When will video games reach Pixar quality?
Why did this even exist?
PUBG and it's current state
Native 4k
Game forces you to have an animal companion
What is your dream game Sup Forums? Be as unrealistic as you'd like
How did we go from this
Holy fuck this game is bad. It's genuinely worse than Andromeda. Like...
ITT: That ONE FUCKING ENEMY that nearly ruined the experience for you
Do I need to upgrade, Sup Forums?
Is it worth buying pic related for 20 bucks, plus sub fee?
Why do video games attract the most autism compared to other mediums?
Is this the best Castlemania?
No health regen
What are the best games about liberation struggles?
Who is your favorite vidya man?
Sup Forums I have never been more hyped for a video game than I am for Kingdom Hearts 3...
Dream Sword
So it looks the same on both the PS4 and the PS4 PRO
Why doesn't The Sims 4 have pets yet?
This is a thing. goddamn it is a real thing. fucking cancer is spreading
Dragon Ball FighterZ - DBFZ - DBZ
What is Pearl looking at Sup Forums?
Filename thread
It's time to discuss the best rpg ever
Is this good character design?
I've never played a Sony console before
How hard are they going to nerf tetris in the balance patch next month?
I'm playing through Demon Souls and I just beat these faggots
Final Fantasy Thread
What are your favourite games for the 3DS?
The Great Debate
Videogames need more gay and lesbian romance options
Post weapons you'd like to see more in video games
This is how full the training grounds on Ragnarok Restart are. 5k+ people online. Literally the biggest RO server ever...
Are you ready for the remaster?
How can we make shmups great again?
Game Grumps have existed for 4 times longer with Dan than they have with Jon
Why are you not playing the GOTY right now?
Is there something wrong with my PS4 or Bloodborne actually runs like this...
Which of these divisive games is superior?
PlayStation 4 has no exclusi-
Persona 5
How come Alacard can use holy water and The Bibel as sub-weapons in SotN with getting hurt...
What's your weaponfu?
Umm here in your CV you listed... and I quote "Fallout: New Vegas is my favorite video game"...
How would you salvage Assassins' Creed overaching plot?
Mods, Ad block is illegal
Graphics thread?
Anyone hyped?
What did she mean by this?
Why was Conan O'Brien in Time Crisis?
Don't mind me posting the BEST Souls game
This is a fucking $60 DLC map+weapon pack
Devil Survivor
What would objectively be the hypest Smash announcement?
Who built the Temple of Trials and what was its purpose?
Why tobie so perfect? why american cant make characters like this?
Rate these girls
Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Fox Melee
Titanfall 2's four player coop
Leave retro FPS to me
Wtf? I just wanted a fun shoot 'em up but then it got serious!
Splatoon 2
What is the best pokemon game and why is it bw2
How'd I do? What else is worth getting?
What made this game so damn good?
Okay, user. It's Friday night, you can get whatever you want...
Was 2007 the best year ever for vidya? experts seem to think so
Have you played the tree's game yet Sup Forums?
What are the best trees in games?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...