What's your opinion on snipers?
What's your opinion on snipers?
Bad ones on my team? Urge to strangle
Good ones on my team? Appreciate the fast win
Bad ones on the other team? Appreciate the fast win
Good ones on the other team? Urge to strangle
>What's your opinion on snipers?
handsome and clever
subhuman noobs who can't handle being in the center of the action and need to camp at the edge of the maps with overpowered weapons to get good k/d and boost their righteously weak egos
stay mad smg fag.
>Implying I don't rush people down and solo push objectives with a sniper rifle
assault rifles/semi-autos-/bolt actions only, fgt
>implying your weapon isn't still OP
Dull as shit to play and even worse when you're against them. Can't remember a single multiplayer game where they haven't been detrimental to me enjoying it.
Love playing one. Hate playing against one.
shitty useless class in every fps game except red orchestra/rising storm
I think they're pretty ann-OH THERES ONE NOW FUCK GET DOW-
bunch of cowards
360* QuicK SCoPe xDDD Your MOM LOL
Snipers can be the decision if a team lose or win. Good snipers in Multiplayer are gold worthy, because there are too many bad ones (camping at one point without moving and misses shots so they could be spotted easily from the enemy sniper or foot soldiers).
I've never liked snipers in any multiplayer game I have played. One shots will never be fun (I also dislike shorties)
Uhh, they take no skill and are genuinely a form of cheating in every game because I don't know how to kill them.
I use Sniper in real life, hunting
I Also use sniper when I go airsofting like a child
I also use sniper in vidya, I'm good at it.
the good ones are always on the enemy team while the shitty wannabes are all on my team
Their only purpose is to counter enemy snipers. They have absolutely no impact on the game at all in team based multiplayer. I have absolutely no idea why devs insist on having a sniper class every time - I can only presume it's because they'd get too many butthurt snipefags complaining if they didn't
>spectate my team while waiting for respawn
>spot our sniper
>he's just prone in a bush taking random potshots
>he has a decent amount of kills but less than 100 points
Hoo boy glad that guys on our side we would never have capped a point without his valuable help
I've played 2200+ hours of RO games and have only seen snipers with most kills on a team a handful of teams. If you're routinely dying to snipers you're doing something very, very wrong.
Snipers can be useful, but not any more than other game series.
usually don't fit in well with any sort of team/squad composition
can obliterate the enjoy-ability of certain games
There's alot of 'that kid's who pick them instantly , similar to anything with a shotgun
>obliterate enjoyability
because you're too shit to find cover?
Snipers are only good in games that have long respawn timers or no respawns at all
In these games the goal of a sniper is area denial.
You find somewhere with a convenient sight line, let the enemy team know where you are (preferably by killing one of them) and then force the remainder to stay out of your line of sight by using cover they otherwise wouldn't have to or going around
in games with short respawn timers area denial doesn't work at all with the exception of for example certain ults in overwatch.
Even Widowmaker is a bad sniper because she can't deny area effectively without becoming overpowered
here's your (you)
Nihilistic too, and a good sense of humor.
I like when a game limits the amount of players that can be a sniper, especially based on the amount of players in a server. It makes it so that all the regular grunts have to slug it out over objectives instead of a squad of snipers covering it and it 'hopefully' makes the presence of a sniper more important in use of recon and a major game changer in firefights.